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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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You can't really blame the opposition parties for piling on.  Sturgeon is the most popular leader there has been in any of the home countries for years and they sense a weakness - its the best chance they have given their own personalities and policies aren't getting them very far.

Outside of those who closely follow politics, and the rabid hordes on both sides, I don't think the public will really care all that much.  We have seen that with the Westminster government - casual breaches of ministerial codes and misleading parliament happens on an almost weekly basis and hasn't damaged the Conservative's ratings.

The suggestion that Sturgeon resign and put it to the public in May is a good one.  I would fully expect a similar make up of the Parliament to be returned in 7 weeks time.

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The whole thing is complete whataboutery, an absolute witch hunt which is being orchestrated by the Tory's and their yoonatic fringe.
Thats what the public will be thinking...
Don't forget who started this so called witch hunt Mr alec salmond.

Any political party would be quick to put the boot in including the SNP if the shoe was on the other foot so 2 speak.
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The is thread man 🤣🤣🤣
Slavish devotion doesn’t quite cover it. Absolute epic levels of whatabouttery too.

‘Yes we know our leader is a corrupt liar, but what about other corrupt liars?’


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2 minutes ago, Lex said:

The is thread man 🤣🤣🤣
Slavish devotion doesn’t quite cover it. Absolute epic levels of whatabouttery too.

‘Yes we know our leader is a corrupt liar, but what about other corrupt liars?’


I don't believe Sturgeon is corrupt at all. She might be a liar, but there's no proof of that. The irony of this post is that it comes from a fucking tory for whom corruption is acceptable and welcomed.

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2 minutes ago, Lex said:

The is thread man 🤣🤣🤣
Slavish devotion doesn’t quite cover it. Absolute epic levels of whatabouttery too.

‘Yes we know our leader is a corrupt liar, but what about other corrupt liars?’


When pressed on it on QT last night Kirsten Oswald couldn't say 'But Boris Johnson...' fast enough. 

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Just now, GiGi said:

I don't believe Sturgeon is corrupt at all. She might be a liar, but there's no proof of that. The irony of this post is that it comes from a fucking tory for whom corruption is acceptable and welcomed.

Whataboutery Inception

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1 minute ago, sparky88 said:

Whataboutery Inception

It's not whataboutery if I think only one of the above is corrupt. Swing and a miss, as we say here.

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I don't believe Sturgeon is corrupt at all. She might be a liar, but there's no proof of that. The irony of this post is that it comes from a fucking tory for whom corruption is acceptable and welcomed.

Responds to accusations of whatabouttery with... yet more whatabouttery 🤣🤣
There’s several circle jerk threads on this very board to discuss the big bad Tories, this thread is about Nicola Sturgeon.
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7 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

When pressed on it on QT last night Kirsten Oswald couldn't say 'But Boris Johnson...' fast enough. 

She's quite right. That c**t lies every time his lips move. 

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I'm still confused as to how she can be found guilty of misleading parliament if it is simply the impression Salmond got that she'd help him and she never actually stated it as a fact. They seem to be taking the third guy's testimony as some kind of corroboration but again it's just his opinion on what was said and not anything written or recorded? If I met some celebrity at a book signing or somesuch and said "it would be nice to chat over a coffee one day" and they replied "haha, sure yes" would I be able to say that the impression I got was that they wanted us to be friends and sue them when they decided that actually going for a latte with some randomer from Waterstones wasn't actually on their agenda?

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If I were Sturgeon, I'd be 'resigning' the position of First Minister as Holyrood breaks up for the election and making this a confidence issue in May's vote. Once the SNP wins, she can re-elected as First Minister with a fresh mandate from Parliament anyway. 
This current strategy of flailing and denial is pointless six weeks out from an election that will place the current Parliament's committee findings in the bin. 

There's a feel of A Very British Coup about all this - a minor issue blown out of all proportion.

I'm thinking you are right that she should do a Harry Perkins - resign and make the election a vote of confidence - trust her or trust the Tories.

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You can't really blame the opposition parties for piling on.  Sturgeon is the most popular leader there has been in any of the home countries for years and they sense a weakness - its the best chance they have given their own personalities and policies aren't getting them very far.
Outside of those who closely follow politics, and the rabid hordes on both sides, I don't think the public will really care all that much.  We have seen that with the Westminster government - casual breaches of ministerial codes and misleading parliament happens on an almost weekly basis and hasn't damaged the Conservative's ratings.
The suggestion that Sturgeon resign and put it to the public in May is a good one.  I would fully expect a similar make up of the Parliament to be returned in 7 weeks time.
My own gut tell me that there are a lot of people out there who given the choice of trust her or trust the Tories will choose her.

The Tories may find they have greatly underestimated how popular a leader she is.

I know it is anecdotal but I've found in the last year, amongst female friends, just chatting or through social media, that she is very popular with female voters.

Studies have shown that female voters tend to dislike the confrontational approach and a more bipartisan approach - seeing bully boys like Fraser or Ross against her calm measured approach and there is only one winner.
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I'm still confused as to how she can be found guilty of misleading parliament if it is simply the impression Salmond got that she'd help him and she never actually stated it as a fact. They seem to be taking the third guy's testimony as some kind of corroboration but again it's just his opinion on what was said and not anything written or recorded? If I met some celebrity at a book signing or somesuch and said "it would be nice to chat over a coffee one day" and they replied "haha, sure yes" would I be able to say that the impression I got was that they wanted us to be friends and sue them when they decided that actually going for a latte with some randomer from Waterstones wasn't actually on their agenda?

The arseholes don't have an understanding what the word impression actually means.
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The is thread man [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787]
Slavish devotion doesn’t quite cover it. Absolute epic levels of whatabouttery too.

‘Yes we know our leader is a corrupt liar, but what about other corrupt liars?’

So, in your opinion it's right that politicians are held to differing standards? What's the criteria? Age? Sex? Party allegiance?
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Guest bernardblack
49 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Imagine how much of an invertebrate you need to be to support a politican like your favourite footballer and support a party like your team with blind loyalty. 

A high percentage of the country are tories because they are rangers fans 

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4 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
1 hour ago, Lex said:
The is thread man emoji1787.pngemoji1787.pngemoji1787.png
Slavish devotion doesn’t quite cover it. Absolute epic levels of whatabouttery too.

‘Yes we know our leader is a corrupt liar, but what about other corrupt liars?’


So, in your opinion it's right that politicians are held to differing standards? What's the criteria? Age? Sex? Party allegiance?

Boris is not in Holyrood and regardless The Tories don't gain anywhere near a majority of votes made in Scotland as we already don't trust them. 

I'll take more notice once Hamilton releases his findings, if he comes out with similar then it's off you pop Nicola and thanks for fucking up independence for a very long time. 


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