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9 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

I can't believe a club that's main tactical talking points this season have been "When will Slaney get a game?" and sticking Kirk Broadfoot upfront could self-combust.

Currently sit 11th from 19. Might still scrape a top half finish.

At least they invented Friday night football 😉

They also invented turning floodlights off and on and calling them disco lights.

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54 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I suppose this is kind of the problem with building a club around one man, who is the gaffer.

If Ferry decides he isn't enjoying management, doesn't feel he is up to it, or wants to invest his time and money elsewhere and steps down you're left where Broomhill were this time last year. Very few fans, no ground, sponsors only there because of Ferry and very little else to fall back on.

Sustainability is a bit of a buzz word. But this was never going to be sustainable. Because as soon as Si Ferry decides he's had enough then that's it. The whole thing sinks. 

Who knows if that's the case now or not. But it will be at some point. This is just a bit earlier than I had anticipated.

It was never 'sustainable' with that pellet on board either.

There really does need to be a fit and proper test established in Scottish football to turf out these nonsense ego outfits: Broomhill, Syngenta, Queens' Park etc. 

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I think this is how most people anticipated the Open Goal ‘project’ would’ve probably ended but I didn’t think it’d be quite so soon. 24 pts off top is pretty poor given Ferry was giving it the ‘best team in this league’ stuff early doors. 

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5 hours ago, Cowdenleith said:

Rather have either of the two teams in the league who are currently near the bottom, who have been in existence for decades, than this fake team.

Fake team that double, treble and quadruple your attendances and employ a manager who is somehow still less of a roaster than your own btw ☺️

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