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Roger Moore has died..

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Although I echo the sentiments that he stayed in the Bond role a couple of films too long (he was really awkwardly too old for Bond in "A view to a kill") he was still charming in the earlier roles, added a bit of comedic timing to Bond that was sometimes lacking in the Connery films.  


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For Your Eyes Only was his best IMO and is one of the most underrated in the series.

It was more serious and gritty than all his others, despite still having some of the comedy elements and the daft Thatcher skit at the end. Carole Bouquet's Bond girl was before its time and Columbo is a great ally.

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2 hours ago, Twinkle said:

Without doubt the best James Bond ever. The raised eyebrow was a thing of brilliance

there was a Spitting Image joke years ago

Doctor "I'm afraid your husband is paralysed and can now only raise one eyebrow"

Woman "What do you mean?"

Doctor "He's got a bad case of Roger Mooretis"

this being a play on rigor mortis. works better as a verbal gag I suppose.


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Spitting Image used to rag on Roger quite a bit. I mind an unfunny sketch with him and Sean weeing everywhere because playing Bond was "a piece of piss". Presumably just because they had a limited selection of puppets and had to make the most out of the ones they'd moulded.

Just had a look through his filmography on the IMDB, and was surprised not to have seen much he'd been in, other than Bond. Any suggestions for Rogering good films?

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Shame, seemed a nice chap. Some of his Bond films were good, a bit too cheesy for me though.

Apparently enjoyed a bit banter on twitter. Seen this earlier ...




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