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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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37 minutes ago, FTOF said:

I think he'll come good next season, if he is played in the correct position.

With these sorts of situations, I do wonder if the player had looked at our squad, and how we played before signing? Or whether a manager had said, "we are signing you to play this particular role/position".

It couldn't have been a surprise to McMenamin that he didn't end up in a more advanced position, meanwhile it surely shouldn't have come as a surprise to Robinson when that attacking winger can't play defensive wingback all that well.

Again, none of this is a slight on McMenamin, there's certainly talent there, and of course I'm not questioning Robinson (..at least, not again! ;)).

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1 hour ago, MenstrieSaint said:

Aye , loads of teams queueing up to get him signed .

That’s completely irrelevant - why would his team who have agreed a buy option clause with us take less than what they have already been offered for said buy option clause?

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I don't get all the negativity towards McMenamin. I think he's been a good signing. 

The fact that we paid a reasonable fee for him maybe some people were expecting the guy to rip the league up every game but we brought him in from a largely part time league, albeit he was full time.

I'd argue he has far more good games than bad games, even his 'bad games' have been more quiet than particularly bad. He came off the bench against Kilmarnock, I think it was, and within a couple of minutes beat his man and delivered a dangerous cross, something that hadnt happened at any point in that game. He also does a lot of defensive work.

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McMenamin has been played far too often out of position. I really don't get pushing the boat out for him and then hamstringing him by chucking him at wing back.

Unless SR thought he could coach him to adapt to that position. However it became apparent very quickly that he cannot play there.

There's definitely a player in there, just not a wing back.

Folk get far too hung up on the transfer fee we paid, which obviously has nothing to do with the player. I feel he's getting extra stick because we paid decent money for him. I do feel sorry for him.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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1 minute ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

McMenamin has been played far too often out of position. I really don't get pushing the boat out for him and then hamstringing him by chucking him at wing back.

Unless SR thought he could coach him to adapt to that position. However it became apparent very quickly that he cannot play there.

There's definitely a player in there, just not a wing back.

I do feel sorry for him.

He’s definitely better when playing with Strain. It’s probably the reason why Strain started the season so well too.

Strain attacks the overlap and McMenamin cuts inside. I’d imagine he had the final pass to Strain for most of Strain’s assists.

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14 hours ago, SS77 said:

That’s completely irrelevant - why would his team who have agreed a buy option clause with us take less than what they have already been offered for said buy option clause?

Horrible as it is players are a commodity in this day and age and like all traded commodities their value goes up and down. There is no way currently Stav is worth 250k of anyone's money as he hasn't played enough to show he justifies the price tag. I would be stunned if anyone else was even thinking about signing him never mind paying 250k for him. His value has almost certainly dropped this season so it's not too far fetched that they might rethink the fee.

All hypothetical anyway as we don't know if either we are interested in keeping him or if he wants to stay given he might well want to be nearer his family in these worrying times.

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20 minutes ago, saintmurn said:

Maybe James Scott fits in the "only good for Robinson" category that Curtis Main is in. 

I hope so considering some of the comments underneath Exeter's post on Twitter. They seem to see him as nothing more than a waste of a wage and all-round sh*t.

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To save the need for anyone to visit the Record website, here is the salient information from their article...



I mean, sure, why not through someone else at the problem, although going by his recent stats it's hardly inspiring.

That said, he got far (far, far) more out of Main than Goodwin did and when I thought he was a lost cause, and it's public record I thought the Hemming deal was crazy but it's turned out to be a decent bit of business.

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Seems a pretty low risk signing. Not sure when his contract is up but looks like Exeter want him off their books, so If he does well then a good chance we would keep him on for next year. If he doesn't make an impact then not much has been lost.

January signings are always a bit more of a gamble as clubs arent going to let go of their good players for cheap. That means we'll always be fishing in this sort of market.

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Fans of an English lower league wee diddy outfit read about one of their players maybe moving to a wee diddy outfit in a tinpot league in chilly Jockland, and brand him a waste of a wage. Well I never. In other shock news, the Pope is of the Roman Catholic persuasion, and there’s a queue at Greggs.

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46 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Fans of an English lower league wee diddy outfit read about one of their players maybe moving to a wee diddy outfit in a tinpot league in chilly Jockland, and brand him a waste of a wage. Well I never. In other shock news, the Pope is of the Roman Catholic persuasion, and there’s a queue at Greggs.

Yip as old at the bible. The guy is young enough to still retain plenty potential. Classic Robbo signing and definitely worth a punt.

Really not sure what profile supporters are looking for in a January signing but we are NEVER going to be able to sign a proven striker with a good goal scoring record at a reasonable level in a January window. Too much competition for two few players.

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14 minutes ago, ZingaliMan said:

Lowry caught the eye at Hearts is it " hope " or a wee bit more in a rumour ? 

He caught the eye at Hearts in that he was noticeably not very good at all, considering his lofty media reputation.

I'm not interested in us signing Lowry if we decide we're going with Scott on loan.

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3 hours ago, bishoptonbuddie said:

I hope so considering some of the comments underneath Exeter's post on Twitter. They seem to see him as nothing more than a waste of a wage and all-round sh*t.

As a Exeter City regular over the last two seasons I would say that's harsh! There's definitely a player in there but IMO yes tried too hard to impress and its backfired on him big time. Tried to showboat to much and mostly no end product. It's fair to say the fans have turned on him recently and probably wants a new challenge. When he did get in position he has a fine shot on him. He needs a loan or transfer out of Exeter and i think coming to you would be a great move for him. 

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1 minute ago, Moodster said:

As a Exeter City regular over the last two seasons I would say that's harsh! There's definitely a player in there but IMO yes tried too hard to impress and its backfired on him big time. Tried to showboat to much and mostly no end product. It's fair to say the fans have turned on him recently and probably wants a new challenge. When he did get in position he has a fine shot on him. He needs a loan or transfer out of Exeter and i think coming to you would be a great move for him. 

…but would it be a great move for us?

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