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The Official Former President Trump thread


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5 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Did you?*

I was similar to yourself - "it felt like weak sauce" when I was writing it (reply to Dunning1874) but I couldn't be bothered deleting it.


* I'm in a firier mood now, f*****g car wouldn't start, and is sitting like the pile of crap it is blocking everyone's way.


5 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

All good my man! Get that car shifted

Got my mechanic - I'm sure he has other customers apart from me - to have a look at it. It started first clip for him. Maybe it was just damp. Took it a wee run and now I have it parked facing downhill, so if it happens again I have half a cjhance of running it round the corner and jump starting her. That's the theory anyway.

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8 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Tbh I can't really blame those on the left who wouldn't vote Hillary/Biden, they've done little to earn left wing votes and if I had organised for Bernie then I'd have no interest in helping the rat-fuckers either. I'd have to massively hold my nose to vote for them as well.

I could be well wide of the mark here but I've just been thinking, is the quiet part amongst those folk not that from a long term electoral point of view Trump/the far right is better for the left than Biden/Hillary/centrists?

For all they're pretty shite in their own regard, it doesn't really hold water to say that they aren't a better option than Trump. But having him/the brexity far right of the Tories/the right in general tearing up institutions and norms of government for as long as possible means a higher chance of the left overtaking the centre as the viable party of government. IE, let the right make everything as shit as possible in the hope it foments an awakening of latent left-wing feeling. Those that get fucked in the meantime are collateral but under that way of thinking they'd be no better off under the libs anyway. 

It's the same as some on here who would rather stick with the overwhelmingly right wing and authoritarian trends in the UK as opposed to the imperfect but broadly progressive goal of independence. The idea that the Tories will make everything shit enough that a properly left Labour party will take power, in spite of the evidence of the last 10 years.

Might be a bit tin foily and not necessarily judging it if it is the case, just curious I've not seen it discussed before

I don't think anyone actually believes in accelerationism outside of a few weird leftist sects. The funniest thing to me is I think the greatest benefactor of things getting rapidly worse has been the centrists in Scotland. I don't think for a second that even Sturgeon would have preferred a Tory rout in December but it's undoubtedly pushed the independence vote ever closer to becoming an inevitability.

I think the broad consensus among the non-voting left is that Biden and co simply haven't earned the vote, which is true. I've also noticed that I haven't seen much push (at least from the people I follow) to get other people to not vote they've simply disengaged from the process. I know Matt Christman's grillpill thing has become a meme but that seems to encapsulate the mindset of a lot of non-voting leftists this time around. Conversely, I think the scolding from liberals about this is to some extent an acknowledgement that they know their man doesn't have really many positive attributes and as such they're resorting to abuse.


I had to laugh at today's Chapo right enough when Felix said "so this election is the most important of our lifetimes? Huh, how did that happen then?"


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53 minutes ago, Detournement said:

I can see an outcome where the Dems win all three branches then decide bipartisanship is the way forward (again).

It's okay I'm sure Bernie will get a big place in the administration or failing that Warren will push through some major reform

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I really shouldn't but I'm tempted to stay up and watch this. It's bound to be an absolute mess.

If I stay up, I think I'll request odds on Trump getting Biden in a headlock and rooting around for an earpiece like Jim Carrey trying to pull the wifey's wig off in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

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