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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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Nightmare news on Magennis.

No wonder Ross was raging during the game.

In hindsight organising a 'friendly' against a team you knocked out of the big cup a few months previously, and who you'd just embarrassed by turning down their job offer a few weeks earlier.

And just a general point on refereeing of friendly matches.  Refs tend not to punish challenges they would in competitive matches - IMO, if anything they should be more strict in friendlies.

Teams play these games to get a bit of fitness and match sharpness; any kind of tackles that could result in damaging opponents should be dealt with quickly to try to stop more and more of them happening in a match that essentially means nothing.

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2 hours ago, Young gun said:

Thanks to Dundee hammer throwers Kyle McGennis is out for 3 months:wub:

That's bad news. I know refs don't like showing red cards in friendly games, but I remember in the past if there was a bad tackle in a friendly, the Ref would have a word with the offending players Manager advising him to sub the player or the next time he'd be off.

Dundee management team didn't seem to apologetic after the game for their tough tackling approach to what was a pre season friendly after all.

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Dundee management team didn't seem to apologetic after the game for their tough tackling approach to what was a pre season friendly after all.

St Mirren fans getting all in a tizzy after one of their players gets injured? Who cares whether it was a friendly or not, players can get injured at any point during the season. Dundee don't need to apologise for anything.
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Just listened to Jack's post-match interview after the 0-0 draw with Alloa, which can be found here: https://www.stmirren.com/news/matchday/match-reaction/974-reaction-jack-ross-on-draw-with-alloa

"Seething" wouldn't be an unfair assessment of Jack's demeanour there. He's clearly angry with the performance, raging about the injury to Kyle Magennis and perhaps more worryingly, pissed off about not being able to bring more players in.

A tad concerning, with shades of Alex Rae's post match interview after we lost to Hamilton in the Betfred Cup last year.

Did anyone head along to the game today? Was the performance simply down to players trying to avoid injury and/or pre season apathy, or something else at play?

Edited by fraser_smfc
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9 minutes ago, fraser_smfc said:

Just listened to Jack's post-match interview after the 0-0 draw with Alloa, which can be found here: https://www.stmirren.com/news/matchday/match-reaction/974-reaction-jack-ross-on-draw-with-alloa

"Seething" wouldn't be an unfair assessment of Jack's demeanour there. He's clearly angry with the performance, raging about the injury to Kyle Magennis and perhaps more worryingly, pissed off about not being able to bring more players in.

A tad concerning, with shades of Alex Rae's post match interview after we lost to Hamilton in the Betfred Cup last year.

Did anyone head along to the game today? Was the performance simply down to players trying to avoid injury and/or pre season apathy, or something else at play?

Think it was down to the fact the players were not getting a massive win bonus and not giving a f**k

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Took in the game today and thought it was a decent enough watch. Surprised there wasn't any goals in the game although I'd say a draw was a fair result.

I wouldn't say there was a great deal of positives that St. Mirren could take from the game although Ross Stewart up front had a really good game imo the service to him was pretty poor but his hold up play was a lot better than I was expecting. Stephen McGinn had a good game as well aside from the wee kick out just a few minutes before he went off. You're keeper didn't have an awful lot to do but that was more down to poor finishing from Alloa than the defence in front of him. McKenzie and Buchanan were both extremely poor and both letting Fleming and in particular Craig Malcolm bully and dominate them.

Alloa's 'keeper did pull of a few cracking saves in particular the double save in the first half was a great piece of goalkeeping. Out of interest what do you guys think is your strongest team at the moment? I'd imagine something along the lines of the defence that started the game along with the attacking players that finished it?

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I was there. It was typical pre season fayre. Alloa were well organised. We were ok at the back but a bit lacklustre everywhere else, although wasn't our strongest XI.

There was shades of avoiding injuries. A few times we 'shat it' from challenges it 50/50s. Can see why Jack is annoyed given competitive football starts next week.

Some positives were MacPherson was good as was Ross Stewart the keeper who looked like a good no1. The Defensively looked ok all-round.

Midfield was poor, although Quinn had a good game when he came on.

Jack's interview is fair. Clearly wants to strengthen but budget isn't there.

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21 minutes ago, flyingscot said:

I was there. It was typical pre season fayre. Alloa were well organised. We were ok at the back but a bit lacklustre everywhere else, although wasn't our strongest XI.

There was shades of avoiding injuries. A few times we 'shat it' from challenges it 50/50s. Can see why Jack is annoyed given competitive football starts next week.

Some positives were MacPherson was good as was Ross Stewart the keeper who looked like a good no1. The Defensively looked ok all-round.

Midfield was poor, although Quinn had a good game when he came on.

Jack's interview is fair. Clearly wants to strengthen but budget isn't there.

Not quite sure why it isn't though, given the money we've brought in since January between transfers out, increased season ticket sales and cup tie/TV money.

You wouldn't exactly put any of the signings as bank busters either.

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15 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Not quite sure why it isn't though, given the money we've brought in since January between transfers out, increased season ticket sales and cup tie/TV money.

You wouldn't exactly put any of the signings as bank busters either.

What's happened to the money we had set aside for Loy? Seems a bit bizarre.

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What's happened to the money we had set aside for Loy? Seems a bit bizarre.

Have you lot not brought in quite a few players already?

Perhaps Ross knew that he wasn't getting Loy and has already committed the cash on the signings you now have?
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Nightmare news on Magennis.
No wonder Ross was raging during the game.
In hindsight organising a 'friendly' against a team you knocked out of the big cup a few months previously, and who you'd just embarrassed by turning down their job offer a few weeks earlier.
And just a general point on refereeing of friendly matches.  Refs tend not to punish challenges they would in competitive matches - IMO, if anything they should be more strict in friendlies.
Teams play these games to get a bit of fitness and match sharpness; any kind of tackles that could result in damaging opponents should be dealt with quickly to try to stop more and more of them happening in a match that essentially means nothing.

I guess there's an argument that If they were more strict in friendlies some players would take it even easier to avoid bookings, and managers may even on occasion be keen to avoid their better players playing to avoid unnecessary bookings.
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4 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

Not quite sure why it isn't though, given the money we've brought in since January between transfers out, increased season ticket sales and cup tie/TV money.

You wouldn't exactly put any of the signings as bank busters either.

He needs to "adjust" things , beginning with getting Sutton and Quinn off the payroll ! I believe he is actively pursuing this at the moment , along with Whyte and Flanagan going out on loan , and that will allow him another four players !

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Has the Mallan money not went to the old board to pay off SMISA's debt? The club don't lose out as SMISA still pay the instalments but it means we won't have £200k (or whatever the fee was) just sitting in a bank account. 

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38 minutes ago, Silvio said:

Has the Mallan money not went to the old board to pay off SMISA's debt? The club don't lose out as SMISA still pay the instalments but it means we won't have £200k (or whatever the fee was) just sitting in a bank account. 

It's a percentage of it. So it certainly won't be the full amount. 

Also, if we were rooked for money, there is absolutely no chance we'd have been able or willing to knock back £250k for Morgan. 

I'm hoping that JR is being diplomatic and playing the game a bit. If an agent of a player we're interested in gets wind that there is still a good wedge of budget there, it forces their negotiating position up. I'm not saying this is the case, I'm just hoping so. 

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I guess there's an argument that If they were more strict in friendlies some players would take it even easier to avoid bookings, and managers may even on occasion be keen to avoid their better players playing to avoid unnecessary bookings.

They should just referee friendlies in the exact same manner that they referee games during the season.

If Tuesday night's referee had done that then Dundee's 17 would have been booked within the first 10 mins and I think the whole game would have calmed down.

As it happened he spent the entire game gesturing at players - from both sides - to calm down. Players knew that they would get away with it so were throwing themselves into challenges. Dundee's 17 and 28 were both lucky not to be off, as was Stelios. The challenge that i jured Magennis was't actually a foul but it was a really strong challenge, that was totally unnecessary in a friendly.
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They should just referee friendlies in the exact same manner that they referee games during the season.

If Tuesday night's referee had done that then Dundee's 17 would have been booked within the first 10 mins and I think the whole game would have calmed down.

As it happened he spent the entire game gesturing at players - from both sides - to calm down. Players knew that they would get away with it so were throwing themselves into challenges. Dundee's 17 and 28 were both lucky not to be off, as was Stelios. The challenge that i jured Magennis was't actually a foul but it was a really strong challenge, that was totally unnecessary in a friendly.

Reading this, if I were manager of either of either of these teams I would be angry at my own players for a lack of discipline rather than the referee.

They should understand that they are putting the clubs coming season prospects at stake and for what? To make a minor point in a meaningless friendly?

However it sounds like the referee would not have much responsibility or input for the injury anyway.
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Reading this, if I were manager of either of either of these teams I would be angry at my own players for a lack of discipline rather than the referee.

They should understand that they are putting the clubs coming season prospects at stake and for what? To make a minor point in a meaningless friendly?

However it sounds like the referee would not have much responsibility or input for the injury anyway.

I agree with that, but it's clear that referees approach friendlies in a different manner. An early booking in Tuesday's game would have taken the sting out it, and I reckon there wouldn't have been as many heavy challenges - like the one that injured Magennis.
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14 hours ago, fraser_smfc said:

Just listened to Jack's post-match interview after the 0-0 draw with Alloa, which can be found here: https://www.stmirren.com/news/matchday/match-reaction/974-reaction-jack-ross-on-draw-with-alloa

"Seething" wouldn't be an unfair assessment of Jack's demeanour there. He's clearly angry with the performance, raging about the injury to Kyle Magennis and perhaps more worryingly, pissed off about not being able to bring more players in.

A tad concerning, with shades of Alex Rae's post match interview after we lost to Hamilton in the Betfred Cup last year.

Did anyone head along to the game today? Was the performance simply down to players trying to avoid injury and/or pre season apathy, or something else at play?

That was exactly what came to my mind when watching it - and at least Rae did it after a competitive game, rather than a meaningless friendly.

Bit surprised we're already at the stage of needing to offload players to bring others in and sending the likes of Flanagan etc out on loan won't free up a great deal. Looking at the squad lists the only possibilities are Quinn and Sutton and I'd be a bit wary of either going unless we definitely have replacements coming in.

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