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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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13 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

She ain’t getting any help from Blackford at WM, that’s for sure. He couldnae hit a cow’s arse with a banjo! Inept and thoroughly useless.
His pettiness is almost childlike.

I totally agree.

He stood up and put forward the case for the people of Scotland.  What was he thinking?  Outrageous behaviour.


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18 minutes ago, MuckleMoo said:

Can we get this independence chat the f**k to the appropriate thread. This thread is for pointing and laughing at the utter fucking shambles that is Brexit

We can, but it's amusing to bring it up every now and then.

One doesn't have to mention Scotland specifically (why bother; the Brexit agreement doesn't), but what one can now say with reasonable certainty is that the greatest damage to the stability of the union is being done by a Conservative government that was until recently being propped up by the DUP.

It's delightful.

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26 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

And would an independent Scotland be guaranteed a place in the European Union?

No guarantees but it would put Scotland in an exceptionally strong position in terms of setting out terms to both rUK and the EU.

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1 hour ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

Is he being servile or are you just glibly throwing out your usual sound bites. Wether we like it or Not, the Brexit shitfest HAS to be sorted before we can even think of another referendum. An SNP administration who pushes for a new referendum whilst we are in this cacophony of uncertainty are utterly opportunistic and playing a dangerous game with Scotland's future. As a non national I would like to believe that the present Scottish government would desist from such a temptation.

There is every chance my friend that if the crazies storm the Brexit cockpit there wont't BE any Scottsish Government.  Why turn your ire on people whose main aim, whether you agree with it or not, is the best for Scotland, when the man who played the dangerous game was the then Tory Prime Minister David Cameron, and all because of a structural fault line in his party.  Just like his intervention in Libya, he has bequeathed an utter shambles.

And for the avoidance of doubt, there is NO good Brexit outcome for Scotland, and people here need to recognise that.

Edited by O'Kelly Isley III
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The unionists on this site trying to hijack the debate and detract from May’s complete shambles.

She has nowhere to turn, each and every single compromise (and compromise is what is required irrespective of being a supporter of Brexit or not) has been roundly rejected.
The same tired ‘solutions’ and counter arguments are trotted out repeatedly.
Stay in the Single Market/Customs Union = It’s goes against the result of the vote
Offer a 2nd vote ‘People’s Vote’ = It goes against the democratic vote and will of the people
Have an open border in Northern Ireland = It separates NI from the rest of the U.K.
Break with No Deal = A suicidal option
Just simply postpone Article 50 and stay in the EU for the time being = Again it doesn’t deliver upon what people voted for, ‘Leave Means Leave’
etc..etc.. it goes on and on.

At some point a negotiated compromise has to emerge however unpalatable certain elements may be to those on all sides of the debate. The only real certainty to come of this whole mess was the complexity of the terms of exit. It is impossible to please everyone.

May didn’t want this, and she’s clearly struggled and stumbled throughout.
At least she’s stuck it out though and not simply thrown in the towel to join the shameless band of opportunists who have left the scene previously without any responsibility or consideration as to the consequences of their selfish actions.

She doesn’t have a strong hand at the table but It’s the only one she can play.
With only a few months left to work with, and a huge amount of detail still to resolve, if we accept that we ARE leaving the EU, Parliament should endorse this proposal. The remaining time left before our departure should be spent in fine tuning the agreement to the best possible acceptance of both sides. Leaving the EU was never going to be easy, but it serves neither party to arrive in March still undecided, splintered and fragmented as a Union.
And until someone decides otherwise, (whether in Edinburgh, Belfast or elsewhere) for the time being it is a Union we are.
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4 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Offer a 2nd vote ‘People’s Vote’ = It goes against the democratic vote and will of the people

How does a democratic vote go against a democratic vote?

Here, people of the UK. With 2 years of additional facts and material evidence of what various forms of brexit would mean for the country, do you still think leaving the EU is the best course of action?

That's what needs to happen. There's nothing undemocratic about asking for a vote after the facts as opposed to before and steaming ahead regardless. 

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