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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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The ruling today that the Sewel convention is not worth the paper it is written on, along with leaving the EU, essentially means that the devolved parliaments of the UK are no more permanent than snow on a dike.  They could be dissolved at the whim of Westminster and there is nothing we could legally do about it.


It's hard to imagine a more powerful weapon for the Yes campaign.

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17 minutes ago, kirkyblue2 said:

They took us in easy enough, don't remember anyone running to the courts then.

I'm assuming that Britain joined off the back of an act of parliament? The same thing they are required to do to leave?

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27 minutes ago, Crossbill said:

The ruling today that the Sewel convention is not worth the paper it is written on, along with leaving the EU, essentially means that the devolved parliaments of the UK are no more permanent than snow on a dike.  They could be dissolved at the whim of Westminster and there is nothing we could legally do about it.


It's hard to imagine a more powerful weapon for the Yes campaign.

That's always been the case.

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9 minutes ago, Ross. said:

I'm assuming that Britain joined off the back of an act of parliament? The same thing they are required to do to leave?

Heath signed us up but it needed an act of parliament to take effect. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/brexit/brexit-brief-1972-european-communities-act

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34 minutes ago, Crossbill said:

The ruling today that the Sewel convention is not worth the paper it is written on, along with leaving the EU, essentially means that the devolved parliaments of the UK are no more permanent than snow on a dike.  They could be dissolved at the whim of Westminster and there is nothing we could legally do about it.

Power devolved is power retained - Enoch Powell

Stormont was prorogued in 1972, so a devolved parliament has already been dissolved on a whim.

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15 minutes ago, Ross. said:

Should be up to the MP's to vote with their constituency.

They can vote whichever way they like, including ignoring their constituents. 

Wonder how many are prepared to pay the price for that? A couple of dozen perhaps. 

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10 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

That's always been the case.

To a degree, but the EU provides a considerable level of protection. 


Remember it was the threat of falling foul of the EU that forced devolution of power to Scotland in the first place, following the debacle of the 1979 referendum.  Without the EU, I, and I suspect many other, have serious qualms about the dedication of Westminster to devolution.

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29 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Hey Jock! Get back to your parish council. How dare you pretend to have a real parliament? What Union of Equals?


I don't understand the reasoning that foreign affairs are solely Westminster's business. The reason for saying that Parliament has to vote on it is because it entails changing domestic law.

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35 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Hey Jock! Get back to your parish council. How dare you pretend to have a real parliament? What Union of Equals?


Constitutionally and legally, Holyrood's powers are devolved from Westminster. The devolution legislation did not give Holyrood any powers over foreign policy. The Supreme Court has simply confirmed that. 

Under EU legislation, the British Government as a legal duty to ensure that Scotland's legislation complies with EU law. Under EU law, Scotland is a region of a Member State, the UK.

The Scottish Parliament is not, and never has been, equal to the British Parliament at Westminster. Legally, Westminster could abolish the Scottish Parliament. 

Only an idiot could pretend otherwise.

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