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The Official Former President Trump thread


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"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet"



A now-famous quote has Mattis, then the senior marine in the volatile Iraqi province of Anbar, informing a local interlocutor: “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: if you **** with me, I’ll kill you all.”


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Mad Dog is some lad.


You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.


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9 hours ago, Stephen Malkmus said:

I see Donald has diplomatically recognised Taiwan by accident.

Not an accident. Trump was meeting with ex-UN ambassador John Bolton earlier in the day. Bolton and others have long advocated introducing the Taiwan situation to pressure China. Chinese people are extreme ethnonationalists and very p***kly on these types of issues. And I doubt there's any way Taiwan would risk pissing off the new President by calling him when he didn't know about the protocol and making him look stupid.

When are you guys going to acknowledge that Trump might have a strategy or two that works? I knew right away what he was doing during the campaign when he mentioned letting South Korea and Japan have nukes. He wasn't going to win or lose one vote based on that statement. He was setting the stage for his relationship with China in the event that he won. Same with mentioning defaulting on the debt. China is going to come to the table across from a US President who's mentioned nukes for their two greatest enemies and has made moves towards permanently breaking up their country. Trump has made it a point over and over again to say that China engaged in the greatest theft in human history. He knows how you deal with the Chinese. You have to be firm with them and you can't let them take an inch. Also, forget about fairness. That's not part of their vocabulary.

The dude took down the Bush and Clinton political dynasties that were backed with hundreds of millions of dollars, and he did it on the cheap. He took down what was widely acknowledged as the deepest Republican primary field in history. He did it all while the media, his own party, and the richest people in America were against him. And he did it with a strategy that very few people saw as open. Appeal to midwestern, White, Union Democrats and appeal to ethnic minorities as "Americans" with "American" interests, rather than just becoming Democrat-lite and pandering to ethnic minority interests.

Edited by Deplorable
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Howard Dean has pulled out of the running to head the Democrat National Committee leaving Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, as the leading candidate.

Here's an excerpt from a column he wrote in his college newspaper during law school.


“Finally, blacks would have the option of choosing their own land base or remaining in the United States. Since black people toiled most diligently in the southeastern section of the United States, this land, quite naturally, would be most suitable. That means Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. Blacks, of course, would not be compelled to move to the black state, and, of course, peaceful whites would not be compelled to move away.

This is a bargain.

Whites would be relieved of the burdens of the black-faced but white-dominated social programs. Blacks would employ themselves, teach their own children the truth and control their own neighborhoods. Black-white interaction would be voluntary instead of compelled. No more busing, no more affirmative action and, best of all, no more white guilt. White people could righteously say they have ‘settled their debts with blacks. Urban blacks, long alienated from society by poverty, forced segregation and media-vilification, would no longer strike fear in whites. Think of it, whites could reclaim their cities — without dispossessing anyone.

Now the liberals may oppose this reparations program because, of course, they justify their existence by championing so-called lost causes.”

He also claimed when running for Congress that he was not aware of the Nation of Islam's anti-semitism while he was involved with the organization. This has been proven false based on several newspaper columns he wrote under pseudonyms which defended specific NOI leaders against charges of anti-semitism.

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2 hours ago, Deplorable said:

Not an accident. Trump was meeting with ex-UN ambassador John Bolton earlier in the day. Bolton and others have long advocated introducing the Taiwan situation to pressure China. Chinese people are extreme ethnonationalists and very p***kly on these types of issues. And I doubt there's any way Taiwan would risk pissing off the new President by calling him when he didn't know about the protocol and making him look stupid.


Trump doesn't need the Taiwanese to make himself look stupid.

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Crackin stuff seeing folk still interpreting Trump's maneuvering as him flailing around cluelessly, randomly, this time with his pre inauguration shenanigans.

These recounts though [emoji23] Fair play to Stein for spotting a chance to fill her coffers.

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6 hours ago, banana said:

Crackin stuff seeing folk still interpreting Trump's maneuvering as him flailing around cluelessly, randomly, this time with his pre inauguration shenanigans.

These recounts though emoji23.png Fair play to Stein for spotting a chance to fill her coffers.

To be fair, even viewing it as objectively as possible and giving him the benefit of the doubt with the China stuff, it is absolutely beyond me what he's trying to achieve by constantly moaning about Saturday Night Live. 

The recounts have been the failure everyone knew it would be. Stein could put her grief-profiting skills to better use working as a Cancer Research fundraiser in a crematorium. 

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22 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Reading through his recent Twitter outpourings, it is difficult to understand why people harbour serious doubts about Trump's diplomatic skills. 

.. any more than I have doubts about whether Fort William or Strathspey will qualify for Europe.

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Donald Trump has been voted Time magazine's person of the year.

Pretty obvious choice really - the only reasons why he would have not been selected would have been political. And much as I loathe him it's pretty hard to argue that someone else has made a bigger impact this year.

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Donald Trump has been voted Time magazine's person of the year.

Pretty obvious choice really - the only reasons why he would have not been selected would have been political. And much as I loathe him it's pretty hard to argue that someone else has made a bigger impact this year.

Seems to be a lot of people who don't understand it's for people who have influenced the year "for better or for worse"!

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3 minutes ago, Adamski said:

Donald Trump has been voted Time magazine's person of the year.

Pretty obvious choice really - the only reasons why he would have not been selected would have been political. And much as I loathe him it's pretty hard to argue that someone else has made a bigger impact this year.

Following in the footsteps of Hitler, Stalin (x2), Ayatollah Khomeini and Wallis Simpson. Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran got it as well, 2 years before American and British Intelligence arranged his removal. I see Newt Gingrich and Rudi Giuliani got it too. 


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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I see Newt Gingrich and Rudi Giuliani got it too. 

Osama bin Laden clearly had a bigger impact on the world than Giuliani in 2001. Presumably Time didn't want to risk the outrage that undoubtedly would have followed though.

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Looks like every US President since FDR with the exception of Gerald Ford (who took over after Nixon's resignation, and never won an election) has won it.

It's fair enough, to be honest. It's not a reflection on anyone's politics (as noted, Hitler, Stalin, Ayatollah Khomeini, etc have won it) but on the impact they have had on the world, for better or worse. Trump's election is probably the biggest political upset ever.

Twitter is a giggle though.

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