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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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1 hour ago, Div said:

You're the one who waded in here for no apparent reason, calling my a c**t, saying my twitter account was "embarassing" and offering expert advice on what I should be doing :1eye

It took me two seconds to find your twitter account because it's listed on your profile. I didn't need to try very hard.

Shame it's hidden, I'm sure I could have learned a few things.

What a genuinely creepy thing to say :huh::lol: 

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1 hour ago, Div said:


Shame it's hidden, I'm sure I could have learned a few things.

Probably a good job you own the forum, anyone else puts that and they're getting binned for showing early signs of being an absolute fucking mentalist. 

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Div might get some stick, but you know the guys trawling through his Twitter account so they can post about it on here need pie and bovril far more than he does. They should be grateful.

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Just now, jimmy boo said:
2 hours ago, Demented Zebra said:
Guy's we are now a premiership club signing players for the premiership as such i have started a thread in our new rightful home. 

Hope it has a better title than this embarrassing abortion.

Something something relegation express.

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15 minutes ago, jimmy boo said:
2 hours ago, Demented Zebra said:
Guy's we are now a premiership club signing players for the premiership as such i have started a thread in our new rightful home. 

Hope it has a better title than this embarrassing abortion.

Done the job. We were shinier and improved. 

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Probably a good job you own the forum, anyone else puts that and they're getting binned for showing early signs of being an absolute fucking mentalist. 

Yes. Reading stuff on Twitter makes you a mentalist.

Quite the one for the exaggerating aren’t you!
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What a genuinely creepy thing to say :huh::lol: 

You were the one offering advice on how I should be using Twitter.

I thought I could learn from you.

That’s you called me a c**t, an embarrassment and a creep. Keep them coming!
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On 14/05/2018 at 20:07, Demented Zebra said:

I don't pretend to be an Engish genius I am who I am and comfortable with it. I get it might rattle some not much I can do about that but life has been good to me in other words English has not held me back.  I try my best mate trust me. 


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4 hours ago, GAD said:

Div might get some stick, but you know the guys trawling through his Twitter account so they can post about it on here need pie and bovril far more than he does. They should be grateful.

Someone retweeted the majority of them onto my time line last night, it's more effort to go on PnB than it is to read tweets. If you're wondering Div, all you'll learn from my twitter is that I'm brilliant and but I don't Tweet much, you're welcome. 


3 hours ago, Div said:


Yes. Reading stuff on Twitter makes you a mentalist.

Quite the one for the exaggerating aren’t you!


The way you said it with the context it was written was extremely creepy. Definite mentalist behavior. 

Edited by Grant228
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12 minutes ago, Grant228 said:

The way you said it with the context it was written was extremely creepy. Definite mentalist behavior. 

I sadly can't control how you interpret and twist things to suit whatever your agenda is.

Maybe the other lad is your mate and you're sticking up for him, but the two of you are making rip roaring cunts of yourself here.

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