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The Official Former President Trump thread


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It’s the VP debate tonight and I can just imagine ... Pence has a disaster he’s destroyed by Kamala Harris- Trump is asked for a comment and he says something like “it doesn’t really matter it’s all about me and who cares about the VP he’s not the man in charge - I don’t really need him to be honest - I survived covid I’m superman”

Pence is so pissed off he resigns - Trump has to pick a new VP candidate pronto so he decides to keep it in the family and pick Ivanka cause he wants to start America’s version of the Kim family cause he likes North Korea now - Kim Jong-Un is his friend.

I know it’s a bit far fetched but we are talking about Trump here

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I'm with you, apart from the bit where Pence resigns. He's been a silent cohort up to now, I doubt anything short of Trump grabbing his wife's pussy would change that.

Even then, no doubt he'd have a price.

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It’s the VP debate tonight and I can just imagine ... Pence has a disaster he’s destroyed by Kamala Harris- Trump is asked for a comment and he says something like “it doesn’t really matter it’s all about me and who cares about the VP he’s not the man in charge - I don’t really need him to be honest - I survived covid I’m superman”

Pence is so pissed off he resigns - Trump has to pick a new VP candidate pronto so he decides to keep it in the family and pick Ivanka cause he wants to start America’s version of the Kim family cause he likes North Korea now - Kim Jong-Un is his friend.

I know it’s a bit far fetched but we are talking about Trump here

Either Kamala would have to have made an astonishing improvement in her debating or Pence’s mother issues would have to render him a mute in order for this fantasy scenario to begin. She was horrific in the Primary debates what with getting owned by Tulsi and her big moment being an attempt to get the field to back her call to ban Trump on Twitter. I think people are confusing her ruthless attitude to poor Californians with being an effective attack dog.
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35 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

I wonder how many more people Trump will infect in the next couple of weeks (if he doesn't die).

The WH is refusing to undertake contact tracing after the Rose Garden event to celebrate ACB's nomination(?). This, coupled with the fact that they are also refusing to confirm the timeline of Trump's positive / negative tests, is leading to mounting speculation that Trump himself is the "super spreader".

Also, this video is batshit mental:


"As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there's danger to it. But I had to do it. I stood out front. I led. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did ... Now I'm better. Maybe I'm immune. I dunno."


Edited by RiG
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Trumps latest vid now has him claiming that maybe he’s immune to covid - thinking of Life of Brian now and I’ll amend the line slightly- he’s not the Messiah he’s just a fucking lunatic

But it’s now very worrying he will start campaigning again no masks no social distancing saying I survived it I conquered covid u can survive it if you vote me back in

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I'm still amazed that medically they've allowed him to just leave the hospital when still apparently COVID positive (if he was of course....). That and his insane delivery back to the White House and the ripping off the mask before going back in to see folks could possibly be the most reckless thing to have happened. Surely the message should have been to keep him isolated until he was COVID negative - seems nuts that a 'hospital' would let him leave like that when they know he's just going to mix again.

As much as i don't really like GMB in the morning the wife has it on and there was some GOP mouthpiece on saying Trump was fine and did nothing wrong, even when Piers Morgan pointed out that BoJo was reasonably ok till day 9 he seemed to think there was nothing to worry about. Just for the fact that he's been so absolutely reckless and dangerous when (if!) infected then i think it would be fitting if he ended up having to go back into hospital and destroying any hopes he had of getting re-elected...

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1 hour ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

I'm still amazed that medically they've allowed him to just leave the hospital when still apparently COVID positive (if he was of course....). That and his insane delivery back to the White House and the ripping off the mask before going back in to see folks could possibly be the most reckless thing to have happened. Surely the message should have been to keep him isolated until he was COVID negative - seems nuts that a 'hospital' would let him leave like that when they know he's just going to mix again.

As much as i don't really like GMB in the morning the wife has it on and there was some GOP mouthpiece on saying Trump was fine and did nothing wrong, even when Piers Morgan pointed out that BoJo was reasonably ok till day 9 he seemed to think there was nothing to worry about. Just for the fact that he's been so absolutely reckless and dangerous when (if!) infected then i think it would be fitting if he ended up having to go back into hospital and destroying any hopes he had of getting re-elected...

It's the risk he putting on the staff from moving him about, including his 3mph jaunt in a hermetically sealed car, that's psycho. He's got his own fully equipped hospital in the Whitehouse, no doubt with a ventilator and a fridge full of fresh vital organs if need be, and Barron on standby. It's not surprising he's feeling strong, I felt amazing when I was given dexamethasone. 

Edited by welshbairn
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13 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Is there not a fairly common pattern with serious cases that the patient feels better after about a week then gets worse? 

That's what I've heard from every first person description of it.

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If he does croak before the election it'll be a helluva complicated shitstorm to follow:


Also notice him struggling to breathe without wincing in pain in this video. All his bravado and Monty Burns "I know better than anyone" attitude will come back to bite him big-time


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It's almost like this is a last roll of the dice for him in terms of getting votes - he felt he needed to come back strong and show he was just the best thing ever to come along to the US. If he genuinely does have COVID then it's either not been a 'serious' infection or he's put bravado before common sense and he'll be back in hospital in even more trouble within the next week having infected who knows how many others.

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1 minute ago, EdinburghPar1975 said:

It's almost like this is a last roll of the dice for him in terms of getting votes - he felt he needed to come back strong and show he was just the best thing ever to come along to the US. If he genuinely does have COVID then it's either not been a 'serious' infection or he's put bravado before common sense and he'll be back in hospital in even more trouble within the next week having infected who knows how many others.

Or he just never had it at all. Like his English equivalent.

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