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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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11 minutes ago, Captain_Sensible said:

I know virtually nothing about what’s happening at your club! 


We have different interests, i like trying to keep up with other clubs, you dont.

Why does that need highlighted?

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25 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Its more about how vociferous folk are about it.

He has no clue these folk exist but theyre in scrapping his corner and launching abuse about because some random has questioned his signing policy.

I'm not on about all St Mirren fans, before the next wave comes, just the wee odd group who refuse to believe the club can do any wrong.

But you are the one getting all upset because a couple of folk pulled you up on a stupid post. 

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4 minutes ago, GAD said:

But you are the one getting all upset because a couple of folk pulled you up on a stupid post. 

Am i?

Ive just been trying to explain my thinking.

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Don't know anything about Mandron, he may be good, he may not. His record suggests the latter but after what Robinson did last season - in terms of league position and the turnaround in Main - then Mandron gets the benefit of the doubt from me for now. I'm more concerned about Robinson's comments about using McMenamin as a wingback, but hopefully that's just a last resort in case Strain gets injured.

On a different note, looking forward to the usual morons on Twitter going into meltdown if we lose a meaningless friendly later today.

Edited by Stu
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7 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Am i?

Ive just been trying to explain my thinking.

Yeah, you are. You explained your thinking, it was explained why it was a poor analysis of the situation, you continued to double down, and now you are at the "why cant everyone be civil to me" stage. You don't like being wrong, and on this occasion you are, so instead of just saying "yeah maybe, but I still think Mandron will be a poor signing" you are lashing out all over the place.

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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

This is just a woeful mindset, the whole point of the forum is to give your opinion on things.

Managers know more than fans but that doesnt mean theyre always right.

St Mirren seem to have a really weird batch of fans who've seen a manager achieve a 6th placed finish and decided hes a flawless manager who strengthens the squad with every signing and improves every single player, with any doubt directed towards him needing defended as if its a personal slur against them.

What a crock of shite.

There's not one fan on here with that opinion.

What we are aware of is his strengths and weaknesses having watched his St.Mirren team week in and week out.

Nobody is claiming that Mandron will be a huge success, but to write him off as not being able to play a similar role to Main in our team is a tad ignorant.

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33 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:


We have different interests, i like trying to keep up with other clubs, you dont.

Why does that need highlighted?

I explained myself in the part of my post that you’ve selectively chosen not to quote.

You find St Mirren fans to be “vociferous” and “weird” because we aren’t immediately slating new signings and we aren’t all agreeing with every word you post. 

You’ve created a straw man and are upset because you’ve been called out on it 

I find *that* attitude about another club’s fans to be weird. 

Why does that need highlighted?


Edited by Captain_Sensible
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5 minutes ago, FTOF said:

What a crock of shite.

There's not one fan on here with that opinion.

What we are aware of is his strengths and weaknesses having watched his St.Mirren team week in and week out.

Nobody is claiming that Mandron will be a huge success, but to write him off as not being able to play a similar role to Main in our team is a tad ignorant.


Any normal person from the outside would view our supporters overall reaction to the signing of Mandron to be negative IMO!

Yet we’re apparently vociferously defending the signing! 

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3 hours ago, Molotov said:

Many of us like to support our manager and our team through good times and bad if we can see (even gradual) improvements. And we have had some horrific experiences with exceedingly poor appointments. Craig, Murray, Stubbs, etc. 
Robbo got off to a very shaky start with us and not every signing has worked out. All managers at our level have a shelf life. He is not immune to criticism and I’m sure he’ll be his own worst critic. 


I’ll raise you an Alex Rae. 

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29 minutes ago, Buddie Holly said:

his point is they finished the season on more points than us 

if only we could have played the wee shitey teams in our last 5 games 

No they didn’t. The 12 team Premiership ended after 33 games. So we finished on more points than them in the top flight. The league then split into two. They weren’t in the top flight after that. 👍👍

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