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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Was moaning about paying off her student loan, so I suggested that one way to save money was to cut down on unnecessary makeup and clothes (she spent £60 on some makeup that got imported from America ffs). Fatal error, how foolish of me! She took a massive huff and didn't speak to me properly for about a week, letting me know that she doesn't need me 'watching over her finances'

Never again.


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1 hour ago, resk said:

As a single, heterosexual man, I've read through this entire thread with a growing sense of terror, and I'm now thinking about giving gayness a try.

That won't change anything as you'll still have a partner to annoy you.

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Exactly what I was going to say, too much time in anyone's company and they're going to infuriate you.

Hmm. You could be right. Well then, there's a flaw in the system.

Polygamy, that's the answer.
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1 hour ago, resk said:



Hmm. You could be right. Well then, there's a flaw in the system.

Polygamy, that's the answer.



Then you'll have x amount of them driving you crazy. No thanks.

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46 minutes ago, throbber said:


Yeah, most women probably aren't up for that though. It's good to live a spell of your adulthood single though so enjoy it for what it is because once you're in a relationship then you need to make compromises keep quiet.



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Many years ago, before I got married, I got into a relationship and serious as it was, I insisted we should both be free to pursue any extraneous events that might present themselves. My GF reluctantly accepted the situation, agreeing and accepteding that Farmer Giles has to sow his wild oats every now and again.

That relationship only lasted for a few months - I just couldn't handle her promiscuity.

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How could I forget: Sets alarm for 6:45, doesn't leave the bed until 7. Gave up on challenging this every morning as the resultant tired strop outweighs any benefit.


Door locking. Every fucking door with a lock is always locked. I go out the back door to put some stuff in the wheely bin, come back 2 minutes later, doors fucking locked.



If I get back from work anytime after 9, which is half the time, the front door is locked (in case she has a kip). That I can deal with, just. What I can't deal with however is when she invariably leaves the key pushed in on the other side, completely locking me out. Then says I woke her up by having the cheek to bang on the window in the rain to get into my own house.

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Candles. Candles everywhere.



My mum is one of those candle-party people on a full-time basis (buying anything from the big Yankee rival will see the house burnt down in some accident that will inevitably be my fault). Of course, we get a new candle based decoration with every birthday and Christmas, all requiring a constant supply of tea lights. Top 'have a nice present that I will make a steady flow of money from' business prowess from my mother there.


That said, I bought a (what I think is a rather cool and shiny genuine) Davy lamp from the Scottish Mining Museum as a 'something a bit different'. This is probably the only thing I have ever added to the house that had no joint approval first. I usually see most other things for the first time having returned home from the football after she's been away with friends, usually the sort of cafe selling kitsch tack everywhere.


Am I the only person to find last month's addition hideous btw? (not the full-size Davy Lamp, that's merely for scale):





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Oh, and opening windows.

"you went away leaving the upstairs window open".

Don't know about others here, but when I'm not informed of windows that have been left open, I don't make a point of thinking keys, wallet, phone, iron off... check every single window around the house, none of which I have opened.

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45 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:



My mum is one of those candle-party people on a full-time basis (buying anything from the big Yankee rival will see the house burnt down in some accident that will inevitably be my fault). Of course, we get a new candle based decoration with every birthday and Christmas, all requiring a constant supply of tea lights. Top 'have a nice present that I will make a steady flow of money from' business prowess from my mother there.


That said, I bought a (what I think is a rather cool and shiny genuine) Davy lamp from the Scottish Mining Museum as a 'something a bit different'. This is probably the only thing I have ever added to the house that had no joint approval first. I usually see most other things for the first time having returned home from the football after she's been away with friends, usually the sort of cafe selling kitsch tack everywhere.


Am I the only person to find last month's addition hideous btw? (not the full-size Davy Lamp, that's merely for scale):





If I'm being honest here, I think hers is quite cool and yours is a bit shite.

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I was far worse on the drink a few years ago than I am now but on one occasion I wanted to stay up drinking on a Saturday night so the Mrs went to bed and I stayed up watching match of the day and to avoid having to leave the sitting room and going to the toilet and risk waking her up/having her tell me to come to bed I peed in the kitchen sink. She ended up coming through to the sitting room as I was doing this and I was abruptly stopped, I was visibly flustered and she was trying to find out what I was up to but I got away with it.

Didn't it hurt like hell to hold mid flow?
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If I'm being honest here, I think hers is quite cool and yours is a bit shite.



Fair enough!


Mine does look a bit small and out of place beside it I guess, but the OH rather likes it too and believe me when I say it looks decent on its usual home that is the black (coal) fireplace. Only just made that miner's lamp by a coal fire link just now ffs.


I've got an interest in exploring Scottish caves and mines, so it's not particularly random for me.

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