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In a news conference on Friday, Griffin's attorney Lisa Bloom accused Trump and his family of "using their power to target her."

"If you don't stand up, you get run over," Griffin said. "What's happening to me has never happened in this great country. A sitting president of the U.S. ... is personally trying to ruin my life forever."

So let me get this straight Kathy, you publish pictures of someone and i really don't care that its Trump btw, the fact she did this about anyone she disagree's with is low as f**k. You publish images of yourself holding a prop severed head of someone you dislike covered in blood with a stern unconcerned look on your face and you are attempting to claim you are surprised by this? I say attempting because there is video from the photoshoot of you joking with the Photographer that you know you are gonna take a lot of flak for doing this and now you are trying to play the victim because people aren't happy with you and you are even trying to level the blame for all of this on Trump, claiming he is somehow orchestrating all of this against you. You are a irrelevant comedian who wanted to try and shine some light on your dead career by being controversial and its come back to bite you hard and actually buried what was left of your career. 

I know so many people are trying to fob this off as being acceptable seeing as its Trump and everyone loves to hate him, but simply ask yourself, if this had been any other comedian doing the exact same thing with another politician? Say Frankie Boyle with Thatchers head or ,May, Cameron, Sturgeon, Blair etc would it at all be acceptable?


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... Say Frankie Boyle with Thatchers head or ,May, Cameron, Sturgeon, Blair etc would it at all be acceptable?  

Might not be funny, definitely in bad taste, but she's got the right to say it.
What do you mean "acceptable"? Who sets that standard?
You must be one of these snowflakes I keep reading about.

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18 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:


In a news conference on Friday, Griffin's attorney Lisa Bloom accused Trump and his family of "using their power to target her."

"If you don't stand up, you get run over," Griffin said. "What's happening to me has never happened in this great country. A sitting president of the U.S. ... is personally trying to ruin my life forever."

So let me get this straight Kathy, you publish pictures of someone and i really don't care that its Trump btw, the fact she did this about anyone she disagree's with is low as f**k. You publish images of yourself holding a prop severed head of someone you dislike covered in blood with a stern unconcerned look on your face and you are attempting to claim you are surprised by this? I say attempting because there is video from the photoshoot of you joking with the Photographer that you know you are gonna take a lot of flak for doing this and now you are trying to play the victim because people aren't happy with you and you are even trying to level the blame for all of this on Trump, claiming he is somehow orchestrating all of this against you. You are a irrelevant comedian who wanted to try and shine some light on your dead career by being controversial and its come back to bite you hard and actually buried what was left of your career. 

I know so many people are trying to fob this off as being acceptable seeing as its Trump and everyone loves to hate him, but simply ask yourself, if this had been any other comedian doing the exact same thing with another politician? Say Frankie Boyle with Thatchers head or ,May, Cameron, Sturgeon, Blair etc would it at all be acceptable?


oh shut the f**k up man

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Kathy Griffin seems to be getting a harsher time than someone like Ted Nugent.
I suppose it depends who is getting murdered in your photo whether the Banana right take offence.

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She had every right to do it, doesn't mean it was a good idea though and she can't be surprised at the reaction. Can you imagine if a right-wing TV personality had pulled that stunt with Obama or Clinton's head? The negative reaction would have been 1000x worse.

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She had every right to do it, doesn't mean it was a good idea though and she can't be surprised at the reaction. Can you imagine if a right-wing TV personality had pulled that stunt with Obama or Clinton's head? The negative reaction would have been 1000x worse.

Again. Ted Nugent.
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1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

She had every right to do it, doesn't mean it was a good idea though and she can't be surprised at the reaction. Can you imagine if a right-wing TV personality had pulled that stunt with Obama or Clinton's head? The negative reaction would have been 1000x worse.

The problem was not the promotion itself.  The problem was the  woe-is-me press conference that seemed a bad idea at the time and even worse in retrospect.

I thought it was a fairly effective but slightly cliched photograph, a bit like artists posing with masking tape over their mouths, only with an edge. The faux-offended reaction from Paul Joseph Watson et al is evidence for that.

There used to be a bar on Woodland's Road in Glasgow (a very nice bar before ownership changed and ruined it) which had Maggie Thatcher dangling from a noose in one of the corners.  For anyone with the capacity for abstract thought, it was a joke.  Nobody is genuinely offended by what Kathy Griffin did, and Barron Trump is not having a tough time dealing with it.  

Edited by Savage Henry
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She did something that was in really poor taste, and allowed a president who is rightly vilified for his incompetence and corruption to play himself as a victim.

Just because others have done equally tasteless shit in the past doesn't excuse it, it moved the narrative from where it ought to be.

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6 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:
 Say Frankie Boyle with Thatchers head or ,May, Cameron, Sturgeon, Blair etc would it at all be acceptable?



1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Can I just say in the interest of balance, re Edgarus' post, I would be over the moon if Frankie Boyle was photographed with Margaret Thatchers severed head.


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6 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:


Might not be funny, definitely in bad taste, but she's got the right to say it.
What do you mean "acceptable"? Who sets that standard?
You must be one of these snowflakes I keep reading about.


I never denied her right to say it, but she knew the backlash she would receive from it so she should accept it rather than trying to turn herself into the poor little victim. I think we can forget what is acceptable and standards when we are talking about posting with a severed head of someone you politically disagree with. We aren't talking about a off colour remark or a joke here

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7 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:


In a news conference on Friday, Griffin's attorney Lisa Bloom accused Trump and his family of "using their power to target her."

"If you don't stand up, you get run over," Griffin said. "What's happening to me has never happened in this great country. A sitting president of the U.S. ... is personally trying to ruin my life forever."

So let me get this straight Kathy, you publish pictures of someone and i really don't care that its Trump btw, the fact she did this about anyone she disagree's with is low as f**k. You publish images of yourself holding a prop severed head of someone you dislike covered in blood with a stern unconcerned look on your face and you are attempting to claim you are surprised by this? I say attempting because there is video from the photoshoot of you joking with the Photographer that you know you are gonna take a lot of flak for doing this and now you are trying to play the victim because people aren't happy with you and you are even trying to level the blame for all of this on Trump, claiming he is somehow orchestrating all of this against you. You are a irrelevant comedian who wanted to try and shine some light on your dead career by being controversial and its come back to bite you hard and actually buried what was left of your career. 

I know so many people are trying to fob this off as being acceptable seeing as its Trump and everyone loves to hate him, but simply ask yourself, if this had been any other comedian doing the exact same thing with another politician? Say Frankie Boyle with Thatchers head or ,May, Cameron, Sturgeon, Blair etc would it at all be acceptable?


Jesus, what a fucking snowflake. 

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Let me guess, because its against Trump its fine?

It is for me.
This is the man who openly mocked a disabled journalist at an election rally.
Act like a c**t and you'll likely get treated like a c**t.
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It is for me.
This is the man who openly mocked a disabled journalist at an election rally.
Act like a c**t and you'll likely get treated like a c**t.

No he didn't. That flailing arms motion is what he does whenever he wants to show that an opponent is scrambling.

He's a c**t of the highest order but he wasn't guilty of that charge (imo, obvs).
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This severed head nonsense is a big part of what's wrong with American politics.

The focus is always on the less important stuff. The left over there get themselves so worked up about minor issues that they've dropped the ball entirely on the crucial economic arguments.

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No he didn't. That flailing arms motion is what he does whenever he wants to show that an opponent is scrambling.

He's a c**t of the highest order but he wasn't guilty of that charge (imo, obvs).

That's an incredible generous take. Either way though it's completely abhorrent. He's the President of the United States.
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