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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Flying back from Las Vegas last week.  Overnight flight so needing to sleep on the plane to try and avoid crazy jet lag.
Plane left at 5pm (Vegas time - 1am UK) and I managed to drift off to sleep after a couple of hours. Must have been asleep for about 20 minutes when I'm woken up by my wife to tell me that she can't sleep.
What on Earth she was expecting me to do to assist her here I've no idea. Of course then neither of us get anymore sleep on this flight and we're both still struggling today.  Wouldn't you know it I'm the one back at work today while she has another day off! 

It’s like they look at you and think “well, i’m no sleeping so that fucker isn’t getting to either”

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We can add that to last night, 4 year old decided to be sick on one of the few places we have carpet, so I launch him at the bathroom so if he is sick he might hit the toilet or at least the tiles.
She decides, after 10 seconds of surveying the scene, he is all done and can go back to bed. Yup not even two steps out the bathroom and the carpet got it again.

Kids seem to have perfect aim when it comes to being sick on carpet.
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3 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

Flying back from Las Vegas last week.  Overnight flight so needing to sleep on the plane to try and avoid crazy jet lag.

Plane left at 5pm (Vegas time - 1am UK) and I managed to drift off to sleep after a couple of hours. Must have been asleep for about 20 minutes when I'm woken up by my wife to tell me that she can't sleep.

What on Earth she was expecting me to do to assist her here I've no idea. Of course then neither of us get anymore sleep on this flight and we're both still struggling today.  Wouldn't you know it I'm the one back at work today while she has another day off! 

Had that so often, especially with an early start. What the f**k are they thinking?

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On 2/16/2019 at 09:06, KnightswoodBear said:

My wife "accidentally" elbowed me full in the eye in bed last night.

The jury is still out as to whether it's going to bruise. 

Standard here. Along with a million other things, the wife has a disorder where her brain doesn't turn her body's movements off when she sleeps. I've started sleeping with my nearside arm holding hers down. Made the mistake of rolling over the other night, and took a stooning straight right to the back of the neck. Apparently it might be a sign of early-onset dementia or Parkinson's disease, so you might want to let that slip out if Mrs Bear finds her handiwork amusing.

If anybody here is married to someone who suffers from sexomnia - keep it to yourself please, you utter c**t  <_<

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Kids seem to have perfect aim when it comes to being sick on carpet.
It's seriously 2 ft from his door to the bathroom door, not so much a full adult step (or two bairnardos) I just couldn't believe it happened
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It's seriously 2 ft from his door to the bathroom door, not so much a full adult step (or two bairnardos) I just couldn't believe it happened

It’s all about timing at that age. They are not going to hold it in, if you are not out the blocks as soon as you hear them cough. Had it plenty times with my two, probably why the wife put laminate down in their room and the hall.
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1 hour ago, RockMusic said:

My wife sets approximately 8 alarms each morning, the first of which goes off a full hour before she needs to get up. She falls asleep after each one and still has to rush to get out the door. They are even set for when she's in the shower. Mental!

Much like my missus. Sets the alarm for 6 and then again every 15 minutes.  Doesn’t usually bother me cos I get up at 6, but on the odd occasion when I don’t have to get up , the 15 minute reminders are a real pain in the arse if I’ve dozed off.  And even more so  if she’s actually got up  and isn’t in the bedroom to switch the fvkker off.

She  says she gets her best sleep after the first alarm.       Ok , so why not do something to stop it being interrupted , then  and just set the reminder for 7 ?

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2 hours ago, RockMusic said:

My wife sets approximately 8 alarms each morning, the first of which goes off a full hour before she needs to get up. She falls asleep after each one and still has to rush to get out the door. They are even set for when she's in the shower. Mental!

I think I might be your wife as this is exactly my behaviour. Hope you're having a nice morning dear x 

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3 hours ago, RockMusic said:

My wife sets approximately 8 alarms each morning, the first of which goes off a full hour before she needs to get up. She falls asleep after each one and still has to rush to get out the door. They are even set for when she's in the shower. Mental!

Do you mean 8 different alarm clocks/devices?  If so, absolute lunatic behaviour.  If not, still absolute lunatic behaviour.   

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21 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

Flying back from Las Vegas last week.  Overnight flight so needing to sleep on the plane to try and avoid crazy jet lag.

Plane left at 5pm (Vegas time - 1am UK) and I managed to drift off to sleep after a couple of hours. Must have been asleep for about 20 minutes when I'm woken up by my wife to tell me that she can't sleep.

What on Earth she was expecting me to do to assist her here I've no idea. Of course then neither of us get anymore sleep on this flight and we're both still struggling today.  Wouldn't you know it I'm the one back at work today while she has another day off! 

My wife is off on maternity leave the now whilst I pay the bills.

Last week I was feeling a little more tired than usual after work and was hinting like f**k for a nap.

She growls that no way am I going to bed leaving her to bath, feed and put baby to sleep.

She soon says that he's due a nap as he's been up nearly 2 hours and if we get him down we can both have a nap.

After about 15mins he's back up screaming the place down and she's nudging me like mad to go deal with it.

Shortly I find myself up feeding and bathing junior whilst she's lying in a coma.

Must be hard no working all day.

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8 hours ago, A96 said:

Much like my missus. Sets the alarm for 6 and then again every 15 minutes.  Doesn’t usually bother me cos I get up at 6, but on the odd occasion when I don’t have to get up , the 15 minute reminders are a real pain in the arse if I’ve dozed off.  And even more so  if she’s actually got up  and isn’t in the bedroom to switch the fvkker off.

She  says she gets her best sleep after the first alarm.       Ok , so why not do something to stop it being interrupted , then  and just set the reminder for 7 ?

I've had the very same conversation on too many occasions to recall. All to no avail, of course.

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5 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

She growls that no way am I going to bed leaving her to bath, feed and put baby to sleep.

She soon says that he's due a nap as he's been up nearly 2 hours and if we get him down we can both have a nap.

After about 15mins he's back up screaming the place down and she's nudging me like mad to go deal with it.

Shortly I find myself up feeding and bathing junior whilst she's lying in a coma.

No matter how tired you are it's almost always much better to tell the Mrs just to f**k off to the spare bed and deal with the wean in your own way.  Even if you lose out on a nap at least you and the wee yin will get some peace.

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