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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, williemillersmoustache said:


Oh well if there are tables, then it must be cast Iron. Why didn't you say??

If you could just furnish me with a pie chart and a crayon drawing of a bumblebee too, then your slavering would be untouchable.

To be semi serious for a moment, you are taking one poll, or one report from polls to be gospel, incontrovertible fact. I think that is dangerous and perhaps indicative of a closed, or even weak mind. But it says what you want it to say so you'll defend it to the death, despite the origins of the data and the compiler (Lord Ashcroft) being either hidden or in his Lordships case, not without conflicts if interest.

So f**k off you mad, fooling nobody, unionist twat. 

That shite sums you perfectly but thanks for the confirmation that you are a moronic cretin. :lol:


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46 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

There is a "queue" for membership as several countries have already started the application process. The EU Commission has limited resources and existing applicants take priority. I also said, however, that some countries can close certain chapters of the acquis than others and thereby "move up" the queue.

Without an independent currency and central bank, an independent Scotland could not complete the application process. There are chapters that would take a long time to close. That's why Single Market/EEA membership, the Norwegian model, is a more relative option.

It's the EUphiles who are completely dishonest about Scotland being to join to the EU almost immediately.

This "queue" stuff again?

This was done to absolute death on here a few weeks back.

It is only correct to say that some countries applied before others.

You can call that a queue if you like but it's a meaningless term.

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There is a queue, but with neither front nor back and what place you have in this linear, spherical or dodecahedral formation of as yet undefined bodies has no bearing whatsoever on when how or if you join the EU. Particularly if you never leave.

Nor was there, is there or will there be a veto from Spain. So that's all cleared up then.


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Will no one rid us of this tiresome priest?


It's probably better for society as a whole that he does spend so much time on here.

I just shudder to think what he could be getting up to if he wasn't on here as often as he is.

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12 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


It's probably better for society as a whole that he does spend so much time on here.

I just shudder to think what he could be getting up to if he wasn't on here as often as he is.

About once or twice a week now as it's the golfing and holiday season. The Brexit seethe is hilarious and the group think on here is amazing.

No one is allowed to deviate from the SNP party line or criticise Our Dear Leader. Tracy Ullman's marvellous impressions are remarkably accurate.


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2 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

About once or twice a week now as it's the golfing and holiday season. The Brexit seethe is hilarious and the group think on here is amazing.

No one is allowed to deviate from the SNP party line or criticise Our Dear Leader. Tracy Ullman's marvellous impressions are remarkably accurate.


Tell us all about retail sales again,thats my favourite

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1 hour ago, Shades75 said:

This "queue" stuff again?

This was done to absolute death on here a few weeks back.

It is only correct to say that some countries applied before others.

You can call that a queue if you like but it's a meaningless term.

Tel lBritish folk there's a queue to get into the EU any most of them will want to join again.

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Based on news from the European Parliament earlier, it strikes me that those big bad European b*****ds seem to be putting more effort and consideration into protecting the welfare and security of Northern Ireland than the England and Gibraltar UK Government.

Surely confirming that the majority Brexit voting PULs are the single biggest bunch of absolute mugs in this whole sorry affair.

3 hours ago, NotThePars said:



I'm sure you, at one point, argued there was a literal queue for membership that meant one state couldn't advance quicker than the other into the EU. You're completely dishonest and or a liar if it suits your anti-EU agenda. That's apparent from your entire time on this forum.



Apart from the voting Yes thing, I don't think he's a liar at all tbh. Copy and pasting a bunch of third hand guff you clearly don't understand is not dishonest necessarily. Take the trade deficit argument that was getting brought up every day, as one example. Less than a week in, this idea that Europe would be bending over backwards for Britain is already a dead duck. Didn't make that argument dishonest, these folk actually believed that shit imo.

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11 minutes ago, Alan Stubbs said:

 I don't think he's a liar at all tbh.

He is a compulsive liar.He claims to have been a high flying banker in the city/an eu trade deal negotiator and thats just the ones i remember

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4 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

There is a "queue" for membership as several countries have already started the application process. The EU Commission has limited resources and existing applicants take priority. I also said, however, that some countries can close certain chapters of the acquis than others and thereby "move up" the queue.


Breathtakingly dishonest.

Lord Kerr:

"The Scots have to leave the EU with the UK – if the UK leaves – then go independent," said Kerr. "Once they’ve been recognised all round as independent they can then knock on the front door marked 'accession'.

"That’s the bad news, but the good news is that it would be a very swift accession negotiation. The sort of rubbish people talk about – back of the queue, behind the Turks – that’s all balls because there is no queue.

"People who are declared eligible to join can join as soon as they’re ready to accept the whole of the acquis. Since the Scots would, presumably ... still be applying something very close to the existing acquis, they'd be in very fast."

The acquis – also known as the acquis communautaire – is the complex set of legislation, legal acts, and European court decisions that have accumulated in EU law since the inception of the union."


So, who to believe - Lord Kerr, who helped to draft article 50, or "Bishop Briggs" from the internet. It's a tough choice, for sure.





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Ah thats where youre wrong, we took back control! nae idea what of because it seems that we already had a lot of control and an EU veto and now we'll still be bound by EU safety regulations and straight bananas without any say in shaping changes or new regulations if we want to trade with the EU but its still us taking back control even though we've actually lost control. Or something.

One minute you're telling us we took back control to utterly shaft the working man and all associated rights- the next minute it was only to have straight bananas!?? Make up your mind.
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I've been through this before. Ashcroft poll at time of the vote. Sample of 1018 in Scotland.
Go to page 7 - 34% of the 519 SNP voters in that sample voted to Leave. Margin of error 4% either way. This is the figure that really upsets a lot of SNP supporters.
Don't use the "shoot the messenger" tactic like others. The polling was done by an independent company that is a member of the British Polling Council. There's a lot of very useful data, especially demographic and social, in a UK poll of over 12,000 respondents.

Polls are not evidence as the Brexit and General Election polls clearly demonstrated.
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