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The Official Former President Trump thread


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32 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

As much as he is a complete roaster I still find it tough to understand why people in the UK are more willing to be vocal against Trump visiting than May using public funds to form a government to go for a hard Brexit.

Personally I would much rather have a term of Trump and his fake news Tweets than the full on boabying effects of a hard Brexit but each to their own.
You got to do what you got to do.

Because his policies could start a nuclear war or fry the planet with climate change?



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As much as he is a complete roaster I still find it tough to understand why people in the UK are more willing to be vocal against Trump visiting than May using public funds to form a government to go for a hard Brexit.

Personally I would much rather have a term of Trump and his fake news Tweets than the full on boabying effects of a hard Brexit but each to their own.
You got to do what you got to do.

Not sure if you noticed but there are very few of us on here who voted for either of those things.
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That speech he gave in front of the Veterans on Saturday.
Its supposed to celebrate freedom and he's taunting the press with 'I'm the president and you're not'
Idiot of a man.

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55 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

All the nice, polite, hardworking Poles must be over here. The background noise sounds like hunnery.

Apparently they bussed loads of folk in to cheer him on. There were confederate flegs in the crowd.

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1 hour ago, Mark Connolly said:

The leader of the free world forgot to book a hotel room for the G20 summit. I fully expect him to invade someone else's and annex it.


There's potential for a nice wee TV skit here of him being forced to find a Fawlty Towers type establishment then asking for a Waldorf Salad...

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