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Malky Mackay


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Fuckin diversity training stalin Could have passed that go along to their daft wee workshops say what they want to hear for a week bang you're not racist anymore.   Load of utter shite if they were a serious organisation instead of a bunch of fannies they'd take the position a guy like that should never work I football again. 

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I did have my concerns that Malky Mackay was a raging bigot and also lacked the relevant experience for this role, but then I heard Mark Warburton saying that he is a "first-class football man" and "an honest football person". My irrational fears were suddenly laid to rest. Thank you, Mark.

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1 hour ago, Staggie_93 said:

Barry Ferguson thinks he is the "ideal appointment". :lol:

I for one think it's excellent that the views of a League 2 club's manager are given such prominence.  Does anyone know if media attention rotates around the League 2 managers, or do they all vote for their media representative and it's his term again? 

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3 hours ago, DrewDon said:

I did have my concerns that Malky Mackay was a raging bigot and also lacked the relevant experience for this role, but then I heard Mark Warburton saying that he is a "first-class football man" and "an honest football person". My irrational fears were suddenly laid to rest. Thank you, Mark.

Mark also respectfully pointed out that Malky used to work as a 'banker' i.e. in a high street branch and therefore has business sense. Only in Scottish football is Mark's post-2008 bullshitty background as a banker of some sort seen as a good thing.

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Several things are difficult to square about it. If as reported McPhee was the first choice then Mackay seems to fit the mould less than some others shortlisted, e.g. John Park or even Alan Irvine. He's been a manager - not a youth coach, director of football, administrator. He's said before he wants back into English management. He's got this whole racism, sexism thing hanging over him. Certainly puzzling.

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Cardiff go after Malky Mackay for £10m 'transfer plot' ahead of his appointment by the Scottish FA

  • Cardiff have launched a claim of dishonest conspiracy regarding two transfers
  • Malky Mackay is expected to be unveiled as the SFA's technical director 
  • The claim surrounds the signings of Steven Caulker and Peter Odemwingie 
  • Cardiff claim five men conspired together to defraud the club in both transfers

Apologies for sharing something from the daily heil, but what a f**k up this appointment already is. But that's ok, Bazzy Ferg, says he's awrite 

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I honestly hate Stewart Regan so much he's possibly even a worse human being than Donald Trump

Why is he in charge of the SFA when nearly every single fan in Scottish football hates him

Somebody get a petition started ffs

Ah, somebody get a petition started, but not you, I see, Regan does have to go, but the problems within our game started long before he "rocked" up
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10 hours ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

Mark also respectfully pointed out that Malky used to work as a 'banker' i.e. in a high street branch and therefore has business sense. Only in Scottish football is Mark's post-2008 bullshitty background as a banker of some sort seen as a good thing.

Malky Mackay worked in a bank branch when he was playing for Queens Park, 25 years ago.  Considering he was about 19 at the time I doubt that this has any relevance to his position at hte SFA.  

I can't believe Warburton said that, mental.

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10 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Cardiff go after Malky Mackay for £10m 'transfer plot' ahead of his appointment by the Scottish FA

  • Cardiff have launched a claim of dishonest conspiracy regarding two transfers
  • Malky Mackay is expected to be unveiled as the SFA's technical director 
  • The claim surrounds the signings of Steven Caulker and Peter Odemwingie 
  • Cardiff claim five men conspired together to defraud the club in both transfers

Apologies for sharing something from the daily heil, but what a f**k up this appointment already is. But that's ok, Bazzy Ferg, says he's awrite 

You've got to admire how Vincent Tan releases this kind of stuff every time Mackay is linked to another job. :lol:

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You've got to admire how Vincent Tan releases this kind of stuff every time Mackay is linked to another job. :lol:

It's either that Tan is a spiteful, vindictive weirdo, or there's some truth to it. My money is not necessarily on the former.
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12 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


It's either that Tan is a spiteful, vindictive weirdo, or there's some truth to it. My money is not necessarily on the former.


Can't it be both?  It certainly takes a fairly healthy amount of spite to do it in the way he's gone about it.  

As others have said, a questionable appointment.  Not from any personality standpoint though, just from an aptitude.  I can see why Austin McPhee might have been a good appointment, but can only assume there was a huge drop-off between door number 1 and door number the-rest-of-them.  Mackay is probably a competent manager in certain situations, but this isn't a management job.  It's completely different.

But luckily, with the SFA's penchant for putting in a long-term plan for short-term time, he'll probably be off in a couple of years for the next bit of shiny.

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Reading some of the comments on here, I'm wondering who Mackay murdered.  Sadly, the game is littered with guys who have been absolute arses (how many "last chances" will Leigh "racist singing" Griffiths and Joey "stubs a cigar out on a youth player's eye" Barton get?) and Mackay has certainly fecked what was a potentially glittering career with his nonsense.  He has no excuses and, to be fair, hasn't used that tack.

I knew him reasonably well from his time at QP and you couldn't meet a nicer lad.  Head screwed on, polite and made a stab at banking just in case football didn't work out.  As it happened, his reasonable / limited footballing skills took him to heights that probably overtook what he had in his feet.  At the heart of the defence of three promotion-winning sides that got to the Premiership in England and a handful of Scotland caps.  His managerial career, although brief, was pretty successful (where are Cardiff now?) for such a young guy (despite what some on here are saying).  Unfortunately, he had an idiot in Moody feeding him racist and  homphobic lines and he joined in.  Again, I'll say that he has no excuses for that; totally unacceptable and he (unlike probably everyone on here) has paid the price.  Unfortunately, he fell out with the guy Tan ( a fruitcake if ever there was one) who was determined to spike Mackay's move to Palace.  He had to be keen to do this, trawling through 10,000 texts.

Whilst I'm not sure that the job is an exact fit for him (and vice versa), people are forgetting how highly regarded he was in his times at Watford and Cardiff.  He got the name of being a perfectionist and a meticulous planner with a good feel for modern ways; his teams were very successful.  Maybe he is a good fit.

The job itself is a poisoned chalice.  Wotte walked out just as his plan got under way, and McClair wasted his and everyone else's time.  Dealing with the massive egos and self-centred halfwits that run our game is a hard enough job; who in their right mind would take it?  Maybe Mackay is actually too good for the job, but the damage done to his reputation will make it difficult for him to take a job elsewhere.  This could be a win-win situation.  You can't see him baling out to go to another job, when trying to salvage his reputation is on the line, and making a success of the job must be his number one priority.

We're quite happy to welcome mad junkies, murderers and the like back into society when they've done their time.  Maybe it's time to see what Mackay has to offer.

Edited by Hampden Diehard
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3 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Malky Mackay worked in a bank branch when he was playing for Queens Park, 25 years ago.  Considering he was about 19 at the time I doubt that this has any relevance to his position at hte SFA.  

I can't believe Warburton said that, mental.

There's a lot of question marks (excuse the pun) about Warburton's own background in banking but he and the media absolutely fetishise it, it's bizarre.

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4 minutes ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

There's a lot of question marks (excuse the pun) about Warburton's own background in banking but he and the media absolutely fetishise it, it's bizarre.

I know. It's similar to the Farage thing, that because he worked in the city he's some kind of self-made, risen from the gutter, rags to riches fucking business wizard.

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42 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

...  Unfortunately, he had an idiot in Moody feeding him racist and  homphobic lines and he joined in.  (i) Again, I'll say that he has no excuses for that; totally unacceptable and he ((ii) unlike probably everyone on here) has paid the price. (iii) Unfortunately, he fell out with the guy Tan ( a fruitcake if ever there was one) who was determined to spike Mackay's move to Palace (iv).  He had to be keen to do this, trawling through 10,000 texts.


(i) No excuses, just bad luck.

(ii) Speak for yourself. If some goon was feeding me racist, sexist homophobic bullshit I'd tell him where to go. I certainly wouldn't join in. Granted, I'm fortunate enough not to be a racist, sexist, homophobic idiot. 

(iii) More bad luck.

(iv) Unfortunately for Malky he'd been sending screeds of offensive material on his work phone. Will the bad luck never end?

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