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June 8th General Election


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Sturgeon to resign, Davidson for First Minister, Independence dream dead.

This election has literally melted some peoples brains.

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50 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

This, apart from the last line. The biggest losers are still the Conservatives on a National basis. They've thrown away a majority and have no real likelihood of forming any sort of tenable Govt. Another election within 12 months is inevitable and within 3 or 4 months is likely. An election they'll likely now be second favourites for unless Corbyn shoots himself in the foot again before then.

For me it's nearly a terrific night. I wanted a hung parliament where the Lib Dems held the balance of power and the SNP got put back in the box a bit and that's more or less what we got, albeit there's no chance of the Lib Dems propping anyone up.

May has been arrogant since she snaked her way into power and I hate the way the Tories have gone about Brexit. There was no real need to call an election but she wanted a greedy bigger majority and longer term while Corbyn was perceived unelectable and boy did it backfire. Good. Maybe we'll get a softer Brexit (or ideally none at all) as a result.

The SNP got exactly what their "once in a generation, oh no, wait we'll keep holding referendums till we get the result we want" approach deserved. They are still the biggest party in Scotland but they lost massive ground in seats and if Labour are genuinely credible again then there is a real threat to their long term power. Which as a unionist (with a small "u") is great news for me.

I think Ruth Davidson is a very good leader and I am pleased the Scottish Conservatives made good ground. I couldn't bring myself to vote for them though even though I usually do because I can't support their Brexit approach.

The only slight downside for me is the prospect of Corbyn actually doing so well he might get himself elected eventually. He'd be a terrible prime minister and a Corbyn led government would be a disaster. If was running a Beetle Drive he'd manage to raise £35 for charity whilst spending £400 to get it! And Dianne Abbott would be running around telling everyone it cost £4.60. Corbyn's fine sitting as the opposition and giving parliament a social conscience. God help us if he actually gets any power.

I agree with a lot of what you are saying there, though I disagree with a few points.

Ruth is a terrible leader. Most of the swings to the Conservatives were in spite of her, not because of her. Corbyn being elected and a shift to the left would be better for the majority of the UK. It was a poor night for the SNP but in terms of Independence and the move towards that, a bit of perspective would suggest it was anything but massive. The fact that only 35 seats is considered a massive let down tells you just how far things have moved in the last 5 or 6 years.

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2 minutes ago, mizfit said:



Can the queen refuse to accept her proposal? Serious question.


Yes and No.

The relationship between parliament and Crown is that Parliament does whatever the Crown asks for so long as the Crown promises never to ask for anything.

May will set up a minority government, and see if she can pass a budget.

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11 minutes ago, Southside Hibee said:

It is necessary, Sturgeon's popularity is not making a comeback. I hypothesise with her leading the next Holyrood elections, we could very well end up with Ruth Davidson becoming the next First Minister of Scotland. 


And it's for this reason I categorically hope that she doesn't get a leadership challenge from within her party.  Her unpopularity is a tremendous asset to the Union.

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It was a sore one last night but for all the yoons crowing and calling on Sturgeon to resign, SNP still won the Scottish election and were always going to lose seats as 2015 was a one off.

To put 2015 in context SNP winning 56 out of 59 seats is the equivalent of someone winning 617 out of 650 Westminster seats.

Winning 35 out of 59 is 59% of the seats which is winning the election in Scotland regardless of what Tories and slab try to spin.

Compare SNP result last night to what that would mean in Westminster, 59% of the 650 available seats is 383.5 either way you round that 0.5 (up or down) is a majority May and Corbyn could only dream of.

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1 minute ago, Cille Mhernaig said:

It was a sore one last night but for all the yoons crowing and calling on Sturgeon to resign, SNP still won the Scottish election and were always going to lose seats as 2015 was a one off.

To put 2015 in context SNP winning 56 out of 59 seats is the equivalent of someone winning 617 out of 650 Westminster seats.

Winning 35 out of 59 is 59% of the seats which is winning the election in Scotland regardless of what Tories and slab try to spin.

Compare SNP result last night to what that would mean in Westminster, 59% of the 650 available seats is 383.5 either way you round that 0.5 (up or down) is a majority May and Corbyn could only dream of.


Who's calling for Sturgeon to resign?

There's clearly no chance of that happening.  For her own credibility she could do with winning an SNP leadership election though.  She's been losing seats left, right and centre for 2 years.

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2 minutes ago, Ned Nederlander said:

DUP will insist on a soft border - that's one Indy question answered.

Evel means no coalition with the DUP is workable.

I think we will see a May resignation, a Tory leadership election and then the winner of that calling a general election for late September.

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I did think the SNP would lose seats from that high of 2015 but like many others I was taken aback by the Exit Poll. The Rutherglen result was a sign that Labour had recovered in certain areas but the loss of the Ochils Seat( and I am no fan of Tasmina) took me back to the 2014 Referendum night when it voted No. What struck me as the results came in for Scotland was that the pattern of Conservative gains was almost wholly in No voting areas, and indeed narrow Remain wins in the EU referendum. That showed that the Conservative and labour and liberal campaigns on "No 2nd referendum" and "getting on with the day job" were highly successful in winning those seats. What is maybe more disturbing from an SNP point this morning is that half a million votes less than 2015( Even given a reduced turn out?) suggests that being so pro EU might have damaged their prospects. Labour did what they had to do but in stressing the opposition to 2nd Referendum they may have aided the Conservative gains. I know that overall they only added on about 10,000 across the country but does this suggest they collapsed in the seats where Ruth Davidson's conservatives won? It took me ages to realise how close the SNP majority was in Airdrie/Shotts but a win is a win. As for Therea May a deal with the DUP to stay in power is clearly better than a bad deal. The electoral map almost takes me back to the 1979 Referendum which rejected Devolution( on the 40% rule) as the Central belt wish for Devolution was halted by the Borders and other areas. The momentum for Independence has certainly been slowed but the Brexit realities might see a recovery as the Conservatives stay in power at Westminster to implement their domestic agenda from that manifesto. Interesting times but I do hope we have no more elections for the next few years.

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3 minutes ago, Lex said:

Evel means no coalition with the DUP is workable.

I think we will see a May resignation, a Tory leadership election and then the winner of that calling a general election for late September.

Deal done with the DUP, May off to the palace to ask to form a government.

So there you go, a majority of 5, down from 13 - propped up by the biggest bunch of loonball bigots the UK has to offer.

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