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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, Donathan said:



This loophole would rely on MPs approving a withdrawal agreement.

Now, there are 329 explicitly anti-no deal MPs, that's the number who backed the Benn bill. 

If Boris brings back the WA and gets the Brexiteers to vote it through, these 329 will know exactly what Boris is doing and vote against the WA accordingly.


If you think you’ve cracked it you should tell the opposition this then.

It is one of the key reasons that we won’t be getting a VONC this week. Going by your post to H_B you know that taking ‘no deal’ off the table is seemingly key to getting to a GE but what you don’t mention is that legislation has already been passed to force the PM to seek an extension in that scenario. The concern is these loopholes, which is why the bill being amendable is important.

ETA. There are of course other ‘political’ factors involved in why we ain’t getting a VONC straight away as well.

Edited by Londonwell
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I'm finding it hard to reconcile being a lifelong pacifist with sincerely wishing to see our esteemed PM achieve the Brexit martyrdom he seeks, only somewhat more literally. I'm sure there's a suitable ditch somewhere.

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44 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

BoJo making his statement now even although Sky and the BBC have just revealed what he's going to say.

Really pisses me off when they do that.

Makes it easier since you can hardly hear a word of what anyone is saying because of the baying ignorant fuckers

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Given that the earlier rounds of court cases produced a mixed bag of 4 judges for and 4 judges against, is nobody just a wee bit curious about these supreme court judges all reaching a unanimous 11-0 conclusion?  And if the issues really were that clear cut, then just how incompetent were the previous 1 Scottish and 3 English judges to not spot what seems to have been so obvious to the 11?

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The Tories are so far down the "Boris vs The Establishment" road that I doubt anything will make them reconsider prior to the GE, their "respect the SC but disagree with them" response was the only option open to them - three cheers for Boris the man of the people. 
It's clear that the line they are going and it needs to be exposed for the fucking whopping lie it is.

The establishment isn't Parliament but Boris, his Eton chums, Aaron Banks and all the other tax-dodging billionaires.
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The likes of the Daily Mail (surprise surprise) were "outraged" about this and did run a succession of stories about how their nemesis Gina Miller and the "elite" could pervert the law and overrule Government if they didn't fancy something.
"Democracy is dead", "The day Democracy died", etc, etc.
I always find it highly amusing when they refer to all on the Remain side as the "elite" as if all the Brexiteer mob are just ordinary working class punters just out to earn a decent crust....................
The comments section has lots of comments aimed towards Miller - not surprisingly with more that a hint of racism.

They really are showing their true colours now some of these Leave supporters.
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To quote Joylon Maugham , “that if a withdrawal agreement is approved by the commons on, or prior to October 19, the obligation in the Benn Act for the PM to request an extension falls away.”
 Which has raised concerns that the mad Brexiteers could exploit the need to pass further legislation by Oct 31 and block votes thereby crashing out without a deal.
That is what a lot of opposition MP’s are concerned about. Others, of course, are worried about losing their seat.
There is also the loophole that he writes the letter then writes another to ignore the first letter.

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