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On 19/03/2024 at 20:22, Freedom Farter said:

Trump has hardly said anything about events in Gaza and I recently heard a good take for why that might be. The suggestion was that Trump likes these big swings of his balls when it comes to foreign policy. Like when he ordered the assassination of the Iranian general, Soleimani, by missile strike. Trump likes doing a major stand-alone event like that or he likes doing these stupid "deals" he attempts, like when he kept going to shake hands with Kim Jong-Un. Yet when it comes to Gaza, there's little scope for doing a stand-alone stunt or doing any sort of "deal" to try and clinch something. This is what Netanyahu has been waiting for all his life so he's not going to be doing deals with anyone. So Trump doesn't see any opportunity in Gaza for him to do a big swing of his balls and therefore he has little interest in it.

With the war in Ukraine, he might see an opportunity for one of his stupid "deals", he's certainly said as much. He likely thinks he can do his hand shakes with Putin and Zelensky or something. While the Republican party have been blocking the military aid to Ukraine, that's been without Trump. While he was president, he did begin arming Ukraine in 2017 where Obama had previously refused. Much has changed since then, though. If the majority of his party are now against providing more military aid to Ukraine, which they are, then he'll not go against that.

As a short fingered vulgarian of some renown, perhaps he just has a humiliation fetish for touching big, manly hands?

Would explain his supporters' obsession with being "cucked".

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Trump has today posted on his social network site that he has $500 million in cash, just a few days after his lawyers stated in a submission to the court that he cannot cover the cost of the judgement against him.

Go to two minutes forty seconds on here:

He’s probably lying but it’s the height of stupidity as it will certainly work against him in his appeal.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump has today posted on his social network site that he has $500 million in cash, just a few days after his lawyers stated in a submission to the court that he cannot cover the cost of the judgement against him.

Go to two minutes forty seconds on here:

He’s probably lying but it’s the height of stupidity as it will certainly work against him in his appeal.

Trump tells so many lies that it's hard to tell the zingers from the howlers. 

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On 18/03/2024 at 22:31, TxRover said:

Currently stating that 30 underwriters were approached and all declined to underwrite his ($464,000,000…includes 10 bills for Eric and DonJ) bond. Signed statement from Trumps insurance broker says securing a bond for the full amount “is a practical impossibility.”

They’re down to arguing a bind isn’t necessary due to he value of Trump’s properties…

I thought he said he had the cash, eh?

But what are the values? Who are we supposed to believe? I know who my money is on.

Mar-a-Lago was a focus of the New York business fraud case that resulted in a judgement and order to post the bond while the case is appealed. State Judge Arthur F. Engoron said he based his $18 million to $27 million valuation of Mar-a-Lago off of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. Trump has claimed the estate is valued at $1 billion, but Engoron said the lower valuation is more accurate because of property restrictions Trump agreed to that would not allow subdivisions or even more varied private uses.

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9 hours ago, Bairn in Exile said:

But what are the values? Who are we supposed to believe? I know who my money is on.

Mar-a-Lago was a focus of the New York business fraud case that resulted in a judgement and order to post the bond while the case is appealed. State Judge Arthur F. Engoron said he based his $18 million to $27 million valuation of Mar-a-Lago off of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. Trump has claimed the estate is valued at $1 billion, but Engoron said the lower valuation is more accurate because of property restrictions Trump agreed to that would not allow subdivisions or even more varied private uses.

Here yet another illustration of the problems in the U.S. mixed with Trump’s shit. Property values in the U.S. have several meanings…”market value”, “assessed value” and “appraised value” (and all three terms are used in varying manners across the U.S.).


Market Value - The price a property would bring if offered, unencumbered, on the open market.

Assessed Value - The value a property is taxed upon during any particular taxing year. May be less than Appraised Value for a number of reasons, most often exemptions or statutory limits on the increase in Appraised Value.

Appraised Value - The value placed upon a property by a taxing entity, used to determine taxes owed.

(Bonus) Insurance Value - The value placed on a property that represents the cost to repair or replace the property in the case of an insurance loss. Usually less than Market Value due to the repurchase of property being unnecessary in the case of a loss, but higher than reconstruction cost due to the cost of clearing the property after a loss.


So it’s entirely likely that everyone is in some way correct about Mar-a-Lago’s value. The local appraisal district may appraise Mar-a-Lago at say $18 million, the county and State would then tax Mar-a-Lago at perhaps $15 million due to some exemptions, and the property might be worth $50 million to the right buyer.

In the U.S., it’s extremely common for higher value properties to be wildly undervalued on property tax rolls. The less your property is worth, the closer to Market Value the Apprised Value normally is. This is due to the laws design and the much lower number of “comps” (or comparison sales) for higher value properties. There is generally a burden of proof for establishing values, and it’s much more difficult for those high value properties, and then those owners have lawyers or the funds to hire them to fight valuations. As such, it’s easier to value a $10 millions dollar property at $5 million for tax purposes than fight it out in court…where a $300,000 house gets valued at $275,000 because they have 10 houses like it sold in the last year for an average of $275,000.

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On 19/03/2024 at 20:22, Freedom Farter said:

Trump has hardly said anything about events in Gaza and I recently heard a good take for why that might be. The suggestion was that Trump likes these big swings of his balls when it comes to foreign policy. Like when he ordered the assassination of the Iranian general, Soleimani, by missile strike. Trump likes doing a major stand-alone event like that or he likes doing these stupid "deals" he attempts, like when he kept going to shake hands with Kim Jong-Un. Yet when it comes to Gaza, there's little scope for doing a stand-alone stunt or doing any sort of "deal" to try and clinch something. This is what Netanyahu has been waiting for all his life so he's not going to be doing deals with anyone. So Trump doesn't see any opportunity in Gaza for him to do a big swing of his balls and therefore he has little interest in it.

With the war in Ukraine, he might see an opportunity for one of his stupid "deals", he's certainly said as much. He likely thinks he can do his hand shakes with Putin and Zelensky or something. While the Republican party have been blocking the military aid to Ukraine, that's been without Trump. While he was president, he did begin arming Ukraine in 2017 where Obama had previously refused. Much has changed since then, though. If the majority of his party are now against providing more military aid to Ukraine, which they are, then he'll not go against that.

I totally agree with this.  Regardless of left or right, Trump is all about publicity stunts from one day to the next.

"Children are bring blown to hits in Gaza.  How can I turn this into a conversation about me?"

"You can't."

"Okay.  Move on.  What else is going on?"

I think a lot of Joe Biden's appeal is not Biden himself but simply the idea of a president acting like a president as they all did before Trump came along.

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I've read that book, it's pretty funny.

The thing is, he's actually a decent golfer for his age. The cheating is a real insight into his character.

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Like the rest of his life, it's probably not the "winning" that gets him off, but being able to blatantly cheat and lie without repercussions. It makes him a very special boy.

At this stage, I wonder if he actually believes he's touched by divinity, or that everyone else is an idiot for letting him get away with it. He can always try founding his own religion if the social media scam doesn't pay off; he must be jealous of how much tax-free income those guys rake in from the desperate and vulnerable. Plus, they love gold plate too.

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If Kim Jong Un and Putin turned up at his club championship he wouldn't look so clever. Best he'd manage is a 3 way tie with them all going round in 18. 

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57 minutes ago, HTG said:

If Kim Jong Un and Putin turned up at his club championship he wouldn't look so clever. Best he'd manage is a 3 way tie with them all going round in 18. 

Putin would say he’d shot 17 and Trump would just stand around looking sheepish. 

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

If Kim Jong Un and Putin turned up at his club championship he wouldn't look so clever. Best he'd manage is a 3 way tie with them all going round in 18. 

Given that two of them have a known reputation for using poison, it would be interesting to see if there were any handshakes before that game got started.

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A New York appeals court has given Donald Trump 10 more days to post his bond to satisfy the civil fraud judgement and cut the amount necessary to $175 million.

P.S. The single page judgement of the appeal court.


Edited by welshbairn
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He lost his other appeal to delay the Stormy Daniels Mushroom Penis trial, should start jury selection on April 15th unless they're successful with yet another delaying tactic.

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39 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

He lost his other appeal to delay the Stormy Daniels Mushroom Penis trial, should start jury selection on April 15th unless they're successful with yet another delaying tactic.

Looks like it’s a date


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4 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Putin would say he’d shot 17 and Trump would just stand around looking sheepish. 

Shooting 17 is surely more in Kim Jong Un’s wheelhouse. Putin’s more of a taking out Trump’s plane and Kim’s train type.

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He did an interview with an Israeli outlet where he's finally given his thoughts on the Gaza situation: 




He's only speaking here from the perspective of what's best for the Israeli government. That's always Trump's only concern, what is best for the people at the top of any society. However, what he does say in that respect is correct. The blinkers are off now with Israel. Palestinian perspectives and evidence of Israel's crimes are easy to access via social media. Some mainstream outlets like BBC have also shown an admirable willingness to report on Israel's crimes this time. Trump has recognised this. The Biden team probably have too but are maybe calculating that a majority of voters, especially older ones, still get their news through propaganda outlets like MSNBC, so will be oblivious to what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza. 



His Abraham Accords have been a disaster. Here's my take on that:


The four nations he signed up were Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and UAE.

Bahrain is a Saudi protectorate so they were sought to try and smooth the ground for Saudi later joining. The deal was being sold to Saudi as the formation of an anti-Iran alliance between Israel and the Sunni Arab states. Saudi-Israel negotiations halted last October.

Morocco were looking for USA to recognise and legitimise their occupation of Western Sahara and dealing with Israel was an acceptable price for that. Israeli companies are now helping Morocco consolidate its grip over Western Sahara by embarking on gas exploration in Western Sahara. This contrasts with companies from other nations who've instead sought the permission of the Polisario Front (government of the Sahrawi people) for mineral exploration. Israel has also sold drones to Morocco since the deal.

Sudan signed up because their government had the civil war on the horizon so were looking for all the diplomatic support and weapons purchasing channels they could get.

The amount of western financial interests tied up in UAE sees our media rarely criticise them but they're a bad bunch. UAE just stole the Yemeni island of Socotra in recent years. Major ports in southern Yemen are also now fully controlled by UAE via proxy forces. UAE are the main backers of the Sudanese government in the civil war there. In return they get to extract Sudan's mineral wealth as well as Red Sea port access. They've also bought off the Chadian government so that Chad supports the Sudanese government forces in that war. UAE supported proxies in the war in Libya including Wagner. A further Russia connection is that the gold Russia loots in Central African Republic it then sells to UAE. They saw this deal with Israel as a way to get US F-35 war planes through the back door, by buying them from Israel. 

Recognising Golan Heights, Syrian territory, as part of Israel obviously wasn't constructive. Likewise recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital city, something the UN has opposed since 1947. Then there's his pride in ending Obama's Iran deal, utter stupidity.




Obama's deal was to stop Iran pursuing nukes. That was the whole point of it. Yet here's Trump boasting about how he ended Obama's Iran deal while warning of Iran pursuing nukes. He thinks it's great that he crippled the Iranian economy and immiserated much of their population. Iran's government then felt less secure, especially when Trump had John "bomb Iran" Bolton as his adviser, so Iran increased military production. The new international isolation forced Iran to trade with other sanctioned nations such as Russia. Russia didn't need oil so all Iran could sell to them was military equipment. Russia invaded Ukraine and suddenly Iranian drones are being used to bomb Ukrainians. 

Folk will remember George Bush and his axis of evil speech. He threatened to invade North Korea which spooked them and caused them to pursue nukes as deterrence. They pulled out their nuclear treaty in 2003. The North Koreans are hardly the easiest to deal with but that treaty had held since the 1960s, until the moron Bush arrived on the scene. The North Koreans pulling out of that caused their complete global isolation, including even from Russia at that time. Bush failed to predict a future where Russia would also join the list of US-mandated outcast nations. Now we have Russia buying artillery shells from North Korea to fire at Ukrainians.

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