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School days?

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I think I enjoyed it more because I wasn't bothered about results to be honest, everyone was stressed and I'd be sitting reading completely irrelevant things to amuse myself.

I didn't really care about results either. Okay, I revised for exams and did try but I was quite content that as long as I done my best the results wouldn't be the end of my life. Spent more time having a good laugh with my mates.
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High school I went to was filled with scumbags. Teachers sacked for drugs, being drunk on the job, fighting the kids, and one for lying on his CV, was the only decent music teacher there as well :lol: Also had students going into classrooms during lunch to lift purses etc.

Remember at the end of 6th year we had a Students vs Staff football game, pretty sure we got thumped Barca-PSG style but anyway, one of the janitors had an unbelievable heads gone after losing the ball on the wing, started throwing fists into the back of the boy's head, defending it by saying "You should have known I had anger issues", was fucking weird.


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I had few friends at school. I'd regularly abuse solvents and then bounce around the corridors creeping people out by staring at them while sweating and breathing heavily. 

I didn't learn much either. I'd spend more time reading Sven Hassel books than studying or doing homework. 

I can't say I was particularly badly behaved though. I used to cringe like f**k when some attention seeking arsehole was disrupting the class. The only times I got into trouble was for fighting or not doing homework.

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1 hour ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

I would say 100% of the teachers who tried to teach me, are now dead, and about 40% of the classmates have kicked the bucket as well.

Fucking good riddance. IMO.

so in essence what you are saying is

Belligerent ghouls
Ran Tayside schools
Spineless swines
Cemented minds
Sir leads the troops
Jealous of youth
Same old suit since nineteen sixty two
He did the military two-step down
The nape of my neck
I wanted to go home
I didn't want to stay
Gave up education
As a bad mistake
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I quite enjoyed school overall. Never really had many issues and still have a few friends that I go to the Rovers with from my high school days. My primary school was smack bang in the middle of the roughest part of Kirkcaldy at the time

So basically just in the middle of Kirkcaldy then?
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I stayed on until 6th year as I couldn't be bothered thinking what to do. Only did 3 subjects - 6th Year Studies History, Higher Economics even though I hadn't done the O Level and Higher Accounts even though I'd already passed it the previous year! Basically the bare minimum to stay on. Failed the Higher Accounts 2nd time, failed Economics but got an O level for free and passed History.

Happy days.

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Don't remember much about primary school, I progressed at a pretty decent rate and it gave me as good a start for high school as I could have possibly asked for. Sadly though I got to secondary school and the ambition to learn just wasn't there at all. Our primary school didn't even have grass which is pretty sad really. Throughout primary and secondary school I must have been the first pupil to arrive almost every single day, like an hour early.... To this day I'm still way too early for anything that I have planned. I always did my homework in the morning just before school started which is clearly not acceptable and half the time I never finished it. One of my maths teachers lost his shit when I handed him in an empty jotter. :lol:

Went to Dunfermline High School, old one and new one. Once all the neds quickly disappeared there were only really 2-3 groups in our year. Mingled between all of them not really belonging with any of them. My best friends all left either 4th or 5th year so I was going solo until the end. I really regret staying on as I didn't really achieve much. Although, the main qualification I did get actually allowed me to take it a bit further at college. Granted, if I wasn't being such a p***k I could have actually got the qualification a year earlier, hence why I felt my 6th year was a complete waste. 

Whilst in school I did actually sign up for P&B. smpar recommended it to me when we were in computing class so I signed up there and then as the website was fair game.

Pretty much as soon as I left school, I made no efforts to keep in touch with anyone, same after college actually. I got my 600+ Facebook friend list down to maybe 80 pretty easily without a second though (40-50 probably family and friends of the family). It's bumped up a little now due to meeting folk through various jobs etc and a few other acquaintances met along the way.


I had a few battles with my mum over school. She was the one that pushed me to stay on for 6th year which I didn't like at all. Despite how majorly I fucked up that year she was probably right because it gave me the path I needed whereas I wasn't 100% sure what was next for me if I didn't stay on. In a moment of madness I actually wrote some bizarre statements on the back of one of my French listening tests. Along the lines of "I can't do this anymore". "I really don't want to be here" and other depressing shit. Teacher noticed which prompted an urgent meeting with said teacher, guidance teacher and my mum. I don't know what my intentions really were with that sort of patter but they must have thought I might do something stupid, mum went mental when I got put on report for it. 

Question, did anyone go on to give higher drama or even standard grade drama a go? And if so, was it actually any good? I really feel like I'd have been in my element in that class but of course I was talked out of it.

Anyway, school started off fine and ended quite badly for me. 4 people from school are my current best friends. I think only 2 of them will be for life though, but you never know, anything can happen. Still see people whilst out and about and you do the usual what are you up to, nice to see you routine

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There's 2 secondary schools in Arbroath.

The High School had plenty of stuck up arseholes who were like this. Kind of folk who thought the only way to be successful in life is getting a degree from Yoooni. My ex was one but she was sound, her pals though were as you describe.

I went to the Academy. Just sound c***s who never took themselves too seriously. Some people ( minority like ) at the High looked down at the Academy. All very embarrassing looking back.

I to went to the "acad", hated it and most of the people who went there, some of the teachers were ok, there was a reunion a few years ago, did not attend, but my mate did and he said once a few got tanked up the same petty squabbles surfaced from 30 years ago. The High School is only the secondary for the other side of town, never felt the superior thing, went to a country primary, much better
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9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

so in essence what you are saying is

Belligerent ghouls
Ran Tayside schools
Spineless swines
Cemented minds
Sir leads the troops
Jealous of youth
Same old suit since nineteen sixty two
He did the military two-step down
The nape of my neck
I wanted to go home
I didn't want to stay
Gave up education
As a bad mistake

Yes. Thank you.

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My mum taught at some rough primary schools. Grannies selling single cigs to kids through the school gates, boys saying their ambition was to join the South African police so they could "shoot the blacks", a wee girl being told to wear a less skimpy top saying "but my dad says it looks sexy". Yes, in Fife. 

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Question, did anyone go on to give higher drama or even standard grade drama a go? And if so, was it actually any good? I really feel like I'd have been in my element in that class but of course I was talked out of it.

I did standard grade drama. It was pretty shite tbh. I quite liked drama and hated French so when it was one or the other, I was choosing drama. Done quite a lot of theory rather than just getting to be daft. Although our teacher did walk out on us once because the class wasn't behaving. It was the period before lunch so we got an extended lunch and he never mentioned again, or seemingly to his superiors so happy days all round.
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Primary school was ok. Secondary school in the early eighties was interesting. 1st and 2nd year if you done wrong you well belted no questions asked. Thought all the teachers were wankers.  Then the belt was abolished. Fantastic. There was nothing in place to replace it so we all just run riot. The power balance shifted and we could do or say what we wanted and the school seemed powerless to stop us. We could tell the teachers they were wankers and nothing got done. Plus the teachers went on strike seemed like we done a 4 day week for 2 years and in the background we were in Thatcher's Britain, miners strike and an impending cold war. Great days.

Don't really keep in touch with anybody from my school days. Suprisingly enough nobody has really made anything of themselves.

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8 hours ago, JamieStevenson said:

Question, did anyone go on to give higher drama or even standard grade drama a go?

I did both. The class was good, the teacher not so much. There were days that she was clearly too hungover to do any work so we'd all be forced to sit and listen to her butchering performing a monologue for 45 minutes. She once disappeared for a few days and when she came back, she had her arm in a sling. Seemingly, she'd got blootered and fallen through a patio door/window. Nice.

Suffice to say, we did not get on. Easily the worst teacher in the school. Pretty sure the alcohol had pickled her brain because the slightest thing would have her bawling and shouting.

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Hated up until 6th year, which was a decent laugh but I was still ready to leave. My school was a shithole but definitely not the worst in Cumbernauld. Don't know why but one thing that always sticks in my mind was asking the dinner lady what the soup of the day was and she went "Dunno, it's yella I think". Summed the place up quite nicely.

I stil speak to a few people. Two of my best mates are from school. I'm also quite close with my primary school best friend, but only because his girlfriend and my girlfriend are good pals.  

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Primary school was good for me as I was in the top 10% for everything and put up to represent the school at various maths events and suchlike, and being the wee geek I was I thoroughly enjoyed this.

Secondary school was different as, similar to what people have said about people going from there to university, I found myself trundling down the classes and a distinctly average student. I was just completely average socially and academically, rather bored with it all and became a bit of a wee shite and left as soon as I could at the end of 4th year. I was actually put on behavioural support for a good few months, and must have had a good 50+ 'punishment exercises' in the last 2 years before I left. Incredibly while at school I never drunk, smoked or went near any drugs and a side from just being a cheeky wee b*****d I'd say my behaviour was actually totally fine.

Bizarelly, my school social life only really started once I'd left the place, as all the parties started happening when folk were in 5th/ 6th year and by this point I was in Dundee College and had met a variety of proper Dundonians, who were able to supply me with a variety of narcotics to liven the proceedings up a wee bit ;) I also acquired myself a fake ID as when I was just turned 16 as all the folk I was going out to pubs/ clubs with were a good few years older than me so it was required, and it worked rather well to say the least. If you're growing up in a middle class area and you want to become very popular very quickly when underage, my advise is to get yourself in a position where you can supply large amounts of alcohol to people very easily and quickly.

In terms of speaking to people from school now, half a dozen of my best pals are from school but we were never really friends when we were there, a couple of them are from the older group I used to go on the piss with when I was 16 and the others are from my year, but we only really became good pals when we started getting completely out our dish aged 16/17. We don't exactly have the best reputation in the area we grew up in (mainly because it's full of pretentious middle class wankers) and a lot of rumours (most of them true) went about when we were 17/18/19 which make us look rather bad. One of my best mates being put in the nick for several years after getting caught up with the 'wrong crowd' as it were and getting caught with a large quantity of heroin didn't help matters on that front..... we're now as close as ever and together most weekends, and I imagine the pictures of us flying around social media cause quite a lot of chat amongst those who were in our year :lol:


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On 14/03/2017 at 21:35, Wilkinson1998 said:

I know a boy with the same surname from Clacks.

He's a few years younger than me, generally a good lad, knew hi until he was about 15. Now he's always posting about far-right views on Britain being for the British, the god-like status of all soldiers and ex-soldiers, the cushy advantages enjoyed by Muslims and immigrants and the supremacy of Rangers.

I wonder if by any chance they might be related. Two Clacks Cooks coming to such a similar set of conclusions within their world views seems a bit unlikely ( I wish).

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When I grew up and went to school there were certain teachers who would hurt the children any way they could.

Pouring their derision on anything they did, exposing every weakness however carefully hid by the kids.

But in the town it was well known when they got home at night their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives.

At high school I also saw a boy doing a stand up pish with his trousers and drawers round his ankles.

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