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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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10 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

"He is more supportive than most people of a strong leader who doesn’t have to bother with Parliament".

Hitler ? 

Franco ?

Mussolini ?

Johnson ????

It’s frightening if you take time to think about it.  It also reflects the Trump voter view.

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1 hour ago, sjc said:

The problem for remain is that only London, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted as such. Far more Parliamentary seats voted to leave.

Will that be reflected in the upcoming GE?

Several major cities in England also voted Remain but this tends to be ignored.  16.1 million people voted Remain and they don't all live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or London.

IIIRC Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, York,  Cambridge and Oxford all voted Remain.

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21 hours ago, Detournement said:

I don't see there being anywhere close to a majority for EU nationals. The May majority plus Brexity Labour MPs won't go for it all 

It's a fucking ridiculous idea anyway. Why EU nationals and not Pakistanis or Chinese?

I thought Pakistanis and other commonwealth country folk could already vote in a GE here?

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Several major cities in England also voted Remain but this tends to be ignored.  16.1 million people voted Remain and they don't all live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or London.
IIIRC Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, York,  Cambridge and Oxford all voted Remain.

Believe Harchester also voted remain, local MP Karl Fletcher led a strong campaign.
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18 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Several major cities in England also voted Remain but this tends to be ignored.  16.1 million people voted Remain and they don't all live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or London.

IIIRC Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, York,  Cambridge and Oxford all voted Remain.

How does that pan out in terms of parliamentary seats? Apologies, That's what I was getting at.

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1 minute ago, sjc said:

How does that pan out in terms of parliamentary seats? Apologies, That's what I was getting at.

I've never been able to understand how rural and small town voters seem to have a disproportionate amount of say, both here and in the US.

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Just now, oaksoft said:

You think I want to close down my business so I can work as an employee in an office?

Why on earth would I want to do that?

You'd get the chance to directly ruin the lives of the very poorest and most vulnerable in society whilst taking direction directly from your beloved Tory government, sounds like your dream vocation, tbh.

Let's be very clear here, Tories are complete and utter scum, and if you don't realise that Tories are complete and utter scum, it's because you, yourself, are complete and utter scum.

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13 minutes ago, sjc said:

How does that pan out in terms of parliamentary seats? Apologies, That's what I was getting at.

Manchester, for example, has 27 constituencies.  23 Labour and 4 Tory.

Not a good choice for a vox pop if you want to find a rabid leaver.

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3 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Manchester, for example, has 27 constituencies.  23 Labour and 4 Tory.

Not a good choice for a vox pop if you want to find a rabid leaver.

Is there a graph or chart showing how each constituency voted?

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24 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I've never been able to understand how rural and small town voters seem to have a disproportionate amount of say, both here and in the US.

Even worse in the USA.  Each state returns 2 senators regardless of population.  One of the reasons why there are two Dakotas and two Carolinas


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30 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Several major cities in England also voted Remain but this tends to be ignored.  16.1 million people voted Remain and they don't all live in Scotland, Northern Ireland or London.

IIIRC Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, York,  Cambridge and Oxford all voted Remain.

This is part of the problem though, the gutter media (which is pretty much all of it nowadays) has this fixation on sensationalising everything and making it all Black & White when nothing could be further from the truth.

Taking Manchester as the example, Yes, 60% of the votes cast were to "remain" within the EU, but on the other hand 40% were to "leave" the EU, so from a spin perspective you could easily say that 60% of the City are being completely ignored and are now disenfranchised within the UK framework. Again though 40% of said City voted the opposite but they're still from that City so it's really unfair to say a City voted one way or another when you're disregarding a huge percentage of its population and of course this goes for both sides and the overall result.

Of course the reality is that most probably don't care that much either way and when broken down they'll all have different reasons ranging from randomly picking a box, to tossing a coin, to hating immigrants, to liking their relationship with Europe due to ease of access for travelling / studying, or seeing Europe as closer allies and friends than say the USA for example.

Who knows, everyone's got a different reason.

Again if we take the final vote into account we've got 52% wanting out and 48% wishing to remain so that again can be spun to mean that "the country voted leave" but No, they didn't, 52% of a 72% turnout ticked a box and another 48% ticked another box, again we don't know the reasons behind each individuals actions and we can only speculate, but what we do know for a fact is that everyone will have had different reasons for ticking a box and also and most importantly, different expectations of what the outcome and repercussions would be of ticking that box and that's what seems to be getting missed in it all.

In a long drawn out way, I guess what I'm trying to say is that when something is so divisive but yet so closely run, then it should be up to our Government, politicians and law makers to find, or at least attempt to find, some common ground and to compromise where possible in order to try and please, but also appease, as many people as possible. 

Would it really have been too much to expect them to use their initiative, common sense and research tools available to them to ensure that the greater good of the country is the number one priority ??

Sadly this has been far from the case and really just confirms how selfish, incompetent, and completely out of touch with reality that the majority of our politicians actually are..............

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As I suspected, Day of the Lords has too much to say about other people but when challenged has nothing to say for himself.That's the case for a lot of peopke on here.
I see Granny Danger has joined in the moral high ground grabbing circus. Apparently considers himself the arbitrator of what constitutes "humanity".
You were answered last night you utter fantasist [emoji23]
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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
2 hours ago, oaksoft said:
You think I want to close down my business so I can work as an employee in an office?
Why on earth would I want to do that?

Let me guess...you are a private dick.

He’s very public about being a dick.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I've never been able to understand how rural and small town voters seem to have a disproportionate amount of say, both here and in the US.

You must have misunderstood, then. It's the other way round in the UK (no idea about USA). Inner city constituencies had become depopulated in the 70s and 80s leaving them over-represented compared to small town and semi-rural seats in the growing south of England. It took parliament and the boundaries commission until the last 20 years to recalibrate. It was obviously a bit of a political football because it was generally Labour seats that were disappearing and Tory seats that were being created.

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