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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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24 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Where would all these people that fly to Spain from the Uk go to on there weekend breaks??I think that makes the question clear now

Where would all the people who fly to Britain, especially London, from Europe go on their weekend breaks? It's not a one-way market. A deal will be done. 

ETA - Do you honestly think that the EU wants to screw the Spanish short-break market? If they did, there would be huge damage to the huge package holiday market and Spanish hotel companies. Turkey would be very grateful if the EU shafted the Spanish market.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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No deal has been struck. How can you predict what will happen? Nobody can say about our financial situation, business costs etc. All speculation. He may be proven correct but he may be wrong. Nobody knows for sure. He presents his beliefs as fact.

. Problem with Scottish independence them?
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9 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Where would all the people who fly to Britain, especially London, from Europe go on their weekend breaks? It's not a one-way market. A deal will be done. 

ETA - Do you honestly think that the EU wants to screw the Spanish short-break market? If they did, there would be huge damage to the huge package holiday market and Spanish hotel companies. Turkey would be very grateful if the EU shafted the Spanish market.

Google obviously never gave you an answer

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10 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

In case you haven't noticed, Scotland and Northern Ireland will be leaving the EU with England and Wales. 

Over a million Scots, including a third of SNP supporters, voted to Leave the EU.

Yes, an overwhelming minority of Scots voted for it, but England and Wales decided it would happen anyway, just as England chose the government which provided the referendum.

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14 minutes ago, kirkyblue2 said:

Brexit: Theresa May suggests free movement extension

from the BBC.


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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Google obviously never gave you an answer

Is that pathetic comment the best you can offer? I just exposed your ignorance of the air industry. You don't even know that the Europeans travel to Scottish and English regional airports on short-breaks. It's a growing market and European airlines are increasing the number of flights to those destinations. 

It's amazing how many gNat brains dream up so many ridiculous Brexit scenarios. They cream themselves over any anti-Brexit claim that comes out of Brussels. The dire GDP forecasts for the last six months of last year were totally wrong but the Remainers still persist with doom-mongering. 

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:


A possible transitional arrangement - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-39498647

"The prime minister said there would be an "implementation" phase once an exit deal had been struck, with business and governments needing a "period of time" to adjust to any new restrictions."

Stop wetting yer knickers Granny! No one has suggested that the any "foreigners" will be got rid of. Your attempts at smearing pro-Leave supporters as xenophobes is sad and boring. Is Dementia setting in already?

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24 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Is that pathetic comment the best you can offer? I just exposed your ignorance of the air industry. You don't even know that the Europeans travel to Scottish and English regional airports on short-breaks. It's a growing market and European airlines are increasing the number of flights to those destinations. 

It's amazing how many gNat brains dream up so many ridiculous Brexit scenarios. They cream themselves over any anti-Brexit claim that comes out of Brussels. The dire GDP forecasts for the last six months of last year were totally wrong but the Remainers still persist with doom-mongering. 


the same budget airlines that are now being told to move to an EU headquarters along with the majority of their shareholders if they wish to continue flying in the EU?


this is just one of the fiendishly complicated issues that will have to be unpicked and resolved satisfacorily before any final leave deal can be confirmed. And the "Brexit secretary" appears not to have a clue what to do about it or even to have considered it in any detail- because hard-right Brexiteers are utterly deluded about Britain's place in the world and ignorant as to how to get the fantasy deals they promised everyone in the referendum. 

pipe down.


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..nor did they vote for falling income, the decimation of British manufacturing (copy right Patrick Minford)...do you really think Renault Group will keep Vauxhall plants open in England rather than Opel plants open in Germany?

when this shit starts to bite many deluded people will realise that "sovereignty" won't buy the weekly shopping. It's not even started yet.

Barnier and Verhofstadt vs. Boris, May and Davis is the diplomatic equivalent of a world cup qualifier between Germany against Liechtenstein, in Berlin. An embarrassing mismatch.

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25 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:



This is certainly not what that massive majority of 52% voted for. The "Will of the People" and all that

There will be riots in the streets of Englandshire if she tries to push that through.

She'll be quite rightly looking for some fudge on freedom of movement that they can offer Europe while still sounding tough to the xenophobes.

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