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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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56 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

They hadn't even mentioned the March when I checked yesterday afternoon. Surprisingly, both The Mail and The Express did report it with  the same figures of a million.

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See all this "respect the result" patter... Hasnt the result been respected so far in terms of attempts have been made to negotiate a deal to leave, and research has been done to assess the impact of leaving with no deal.

The sheer fact that there are two or more wildly different versions of "leave" still on the table points to the fact that what we have ended up with wasnt on the ballot.

Surely that is grounds to vote again?

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5 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Guess what? They didn't. Tough luck, respect the result



21 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Like the SNP have been with the No victory in the independence referendum?  When the result is close in a referendum the issue usually isn't definitively settled by it. The Leave option has now morphed into No Deal because parliament won't approve the withdrawal agreement, while a lot of people who voted for Leave at the time swallowed the lies about Brexit being relatively painless or even net beneficial in economic terms. It's reasonable to suggest that a hard Brexit of that magnitude should require a second referendum.

This. If doctors offer you the chance of going on the waiting list for a medical procedure, and you decide to go for it, but when the time comes you're advised that it would almost certainly make you worse off, it would be daft not to be able to take your name off the list.

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Cretin? f**k sake. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Opinion polls BEFORE the vote said Remain would win!!!! [emoji23]

Guess what? They didn't. Tough luck, respect the result, they're not campaigning, they're stamping their feet and greeting because they don't like the result. What happens if Remain wins this time is it 1-1? Will the Leave voters then have to start marching to get yet another vote?

I don't like the result either, but that's life, shit happens and other people have different opinions to myself

From previous postings on P & B I've gathered that you are a student. In the years to come you'll either come to thank those who protested and managed to steer Brexit in the direction of sanity or, if that fails, you will probably move away from the UK. And there will be hundred of thousands like you.
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52 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Have you been the comedian Andrew Maxwell recently. That's word for word part of his routine I saw on Friday.

I genuinely think that all of this could have been avoided if the government had just given us different coloured passports.

The majority of people in the country have little interest in politics, and the vast vast majority (I  include myself here) have never really understood what the EU does/doesn't do.

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I can appreciate the argument that@Lichtie 1320 was trying to make - ie the “keep voting till you win” type argument, but in this instance, it’s complete bullshit.
Firstly, May has had more attempts than the electorate already & been very heavily defeated twice, but there is still the possibility she will try again, and would have, already, if the Speaker hadn’t intervened.
Secondly, even the most staunch of Brexiteers (Farage et al) were calling for a softer Brexit than May has negotiated.
Thirdly, it was a clusterfuck from the get-go, nobody in power thought about the GF agreement & how Brexit could affect that.
Fourthly, 2 of the 4 nations in this “union of equals” voted against leave, yet only one of those nations is given special consideration. Now, I agree that NI is a special case due to GFA.
It’s a fucking shambles & democracy dictates that the people should have at least a vote on the deal, as nobody knew what the deal was to start with in the referendum.
As far as the Indy argument, at least the Scottish Government wrote a detailed white paper as to what they envisioned Scotland would look like in the future as an independent nation.

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Interesting read showing how our GDP has fared  since joining the EU.


Of course, it's never just been about economics but kind blows apart the argument that the EU is holding us back.

(and relies on you believing the experts and assuming they don't have an agenda)

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Interesting read showing how our GDP has fared  since joining the EU.
Of course, it's never just been about economics but kind blows apart the argument that the EU is holding us back.
(and relies on you believing the experts and assuming they don't have an agenda)

Yeah but, all these trade deals with the Pacific islands haven’t kicked in yet!!
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I really don't get the idea that some leavers want us to have an economy more like America- surely for the bulk of people that's big step down in terms of disposable income?

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I really don't get the idea that some leavers want us to have an economy more like America- surely for the bulk of people that's big step down in terms of disposable income?
In the vast majority of instances, anyone who says anything should be more like it is in America should be taken out to the woods and tied to a tree, which they can run round repeatedly until they run out of rope.
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2 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

If this doesn't get those working class leave voters onboard with a 2nd referendum, I don't know what will 



I have signed the petition and might well have marched had circumstances allowed, but some of the pictures and videos from these things, however light-hearted, do have a tendency to make me go full Neil Warnock for a few brief seconds. 

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I think this week will see the Tories being forced into opening up the debate to Parliament whilst Labour will try narrowing it to their own proposals.  That will not go well for Corbyn.

Trickett on Sophie Ridge made a shit job of trying to defend Corbyn’s non-attendance at yesterday’s rally.  He’s fucking hopeless.


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