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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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Amazing the amount of folk saying he will leave for a free in the summer (on twitter not on here).

Are folk forgetting how young he actually is? 

He is a better player than Gogic, although you don't see him put in shifts like Gogic did at Rugby Park, he played like a man possessed. He is also way younger and will get better, Gogic has peaked.

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Fully aware I'll get the absolute piss ripped out me for this + get told I'm miles out, but the RG line spectularium suggests Gogic is a better Scottish Premiership CM than Erhahon, who played better in 20/21 than he is this season.

Erhahon needs to improve in all aspects, if he wants to perform well at a higher level.

This doesn't take into account his age, which makes him a great prospect. If he can reach 20/21 levels again and improve on it (which he should, and might be in the process of doing) then he'll be much better than Gogic.

Again, just rip this pish if this looks a lot of shite, its impossible to capture what certain players bring through just numbers and Erhahon might be one like that.


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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Fully aware I'll get the absolute piss ripped out me for this + get told I'm miles out, but the RG line spectularium suggests Gogic is a better Scottish Premiership CM than Erhahon, who played better in 20/21 than he is this season.

Erhahon needs to improve in all aspects, if he wants to perform well at a higher level.

This doesn't take into account his age, which makes him a great prospect. If he can reach 20/21 levels again and improve on it (which he should, and might be in the process of doing) then he'll be much better than Gogic.

Again, just rip this pish if this looks a lot of shite, its impossible to capture what certain players bring through just numbers and Erhahon might be one like that.


Its strange because these stats suggest a general deterioration for Erhahon, when most fans reckon this has been his best season.

Shows what we know.

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

Fully aware I'll get the absolute piss ripped out me for this + get told I'm miles out, but the RG line spectularium suggests Gogic is a better Scottish Premiership CM than Erhahon, who played better in 20/21 than he is this season.

Erhahon needs to improve in all aspects, if he wants to perform well at a higher level.

This doesn't take into account his age, which makes him a great prospect. If he can reach 20/21 levels again and improve on it (which he should, and might be in the process of doing) then he'll be much better than Gogic.

Again, just rip this pish if this looks a lot of shite, its impossible to capture what certain players bring through just numbers and Erhahon might be one like that.


I'd argue that the line in bold there applies even more to Gogic than it does to Erhahon.

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1 hour ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

Fair few folks with some mental gymnastics going on here, trying to pretend that Erhahon hasn't actually been as good as he has this season.

He has been excellent and it clearly pains some to say so.

I won't attempt to speak for others - Erhahon has been really good for us this season - I enjoy watching him. There is no doubt he's been improving under SR. 

I also believe Gogic is a right good player too - his commitment eg. against Killie is of great value.

Both can bring something a bit different to the team. I just think we're in a good place if Ethan goes in January and the money plus who we may also bring in will be good too.

It's clear some fans like one player more than the other - simply their opinions and that's fine.

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Erhahon looks like he wants to leave, Gogic looks like he wants to be here, so for me, I’m in the Gogic camp. 😀

Simple as that. Nothing against Erhahon, think he’s a good player, but if he wants to go, he wants to go - as is his right, and at 21/22, hope he goes on to big things.

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1 hour ago, SS77 said:

Any contributions to this would be very much appreciated - gives us more to talk about incase we’ve missed anything in our own notes!

The addition of a dedicated recruitment member of staff and what they've brought to the table.

Keith Lasley joining the club and seemingly right away just 'getting it' and knowing what we are as a club and fanbase. Despite all the shite that's gone on with regards to SMISA and accounts etc, it feels like the club has genuinely come full circle in how it engages with supporters and improves the matchday experience for supporters and has become the community club it always strived on paper to be.

Oh, here's one that the podcast might not have covered. The club becoming pretty much watertight. There was always a lot of rumour, leaks in regards to signings and discontent among players under previous regimes. 2021 saw those reduce drastically but 2022 has resulted in more or less a closed shop in that regard, which for folk who love speculation (most of us) it's a bit shite but in terms of professionalism, it's brilliant.

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6 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

The addition of a dedicated recruitment member of staff and what they've brought to the table.

Keith Lasley joining the club and seemingly right away just 'getting it' and knowing what we are as a club and fanbase. Despite all the shite that's gone on with regards to SMISA and accounts etc, it feels like the club has genuinely come full circle in how it engages with supporters and improves the matchday experience for supporters and has become the community club it always strived on paper to be.

Oh, here's one that the podcast might not have covered. The club becoming pretty much watertight. There was always a lot of rumour, leaks in regards to signings and discontent among players under previous regimes. 2021 saw those reduce drastically but 2022 has resulted in more or less a closed shop in that regard, which for folk who love speculation (most of us) it's a bit shite but in terms of professionalism, it's brilliant.

St Mirren’s old and new handling of transfer business. 😜




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13 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

The addition of a dedicated recruitment member of staff and what they've brought to the table.

Keith Lasley joining the club and seemingly right away just 'getting it' and knowing what we are as a club and fanbase. Despite all the shite that's gone on with regards to SMISA and accounts etc, it feels like the club has genuinely come full circle in how it engages with supporters and improves the matchday experience for supporters and has become the community club it always strived on paper to be.

Oh, here's one that the podcast might not have covered. The club becoming pretty much watertight. There was always a lot of rumour, leaks in regards to signings and discontent among players under previous regimes. 2021 saw those reduce drastically but 2022 has resulted in more or less a closed shop in that regard, which for folk who love speculation (most of us) it's a bit shite but in terms of professionalism, it's brilliant.


Never had a thought about the bottom point but that’s a great one to make - there’s barely a rumour about the club signing players now and if there’s is it’s usually minutes before they are announced.

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1 hour ago, SS77 said:

Any contributions to this would be very much appreciated - gives us more to talk about incase we’ve missed anything in our own notes!

I need some chat about how we've gone from a team full of soft as shite wee boys to being the hardest b*****ds in Scotland. It is magnificent.

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I used to get leaks from the club all the time, and not always from the same source either.

It's absolutely the case that it's completely stopped now, not entirely sure why, but it is a welcome change for sure.

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1 minute ago, Div said:

I used to get leaks from the club all the time, and not always from the same source either.

It's absolutely the case that it's completely stopped now, not entirely sure why, but it is a welcome change for sure.

Would the Argentinians have been leaky, do you reckon? 😂

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1 hour ago, Coventry Saint said:

Would the Argentinians have been leaky, do you reckon? 😂

Ha! I lost a few quid on betting on the Uruguayan manager they were going to appoint 😜

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