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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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1 minute ago, bennett said:

What a terrible time to be blocked by Janey Godley,  I'll miss her hilarious get the cell door Frank voice over. 

She is as funny as a slice of mouldy bread but she does seem to trigger the same types......

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Glad to see there’s movement on this.  The longer it’s dragged out the worse it is for the party and for the Independence movement.

If there’s been a crime committed then charge people and bring them to trial.  If not drop it well ahead of the next GE.

Isn't that the intention?

The lady in question, 52, was interviewed by arrangement under caution for questioning. Same as the other two.

Like the other two, she was released without charge.

Makes for an arresting headline though.

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2 minutes ago, Zern said:

Isn't that the intention?

The lady in question, 52, was interviewed by arrangement under caution for questioning. Same as the other two.

Like the other two, she was released without charge.

Makes for an arresting headline though.

She's been released already?

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Hardly a surprise that she would be interviewed under caution, as others noted at the time she was the other signatory to the SNP accounts after all.

f**k knows what any of it means.

Edited by renton
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49 minutes ago, BTFD said:

Jesus, can you imagine. The story of how, while billions are being stolen from the public purse in Westminster, Scotland's First Minister put everything on the line for a caravan she didn't even use  :rolleyes:

We can’t even grow bananas.

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1 hour ago, Zern said:

Isn't that the intention?

The lady in question, 52, was interviewed by arrangement under caution for questioning. Same as the other two.

Like the other two, she was released without charge.

Makes for an arresting headline though.

I’m willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt for the time being.  It’s just over two months since Murrell’s arrest and there appears to have been a lot of investigative work since then.  The only strange thing about the latest development is that it happened on a Sunday!

However if it drags on without any charges I’ll be more inclined to think that there are other motives.

Members of the SNP, like myself, and the wider Independence movement cannot be Trumpian in our approach.  If there’s been wrongdoing it must be addressed, but it must be addressed in a timely manner.


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30 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

On a re-read, I guess Zern is predicting a headline that's still to be written. 

Aye. Pretty much.

1st clue; there are no charges. So no custodial stay beyond the chinwag which will largely go through her legal representative.

The 2nd clue is that she is going to them at an agreed date/time and has not been apprehended Sweeney style whilst out getting the messages.

She'll be back on streets by nightfall.

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2 minutes ago, Zern said:

Aye. Pretty much.

1st clue; there are no charges. So no custodial stay beyond the chinwag which will largely go through her legal representative.

The 2nd clue is that she is going to them at an agreed date/time and has not been apprehended Sweeney style whilst out getting the messages.

She'll be back on streets by nightfall.

That's a very serious allegation...

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

I’m willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt for the time being.  It’s just over two months since Murrell’s arrest and there appears to have been a lot of investigative work since then.  The only strange thing about the latest development is that it happened on a Sunday!

However if it drags on without any charges I’ll be more inclined to think that there are other motives.

Members of the SNP, like myself, and the wider Independence movement cannot be Trumpian in our approach.  If there’s been wrongdoing it must be addressed, but it must be addressed in a timely manner.


It could be easy to trip into Trumpian denialism, but in this instance we see a similar pattern that was used in Beergate. The individuals are questioned under caution regarding nebulous 'complaints' that diminish into nothing. The person's involved are not allowed to comment, which only fuels the rabid speculation.

What makes me skeptical is the way in which they announce that someone is being arrested, to generate maximum headlines, when in the normal course of things you would expect a statement from the Police post-interview.

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