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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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11 minutes ago, renton said:

Not sure I'd agree, in 2017 the distribution includes several single digit leads including one at 3 points. The 2019 polls the lowest is 9 points. Without doing the quick maths there is clearly a lower median tory lead to years ago.

When I said "aren't much different" maybe I was on the optimistic side of margin of error . I'm not going to sink into despair quite yet though, and the lowest is 7 points.

Edited by welshbairn
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Tory percentage looks about the same, while Labour's share is down by about 4%. Is that the Farage Party hitting them harder than the Tories? Hell mend the idiots, if so.

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21 hours ago, welshbairn said:

When I said "aren't much different" maybe I was on the optimistic side of margin of error . I'm not going to sink into despair quite yet though, and the lowest is 7 points.

Best thing to do to spot trends is check data from the same polling company, so the same methodology is consistently involved:


For example, Yougov is out today and shows the following changes over the last ten days:

Tories 42 43, 43, 42

Lab 30 32 34 33

LibDem 16, 13, 13, 12

SNP 4, 4, 4. 5

Green 4, 2, 4, 4

Brexit 3, 4, 2, 4

Looks to me like there was a significant shift from Lib Dem to Labour when people first saw how useless Jo Swinson is over a week back, but not much has changed since then beyond margin of error stuff.

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Best thing to do to spot trends is check data from the same polling company, so the same methodology is consistently involved:
For example, Yougov is out today and shows the following changes over the last ten days:
Tories 42 43, 43, 42
Lab 30 32 34 33
LibDem 16, 13, 13, 12
SNP 4, 4, 4. 5
Green 4, 2, 4, 4
Brexit 3, 4, 2, 4
Looks to me like there was a significant shift from Lib Dem to Labour when people first saw how useless Jo Swinson is over a week back, but not much has changed since then beyond margin of error stuff.
SNP getting 5% across UK will yield 58 seats, thinking 4% is right on for them
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Other companies in recent days have tended to have the SNP at 3%, but some of the numbers in the pdfs with the details can be a bit mental. For example, Deltapoll are stating that 10% of 25 to 34 year olds across the UK will be voting SNP and that the SNP have 5% support amongst women but only 2% support amongst men. That sort of thing suggests some issues with their sampling methods:



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3 minutes ago, Sunrise said:

Poll on the way -


Article above shows that the scottish public now showing negative ratings on all main devolved areas, a total change from April when they are all positive.

This could be a shitter of a poll for the SNP incoming.

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1 minute ago, Tarmo Kink said:

Nobody can seriously say that they would be confident in Corbyn as PM, surely?

Compared to fucking what? The Muppets who've been in charge the last five years or so? He should scarcely be worse even if he tried.

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3 minutes ago, Tarmo Kink said:

Nobody can seriously say that they would be confident in Corbyn as PM, surely?

It's not a question of whether we could be confident in Jeremy Corbyn or not. It's a question of whether we could possibly be more confident in Boris Johnson.

Use your head.

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Corbyn the giy that goes to a homeless refuge on xmas day or the serial liar?
Who's cabinet includes a guy that got done for selling secrets to china and the one that was meeting ministers in israel in secret

Its a tough choice

Nobody can seriously say that they would be confident in Corbyn as PM, surely?
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Could understand the Corbyn criticism there if we had someone resembling a semi competent statesman like leader as an alternative but we've got a lying, racist buffoon following up from a dithering non-entity before him so who can kid themselves that Corbyn would be out of his depth compared to them should be the question?

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11 minutes ago, Tarmo Kink said:

Boris Johnson would make an excellent PM.


He has caused a constitutional crisis and lied to the sovereign to do so. 

He attacked the supreme court and threatened to ignore UK law. 

Within his first 6 months, he also lost his parliamentary majority in a fit of pique. 

From Walpole to May I cannot think of a worse PM in terms of dishonesty and misgovernance. 

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Guest Bob Mahelp
7 minutes ago, Tarmo Kink said:


It’s not fishing. Corbyn, Sturgeon and Swinson are unwilling to deliver what the people of the Union voted for. Boris is, that’s why he’s getting my vote.


If you actually live in Sneckie, a Tory vote is a wasted vote. 

Fill yer boots. 

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2 minutes ago, Tarmo Kink said:

 A vote for the Tories is a vote for Democracy.



This is totalitarian groupthink. A vote for any democratic party in an election that is held relatively free and fair is a "vote for democracy". 

I am assuming you are on the wind up now. 

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