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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Told her today I wanted to be in town early because I need a haircut and to sort out a kilt for a wedding next month.

Agreed to go in for half 8 so I could get my haircut.

She’s still getting ready.

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Told her today I wanted to be in town early because I need a haircut and to sort out a kilt for a wedding next month.

Agreed to go in for half 8 so I could get my haircut.

She’s still getting ready.

I mean if you’ve not learnt to set the time for at least an hour before you actually want to go, then you really need to be doing that from now on! [emoji23]
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Always wants to do something on my day off which is today, her and the Bairn are still in jammies outside talking to the neighbours.
Fitba it is then.
I was going to post something about her, whats the right word.... Disdain maybe, or just out right lack of awareness with her use of my time. She has no problem with me running about like a fucking idiot and getting no time to sut on my arse and just recently it is doing my fucking nut clean in. Example being yesterday with the rug shopping. Plan was, check some shops, then go to her maws for a cuppa before collecting the kids from nursery. She simply adds on more and more shops, to the point where its obvious that the time we have will reuslt in me dropping her off at her maws then immediately having to go away and wrangle the two weans out of their nurseries the collect her then go home.

All the while shes sat on her arse moaning about how busy we are.
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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I was going to post something about her, whats the right word.... Disdain maybe, or just out right lack of awareness with her use of my time. She has no problem with me running about like a fucking idiot and getting no time to sut on my arse and just recently it is doing my fucking nut clean in. Example being yesterday with the rug shopping. Plan was, check some shops, then go to her maws for a cuppa before collecting the kids from nursery. She simply adds on more and more shops, to the point where its obvious that the time we have will reuslt in me dropping her off at her maws then immediately having to go away and wrangle the two weans out of their nurseries the collect her then go home.

All the while shes sat on her arse moaning about how busy we are.

I feel your pain, she’s wanting to go to her grans which means me driving through to Edinburgh and back to sit and listen to her moan about her sister and da.

What a day off.

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I mean if you’ve not learnt to set the time for at least an hour before you actually want to go, then you really need to be doing that from now on! [emoji23]

We’ve been in town since 9:30, in that time I’ve got my kilt sorted, hair cut and got a coffee, before putting a line on in the bookies.

She’s been getting her nails done that entire time.
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2 hours ago, MONKMAN said:

The TV/film one does my fucking nut in. 5 minutes into a film neither of us have seen and I get hit with the same shit every time;
“Who’s he?”
“Who’s she?”
“What’s do you think she’ll do?”
“Do you think they’ll die?”

No, but you will if you don't shut the f**k up.

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She never throws anything out to the point where every single place for putting anything is jammed to f**k. We’ve so many cups that they won’t all fit in the cupboard and sit permanently on the countertop. Same with pots and pans. The walk-in closet is a no go zone for me. You can barely get 2 steps in the door before you hit a wall of clothes and shoes.

We have a tidy up and it’s means moving stuff from one place to another, or throwing it in storage which is also stuffed with shite she hasn’t seen in at least 4 years.

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5 hours ago, Cerberus said:

She never throws anything out to the point where every single place for putting anything is jammed to f**k. We’ve so many cups that they won’t all fit in the cupboard and sit permanently on the countertop. Same with pots and pans. The walk-in closet is a no go zone for me. You can barely get 2 steps in the door before you hit a wall of clothes and shoes.

We have a tidy up and it’s means moving stuff from one place to another, or throwing it in storage which is also stuffed with shite she hasn’t seen in at least 4 years.

Just get your wife to do what mine does. Buy those vacuum storage packs that you put clothes in and suck the air out to minimise storage, except JUST THROW THOSE UNOPENED PACKS ON TOP OF ALL THE OTHER SHITE TO CREATE EVEN MORE CLUTTER AND LEAVE THEM THERE. 

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My missus moans about some of the mugs being stained at the bottom.

This is the same daft bugger who never finishes a mug of tea, and leaves the dregs in the bottom and never rinses it out.

Despite the connection between these two things being pointed out to her on regular occasions, she still does it.

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19 minutes ago, peasy23 said:

My missus moans about some of the mugs being stained at the bottom.

This is the same daft bugger who never finishes a mug of tea, and leaves the dregs in the bottom and never rinses it out.

Despite the connection between these two things being pointed out to her on regular occasions, she still does it.

Another long lost sister-in-law...

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My missus moans about some of the mugs being stained at the bottom.

This is the same daft bugger who never finishes a mug of tea, and leaves the dregs in the bottom and never rinses it out.

Despite the connection between these two things being pointed out to her on regular occasions, she still does it.
Bleach and a thorough clean. Her or mug you choose
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  • 3 weeks later...

This could be in here or First World Problems...

I got in from work at 0630 this morning. We've not been in the pool since about March/April due to the water being fucking freezing so I set about cleaning up the pool and chlorinating it. I knew today was going to be the hottest day since winter ended at a balmy 35c so I made sure the solar pool cover was on which unsurprisingly heats up the pool from the sun. Got up after my sleep today and the pool cover's off. I ask her what time she took it off and she said 1pm but it was too cold so she was only in for 5 minutes. So the fucking cover has been off for the full time the sun has been at it's hottest as well as the fact is just burnt off all the chlorine I put in.

She got her obligatory Facebook shot though so that's the main thing. f**k sake. 

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The usual conversation on Thursday about me having to be in work sharp on Friday for an important meeting all morning and I’ll be incommunicado.

No problem, she says I’ll take the bairn to school.

In the meeting ten minutes and the phone buzzes:

”I’m in the shop. Do we need beetroot? Quick as I’m heading to the till”

”hello did you get the message, do we need beetroot?!!!!!!”


f**k off and just buy beetroot you daft bint.

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2 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

The usual conversation on Thursday about me having to be in work sharp on Friday for an important meeting all morning and I’ll be incommunicado.

No problem, she says I’ll take the bairn to school.

In the meeting ten minutes and the phone buzzes:

”I’m in the shop. Do we need beetroot? Quick as I’m heading to the till”

”hello did you get the message, do we need beetroot?!!!!!!”


f**k off and just buy beetroot you daft bint.

No-one has ever needed beetroot.

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