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53 minutes ago, mike rankine said:

John Kelly doesn't strike me as a guy who can be "persuaded" to hold a press conference simply to cover up for Trump.

I abhor Trump and the Alt-R movement. Until proven otherwise I'll take Kelly's words at face value. He was giving a detailed, sequential account of what happened (from his point of view).

Trump has no empathy and is extremely clumsy with words. I can imagine, on this occasion, that he was trying to do the right thing by telephoning the families. Unfortunately, getting the press off his back (for not phoning earlier) and trying to gain one-upmanship over Obama & Dubya is probably closer to the truth . The fact it is being used as a political football is distasteful.

Yup, I'd agree with all of that.  But at the same time, it's perfectly reasonable to give Trump the benefit of the doubt for at least trying to say the right thing, while at the same time call him out for his self-serving lies and lack of apology - and it's those lies which have forced Kelly into doing this.  If Trump hadn't lied, or if he had simply apologised for his handling of the call, there'd be no need for the press conference at all.  And yes, I do take him at face value - face value meaning that he did tell her "that's what he signed up for", albeit as an attempt to say something consoling.  It's the lack of apology that I find most distasteful about this.  I didn't expect Trump to apologise - he's incapable - but Kelly didn't even mention the widow.  

Kelly has, at least, some amount of empathy and should have known better.  Trump is utterly bereft, and that makes him unsuitable for office. 

58 minutes ago, mjw said:

Nothing trump has done (yet) is worse than the Iraq war.

The moral relativity is strong with this one, I fear.  How can you compare ICE with regime change?  Forced repatriation versus liberal interventionism?  Overt racial discrimination versus indiscriminate bombing?  Ethically, you are comparing apples with oranges.  Taken as a whole, disagree as I might, W was at least politically competent.  

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I get the impression Kelly was horrified and disillusioned that the widow had allowed Trump's phone call to be heard by the Congress woman via a speaker phone and subsequently used for political capital. That could explain his lack of apology to the widow & family.

As far as Trump ever apologising for anything...Hell will freeze over before that happens. Narcissists don't apologise.

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If I were to sum up PL's contribution it is this:

Black people are the problem - start, middle and end. 

It's a mystery how this c**t hasn't been emptied. He's dressing racism up as culture. Bullshit is what it is. 

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45 minutes ago, HTG said:

If I were to sum up PL's contribution it is this:

Black people are the problem - start, middle and end. 

It's a mystery how this c**t hasn't been emptied. He's dressing racism up as culture. Bullshit is what it is. 


Modern racism is advancing the same arguments as a century ago but under the guise of people's culture than something biological within them. To paraphrase Stewart Lee, if there's one thing you can credit these people on, it's that they cloak their racism behind more creative language.

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2 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Would you just look at the state of this lying c**t.


I'm actually quite impressed how he can take 2 things which are true and add them together to make it into the 'fake news' that he's always complaining about.

The crime figure did go up 13%

Radical Islamic terror is carrying out more attacks recently in the UK.

Sneaky c**t putting them together to make stupid people (his followers) think that the 13% rise is all Islamic terror related.

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3 hours ago, HTG said:

If I were to sum up PL's contribution it is this:

Black people are the problem - start, middle and end. 

It's a mystery how this c**t hasn't been emptied. He's dressing racism up as culture. Bullshit is what it is. 


I'm just telling you my initial reaction. I'm not alone, and I'm probably closer to correct than the initial responses I saw here. At work this morning people several people were going as far to suggest that this was a whole set up. Why would the congresswoman have happened to be there when the call was made? I'm not saying that's my belief, but people are talking. Maybe Trump and Kelly suspect something similar and that's why they haven't apologized.

Sometimes race can't be ignored. When you talk about the violence levels in America you have to talk about the role played by black males between 15 and 40. They have to be somewhere around 3-4% of the population. What percent of the murders to they commit? 40%? More? But leftist want to focus entirely on rural gun shows or guns that are heavily stereotyped as "white owned." This isn't an accident. Then your side goes farther off into la la land and suggests that the presence of more black men in prison or other negative situations with law enforcement must be the result of racist justice system practices. It's a position I just don't understand.

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People pretending to have been Navy seals is deeply disrespectful to those who actually were Navy Seals ...

Like myself for example
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13 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


People pretending to have been Navy seals is deeply disrespectful to those who actually were Navy Seals ...

Like myself for example


When I was in the SAS with David Davies we used to joke about how many Navy Seals it would take to screw in a light bulb. Quite a few was the answer. How we laughed over a quick brew before slotting a few baddies.

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3 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:


Unlike you SAS guys, we weren’t afraid of the dark


You lot couldn't deliver a Chinese meal to a scheme if children teased you.

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12 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

It would happen to you if you learned to speak with an American accent and then started interacting with a range of black people.

I will bow to your experience of this, Swamps. Although I suggest you read this story: http://producer.csi.edu/cdraney/archive-courses/summer06/engl278/e-texts/oconner_revelation.pdf

As for Donald's apparent intelligence:


And who could forget his daily information briefings, previously pages long and detailed under Obama, reduced to a single page with bullet points and pictures, mostly centred around how great Donald is? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-latest-pictures-intelligence-briefings-new-report-a7763831.html

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