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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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24 minutes ago, AFCDannyFTH said:

Worst Minter

 That was quite remarkable and the only sure thing was that the convener would have to pull the plug on her at some point.

I'm struggling with who drafted the Mitchell soliloquy.

It would be easy to assume that it was all her own but it was so bad that it might just have been the work of The Douglas



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1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

The only evidence for Aberdein making this claim is his own word that the name was passed to him. Sturgeon says that the other individual involved in the meeting says the name was not divulged to him. 

It's a question of one person's word v's another. 

I agree it's hard to understand why Aberdein would lie, hence why I tend toward the idea that perhaps he discerned it for himself rather than being expressly told, or that he brought one specific event up, and that was discussed in a manner that simply served to confirm his suspicion about an identity. Remember, it's clear Salmond knew who one of the accusers was simply because he'd had to apologise for the same incident as far back as 2013.

There's also one other very plausible explanation, which I can't get into here because I reckon the mods would zap any hint of it.

Div slipped the name to Aberdein? My. God.

How far down does the rabbit hole go?

14 minutes ago, AFCDannyFTH said:

Worst Minter

Deputy Worst Minter, thank you very much.

I can see someone toppling the First Minister before Glen Minter loses his crown.

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There are three Neoliberal parties offering different versions of austerity plus the two joke parties. Nothing politically good is going to happen.
My outlook now is stay healthy and wait to see what happens when the climate crisis really kicks in. 
I appreciate the reply. A bit apocalyptic but perhaps only just.
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Switched off the radio at about half 4 as I was knackered just listening. Long day for all the folk involved. If someone sees/has a clip of mitchell’s rant at end can you send it in. Had a brief look on twitter but couldn’t see it. She was pretty unhinged all day. Thought Baillie and Fraser had a couple decent points but couldn’t really capatalise. A skoosh for sturgeon 

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15 minutes ago, Tartan Dave said:

Switched off the radio at about half 4 as I was knackered just listening. Long day for all the folk involved. If someone sees/has a clip of mitchell’s rant at end can you send it in. Had a brief look on twitter but couldn’t see it. She was pretty unhinged all day. Thought Baillie and Fraser had a couple decent points but couldn’t really capatalise. A skoosh for sturgeon 

Didn’t hear/see much of it but had the pleasure (?) of seeing Mitchell’s performance late on.  Classic TV.

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I have no vested interest or party allegiance but as an onlooker I have to say Nicola Sturgeon completely handled that today. Although im deeply at odds with many things her government has done or failed to do she did prove that in terms of political operators she is light years ahead of anyone else in the UK and that she couldnt envoke a sense of decency that Baillie could never even get close to. For all the tories out there and in the committee hearing (including Cole-Hamilton) decency is essentially not being a c**t, it’ll be quite a foreign concept to you but there we go. 

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4 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:



Rev Campbell has completely and utterly lost the plot.

Let's be honest he has posted and spewed forth a lot of vile and nasty comments on various subjects over last few years. I think the Indy movement should distance themselves from him.

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3 hours ago, tirso said:

Absolutely but on the balance of probabilities do you think Aberdein is telling porkies?  Hard to imagine why they'd all make that up.  It's not a criminal trial this.  You can judge what's credible and what's not.

If Aberdein is telling lies about what was said then he might be the one leaking stories to the Record.

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Still think the last few weeks of negative headlines will hurt the SNP in the elections. I live in hope we will get a majority but i'm starting to doubt that can happen now. 
I'm not sure about that. We are firmly passed the Ignore and Ridicule stage. This is the gloves off fight stage, only one winner
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Guest Bob Mahelp
5 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I take it that it's being implied that the extra evidence Salmond has sent today will contradict what Sturgeon said to the committee ?

How long does this go on for ?

Salmond has had his day before the committee to present all the evidence he had. Turns out his 'evidence' was mainly 'opinion '.

Now he's presenting more 'evidence'. What is it, a big statement that says 'boo hoo, it's no fair' ? 

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