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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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3 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Appreciating that nobody has been charged yet, but -

A couple of years ago, most people (indeed many unionist commentators) grudgingly talked about Sturgeon as possibly the most competent and certainly the most trusted politician around. She was roundly lauded for her honesty during Covid etc etc.

We are now in a position where - if all the revelations are true, her husband perpetrated a financial fraud, they both shut down any questions or inquiries on the subject - and it seems inconceivable that she was unaware of what was going on.

What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????

Yeah it is difficult to fathom, the why? and at times I wonder how much there is to it still. However there are so many things now that that adding up look to be pointing to something dodgy that has happened and both were aware. An example, the answer to the question to NS about the Murrell loan where she clearly in advance what seems knowingly now distances herself from it, looks well dodgy, it looked dodgy at the time but now with hindsight it looks even more so.


Its all bizarre and to some extent we will just have to wait and see what comes out of it. As im still not sure is it just incompetence that got out of hand or a sense of "we run this and we can do what we want" and nothing corrupt was intended but lines were clearly crossed and abuses of power done in regards control of the finances or something where intentional criminal financial activtives were done(which I still at this moment maybe naively think is the least likely option)

Edited by ScotiaNostra
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5 hours ago, Leith Green said:

Appreciating that nobody has been charged yet, but -

A couple of years ago, most people (indeed many unionist commentators) grudgingly talked about Sturgeon as possibly the most competent and certainly the most trusted politician around. She was roundly lauded for her honesty during Covid etc etc.

We are now in a position where - if all the revelations are true, her husband perpetrated a financial fraud, they both shut down any questions or inquiries on the subject - and it seems inconceivable that she was unaware of what was going on.

What I struggle with is the notion that Sturgeon (who, regardless of your political persuasion, you cant deny came across as pretty smart) thought they could "get away" with this............

I have worked in places where people have been captured for fraud, and usually there is some underlying reason (gambling, relative with drug debts etc) and they are usually relieved to be caught.

But this seems so utterly bizarre and incomprehensible - I mean, if she discovered he had his hands in the till just for greed, she could have called the polis and divorced the baldy auld man and come out of it (if not smelling of roses) with her reputation almost intact.

Like I said, taking away any "Indy / Unionist" bias or "I fuckin telt ye so" shite - does anyone else find this case incredibly strange?????


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52 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Murrell to be played Stanley Tucci.

No chance. He weighs about 8st when soaking wet.

My suggestion…?



Edited by George Cowley
Meh, tried to hide in a spoiler on my phone. Didn’t work. Muppet.
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f**k me, the old guard do the party no favours. Hosie was out saying nobody cares about the party finances and it doesn't cut through with voters. Blackford rolled out to give it the everything is fine routine and dodging the solvency question. Now Marwick who seems to be against transparency and accountability - the NEC are above reproach. None of this is a good look. Its making things worse not better. 🤦‍♂️

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Former Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament here. Nice political culture we’ve built for ourselves in this country.

The follow up is a belter as well. 

I can't help but feel that the lack of allowable dissent might just have created an environment where certain people act with impunity, leading to outcomes like missing money, prominent resignations and possibly an arrest. 


Edited by Michael W
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58 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The follow up is a belter as well. 

I can't help but feel that the lack of allowable dissent might just have created an environment where certain people act with impunity, leading to outcomes like missing money, prominent resignations and possibly an arrest. 


Considering she probably launched the glittering career of her niece, i wonder if she was as forthright then with those views 

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12 minutes ago, AyrExile said:

Considering she probably launched the glittering career of her niece, i wonder if she was as forthright then with those views 

You can understand her sensitivity to allegations of fraud. 

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13 hours ago, AyrExile said:

Considering she probably launched the glittering career of her niece, i wonder if she was as forthright then with those views 

Her sister, the shitebag's mother is an SNP councillor, so probably both responsible for her choice of employment.

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17 hours ago, Michael W said:

The follow up is a belter as well. 

I can't help but feel that the lack of allowable dissent might just have created an environment where certain people act with impunity, leading to outcomes like missing money, prominent resignations and possibly an arrest. 


Not to mention the fact that the current establishment ran explicitly on a party continuity basis, that has been blown up by the baldy clown being arrested and Sturgeon's what financial crisis intervention coming to light. 

Mr 52% Yousaf and his colleagues have no legitimacy to run the party - they were chosen on a premise that no longer exists. 

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40 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

Blackford is doing a good job of continuity, nothing to see here. Everthing is fine. SNP Voters and especially members are taken for granted. Its the members party not the MSP,s or MP's or councillors.

That description reminds me of football fans when their club is being horribly mismanaged by bad owners

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Decent piece by Kevin McKenna in the Herald describing it, I think fairly accurately, as a giant Ponzi scheme. 



Kevin McKenna: How the SNP took Scotland for a ride

11 hrs ago

“YOU reap what you sow,” said Nicola Sturgeon during leaked footage of a National Executive Council meeting of her party in 2021. It was meant to be a warning, but given what we now know about the grubby behaviour of the SNP’s professional wing, it might also be seen as a rallying call. “Fill your boots” is one other interpretation.

The SNP’s platinum-card lounge confers many benefits. The £110k camper van sitting in a Dunfermline driveway and a luxury holiday villa near the Algarve testify to the sort of lifestyle that accompanies a journey up through its ranks. Second homes in the Highlands, trips abroad to “encourage trade links”, a few days in New York to celebrate Tartan Week.

Ah yes, those trade links. I’m sure such trips are motivated by a genuine desire to spark interest in Scotland from global business leaders and foreign governments. Everybody says so. It’s just that, well … places like Possilpark, Wester Hailes and Shettleston can never quite access the benefits of the SNP flying club’s selfless devotion to international travel.

The wholesale meltdown that’s engulfed the SNP over the last three weeks indicates that, at the very top of the party, a sort of political Ponzi scheme has been operating.

This is how it works: you, the members, must give us your money and trust us to invest it in the struggle for independence. However, you must never ask us any questions about how your money has been deployed.

In the NEC footage obtained by the Sunday Mail, Ms Sturgeon says: “I’m not going to get into the details … but just be very careful about suggestions there are problems with the party’s finances, because we depend on donors. There are no reasons for people to be concerned about the party’s finances, and all of us need to be careful about not suggesting there is.”

So there we have it. In most well-run and honest enterprises, suggestions that there may be a problem with the finances usually meets with a pledge to investigate the matter and report back soonest. In the SNP you’re told to keep your mouth shut lest it interrupt the cash flow from the rank and file membership.

Henceforth, the phrase “taken for a ride” will link to this found footage of a serving First Minister of Scotland hectoring the body which is supposed to ordain proper financial governance of her party.

Several of us – both inside the SNP and out – have been casting doubt on its commitment to independence. For the handful of commentators asking such questions, responses rarely get much worse than being accused by the party’s gargoyle division of being Yoons and Red Tories. Occasionally, some of the leadership’s favoured lickspittles in the media will respond with suitably soothing and unctuous hagiographies of the former First Minister. Less truth to power, more soothe to power.

For those inside the party it can result in being bullied, intimidated and threatened. And all of it orchestrated by the leadership. In the leaked footage, Ms Sturgeon furiously seeks to close down discussion of the finances. Someone called “Alison” is targeted. The message is clear: “I know it was you, Fredo.” It’s the sort of behaviour which forced people like Joanna Cherry to resign from the NEC.

And so, we’ll ask again: has the party in the Sturgeon era ever been serious about independence? Even if the ongoing police investigation into the party’s finances concludes there’s nothing to see here, one thing is clear: whatever that missing £670k was spent on, it had little or nothing to do with independence.

In Ms Sturgeon’s nine years as SNP leader the independence movement has undergone a quiet metamorphosis. The ordinary members believed it to be driven by them through their cash donations and hundreds of hours of street-by-street, unpaid campaigning.

Yet, all the time, those in receipt of their largesse have been viewing independence as an enterprise zone based on a fiendishly simple business model: condemn the Tories; stand up for Scotland; win elections; give your friends and family key appointments to ensure loyalty and keep the gravy train chugging along.

And then hire dozens of spin doctors and researchers, costing £1m per annum (and rising) for the purpose of briefing against any of the awkward squad foolish enough to question the leadership’s real motives. Meanwhile, assemble an army of malevolent young misogynists in cheap suits and North Face duffel bags to issue threats against women who believe in the self-evident truth that fully intact men identifying as women “are at it”.

A feature of several conversations I’ve had with party activists, journalists and Yes supporters in recent weeks is that a spell in opposition will be good for the SNP and that it will result in a clear-out of all the bad actors. After all, independence is a long game and many who have passed on could never have dreamed that their cause could have come this far. Being a glass-half-full sort of chiel, I wish I could share their optimism.

The membership had a chance of slopping out the stables during the recent leadership election. But rather than elect either of the two women who had pledged to do just that they gave the job to a leadership glove puppet whose first action was to promote a division of like-minded political misfits and mediocrities into government.

This party has laid waste to the prospects for independence and exposed Scotland to international ridicule, a latter-day Freedonia presided over by politicians channelling Groucho, Zeppo, Chico and Harpo. It’s not a spell in opposition that’s required here, it’s a winding-up of the entire party.

If the SNP are voted out of government in 2026, then what? Scottish Labour is similarly full of inarticulate party hacks and led by a millionaire who sent his children to a fee-paying, educational facility. His family fortune derives from a business that didn’t pay its lowest-paid workers a real Living Wage and refused to recognise trade unions.

This Scottish branch takes its orders from another millionaire who has decreed that members caught in possession of Socialist tendencies risk expulsion and who has been in lock-step with the Tories over immigration policy. He’s banned his elected members from supporting trade union strike action, somehow believes that empowering Big Business will improve the economic outlook for the masses and thinks that one Union Jack on his office wall is one too few.

Almost 200 years of something self-identifying as a democracy has given us a political class characterised by graft, mediocrity and exploitation.


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Humza lacks the leadership needed now. He looks like a rabbit in the headlights. Murrel would be suspended by now by most. Imagine during Sturgeon time the treasurer for example was found to have bought a motorhome no one knew about it and it was parked on his mums drive. How long would you expect them to last before being suspended

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