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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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The whole misleading the committee or misleading parliament is a red herring. The Committee is set up by Parliament and reports to Parliament so any misleading of them amounts to a misleading of Parliament.

The only thing that matters, ministerial code wise, is whether they find it was knowingly done. And thus far, and all indications appear to show, that they will not find that she knowingly misled parliament.

Not that that will stop the yoonatic fringe on twitter and the majority of the media piling on with as much chat of she MUST resign because she misled parliament.

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12 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

'Breaking the ministerial code is fine because Boris does it' does absolutely no favours for the cause of independence . 

thats not what I said. We were talking about credibility - the credibility of NS and the credibility off the opposition, particularly those calling for resignations. 

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Guest bernardblack

Having slept on this, I’ve decided to try and take a positive out of it. Hopefully this spurs on some people that are on the fence to get Ruth Davidson and her pals to f**k

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4 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Nobody said it's fine. But let's not kid ourseleves on here what this rabid witch hunt is all about. 

It's about the Tories throwing enough mud at the credibility of Nicola Sturgeon to make sure that the SNP doesn't get an absolute majority in May. It's not about the 'integrity of government' or anything like that......if the Scottish Tories cared anything about that they wouldn't be steeped in hypocrisy and would criticising Johnson on a daily basis.

Nope, this is sheer opportunism from the Tories. they had pre-judged the enauiry before it even started and they've leaked the finidings in advance to try and cause maximum political damage. 

Johnson's lying is absolutely fair game under these circumstances, and I'd like to see the SNP come out on the attack between now and May. 

Of course they are trying to make political gain out of it. NS was never going to accept the verdict of the committee, given its makeup. 

Hopefully in the desperation to defend NS, the SNP don't render meaningless the ministerial code and Holyrood committees meant to scrutinise government. 

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Having spoke to couple of mates in England, this is only being viewed as a unionist stitch up..(even down there). If there is one thing that the Scottish psyche hates is a bully, if it is shown that she unintentionally misled, then her support could actually go up...if witch hunt continues. Let's face it, noone is switching their votes to Ross or Sanwar due to this.

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If the Hamilton report says she misled, she will have to go immediately imo. I don’t think the machine is even out of 3rd gear here, between now and May there will be an avalanche of shite being flung her way. This pish won’t sway the majority of voters, but will could sway enough of them 

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If I were Sturgeon, I'd be 'resigning' the position of First Minister as Holyrood breaks up for the election and making this a confidence issue in May's vote. Once the SNP wins, she can re-elected as First Minister with a fresh mandate from Parliament anyway. 

This current strategy of flailing and denial is pointless six weeks out from an election that will place the current Parliament's committee findings in the bin. 

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If I were Sturgeon, I'd be 'resigning' the position of First Minister as Holyrood breaks up for the election and making this a confidence issue in May's vote. Once the SNP wins, she can re-elected as First Minister with a fresh mandate from Parliament anyway. 
This current strategy of flailing and denial is pointless six weeks out from an election that will place the current Parliament's committee findings in the bin. 
Not a bad suggestion, in theory she has to do this anyway (once parliament breaks up) so spin it this way.
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14 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Not a sliver of integrity between some of you guys. 

Integrity has nothing to do with my argument, not least because I couldn't give a toss about this nonsense either way. It would simply be the politically smart thing to do, as it would have been for a Labour First Minister in the same position during its first decade.

There's nothing AFAIK to prevent any minister resigning for breaching the code and then being reappointed in a new Parliament with the clear approval of the electorate. Murdo Fraser and co. would have to rely on the will of the people to decide the issue rather than clinging to the Ministerial Code like the Ten Commandments - good luck with that.

Similar to the People's Budget election in which the electorate will have the final say on the issue and will move on either way.

Edited by vikingTON
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1 minute ago, heedthebaa said:

Integrity in politics will never catch on 

Oh of course, I'm just perplexed to see so much bending over and bootlicking from the Sturgeon fanboys. No interest in what she may or may not have done, zero care for the integrity of the SG just pure whataboutery, :tHe tOaRieS!!!, "nobody cares", "it's a Witch hunt" and my personal favourite as I've never seen it before... "the yoonatic fringe". 

Constant realignment of their moral compass depending on which way Nicola says the wind is blowing.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Integrity has nothing to do with my argument, not least because I couldn't give a toss about this nonsense either way. It would simply be the politically smart thing to do. 

There's nothing AFAIK to prevent any minister resigning for breaching the code and then being reappointed in a new Parliament with the clear approval of the electorate. Murdo Fraser and co. would have to rely on the will of the people to decide the issue rather than clinging to the Ministerial Code like the Ten Commandments - good luck with that.

Similar to the People's Budget election in which the electorate will have the final say on the issue and will move on either way.

Yeah I wasn't directing my post at yourself, your idea is certainly more practical than the ostrich approach and the flailing around being done by most. 

I think your strategy is very high risk, I'd imagine they think they can soldier on through the elections but if she were to resign then her starting position is very vulnerable. 

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Oh of course, I'm just perplexed to see so much bending over and bootlicking from the Sturgeon fanboys. No interest in what she may or may not have done, zero care for the integrity of the SG just pure whataboutery, :tHe tOaRieS!!!, "nobody cares", "it's a Witch hunt" and my personal favourite as I've never seen it before... "the yoonatic fringe". 
Constant realignment of their moral compass depending on which way Nicola says the wind is blowing.

The whole thing is complete whataboutery, an absolute witch hunt which is being orchestrated by the Tory's and their yoonatic fringe.
Thats what the public will be thinking...
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Just now, John Lambies Doos said:



The whole thing is complete whataboutery, an absolute witch hunt which is being orchestrated by the Tory's and their yoonatic fringe.
Thats what the public will be thinking...


You missed "nobody cares" other than that line that was nearly a home run. 

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What even is a resigning issue for a senior politician these days? As in, forced to resign and not a David Davis boomer tantrum sort of resignation.

This is a pointless situation. Half the committee openly hate Sturgeon and would have voted this way regardless. The other half are her own party allies. The bias of each member of the committee just shits on any shred of credibility it may have.

The lop sided media attention to the whole fiasco shows what this is and it's a political attack.

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Andy Whitehead has just posted link to Ministerial code on his Twitter feed regarding the leaks to press.

It is clear he is not happy and the link to code shows that to leak such information is a serious breach of the Ministerial code and threatens integrity of findings.


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Wild that the committee decision is even in a position to be leaked considering that Mad Mags Mitchell is still pacing the hallways muttering to herself trying to finish her questioning and clawing at an imaginary Sturgeon.

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