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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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understand what you say mate but it's a frequent occurrence where she refuses to shift or be reasoned with. 
She flat out refuses to eat thai/chnese/japanese because she hates "chinese people"
She drunk drove home one night, i asked her wtf she thinks shes doing, her response was her drink driving is better than my standard driving and she's a perfectly capable drink driver.
Were discussing football, she said that injuries happen not because of the tackle but the player falling over and hurting himself. I calmly corrected her and was told that i don't respect her and feel threatened because she knows more than me. 
I could go on but it's difficult when someone's mind won't budge and they are always right. 

I’m going out in a limb here but I would get rid of this stubborn racist drink-driver. 6 months is a lucky escape IMO.
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21 minutes ago, red23 said:

She's knocked the driving on the head for now after i said i won't tolerate it to be fair so that's the only thing that gave her a prolonged chance.

Shes from a foreign culture that seems to tolerate racism more than it should so i gave her the benefit of the doubt and felt i could educate her over the months.

The every day arguing isn't fun. It's the simple things too, arranged to meet mates the other week at 4pm so she books a hair appointment 3pm -4pm and shock, it runs late and we turn up at 4.30pm. It was my fault because i didn't tell her not to book an appointment before 4pm.



Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, dave258 said:

Mine appears to be incapable of following road signs to a destination.

Ha, same. Uses a sat nav for everything (with the added annoying habit of using a postcode rather than full address, meaning she gets to the general area before getting lost anyway) but often fails to follow the directions because she's too busy talking shite.

Is absolutely hopeless at remembering how to get back out of somewhere no matter how short the period between arriving and departing is, and takes an absolute age to learn the local area / local roads.

Can remember something I said or did at any point in history, though.

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2 hours ago, just me 2 said:

So they say but what difference does it make if it’s empty or full, it is still moving and the bath/ sink is more likely to be empty more than it is full

The difference is that if you silicone it empty it gets stretched out when you fill the sink. If you fill the sink then silicone with the weight of the water in, it compresses when you empty it, which doesn't tear the silicone. It definitely makes a difference.

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On 21/07/2021 at 09:59, Day of the Lords said:
On 21/07/2021 at 08:42, the snudge said:
Her - where are my hair straighteners (or any other object that she needs on a daily basis)?
Me - dunno
Her - for fucks sake 
Me - why would I know where you put them?
Her - you haven't even helped me look for them
Me - you didnt ask and I didn't know until 2 seconds ago you were looking for them. Do you want a hand?
Her - no, I'll do it myself
Is everyone's other half like this or just mines?

On the other side of the coin, if I've lost something I won't tell my OH now as I'll just get an unending barrage of pointless questions which are of absolutely no help at all in locating said item such as "where did you last have it?" or "have you left it somewhere?"

I have to ask because she'll have "tidied it". Tidying involves taking something that i've deliberately left somewhere handy (for example leaving a library book i'm taking back by the door) and putting it somewhere mental (sock drawer). Sometimes I can put things down for a minute and they'll be gone. It drives me nuts, which i'm sure is the intention. 

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17 minutes ago, coprolite said:

I have to ask because she'll have "tidied it". Tidying involves taking something that i've deliberately left somewhere handy (for example leaving a library book i'm taking back by the door) and putting it somewhere mental (sock drawer). Sometimes I can put things down for a minute and they'll be gone. It drives me nuts, which i'm sure is the intention. 

Well if you tidied up for once she wouldn't have to do it all herself. Door slam.

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Mine appears to be incapable of following road signs to a destination.
Admittedly she's from Yorkshire and pretty much learned to drive in a tractor,  but surely most people know what to do when you say "follow signs for *insert place*", and then it's reasonable to expect them not to just drive in a continuous straight line & blame you because "you didn't tell me where to turn"?
I'm certain it's in the fucking driving test tbh. Think it's a woman thing, my sister told me the other week she just follows the sat nav every journey she makes & as a result never remembers where to go even though she's driven a route several times. 
Ha, same. Uses a sat nav for everything (with the added annoying habit of using a postcode rather than full address, meaning she gets to the general area before getting lost anyway) but often fails to follow the directions because she's too busy talking shite.
Is absolutely hopeless at remembering how to get back out of somewhere no matter how short the period between arriving and departing is, and takes an absolute age to learn the local area / local roads.
Can remember something I said or did at any point in history, though.
To be fair, I'm really bad at this. I rarely use sat nav but my special awareness must be fucking dreadful as it genuinely takes me 10 times visiting a place before i get to know it. As well as this i can easily get lost when I've just come into a new area, not knowing how to get back out.

I know folk who can learn shit like this first time so it's definitely a particular type of intelligence (one that me and your missuses don't have).
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Spent what feels like the past fortnight talking about getting a spare desk in from her work's office, which she went into town to size up, to turn our spare room into an office for her (to the point I'm sick of hearing about it).   Finally got her to take a measurement of it and turns out the table's longer than the room it's supposedly going into.  Complete waste of grief / discussion.  Not just a few inches, but half a f***ing metre.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Spent what feels like the past fortnight talking about getting a spare desk in from her work's office, which she went into town to size up, to turn our spare room into an office for her (to the point I'm sick of hearing about it).   Finally got her to take a measurement of it and turns out the table's longer than the room it's supposedly going into.  Complete waste of grief / discussion.  Not just a few inches, but half a f***ing metre.
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8 hours ago, red23 said:

So been going out with the new gf for 6 months now and questioning if it's all worth it. 

beautiful, good job, good ride...........but fking crazy and completely irrational at times


You apologised didn't you ?

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8 hours ago, red23 said:

understand what you say mate but it's a frequent occurrence where she refuses to shift or be reasoned with. 

She flat out refuses to eat thai/chnese/japanese because she hates "chinese people"

She drunk drove home one night, i asked her wtf she thinks shes doing, her response was her drink driving is better than my standard driving and she's a perfectly capable drink driver.

Were discussing football, she said that injuries happen not because of the tackle but the player falling over and hurting himself. I calmly corrected her and was told that i don't respect her and feel threatened because she knows more than me. 

I could go on but it's difficult when someone's mind won't budge and they are always right. 

These are absolutely wild, I'm getting angry just reading it. 

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Wife passed her driving test about 5 years ago and I can count on one hand how many times she's put petrol in the car. Yesterday she was out getting her hair done. She phones me afterwards:

Her: "I need to go and get my bread, I'll be home soon" (wife is gluten free so has a particular type of bread she likes and can eat).

Me: "ok, see you soon"

*phones me at the retail park with me assuming she's in Sainsbury's*

Her: "actually whilst I'm here I might pick up some stuff from Greggs, do you want anything?"

Me: "No I'm fine ta, mind and pick up your bread"

Her: "I can't be arsed going into Sainsbury's, I'll pop out later"

Me: "Don't be stupid, you're literally at the shop, just run in and get what you need instead of wasting petrol going back out again".

Her: "Nah, still can't be arsed.. I'll get some stuff from Greggs and be home soon"


Later in the evening she's on face time to her family down South and the inevitable happens...


Her: "Could you pop out and get my bread?"

Me: *internally fuming* "aye ok..."


If that wasn't infuriating enough I gets into the car and the petrol light isn't just on it's flashing like f**k. Petrol is that low I can't even toggle on the dashboard to see how many miles I've got left. Petrol needle is now as far down as it can go. It'll have been like this when she was at the retail park and she's passed about 3 petrol stations to get home and didn't think to fill the car up. Queried this with her and the response....

"oh, that's your job is it not?"

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7 minutes ago, Raithie said:

Wife passed her driving test about 5 years ago and I can count on one hand how many times she's put petrol in the car. Yesterday she was out getting her hair done. She phones me afterwards:

Her: "I need to go and get my bread, I'll be home soon" (wife is gluten free so has a particular type of bread she likes and can eat).

Me: "ok, see you soon"

*phones me at the retail park with me assuming she's in Sainsbury's*

Her: "actually whilst I'm here I might pick up some stuff from Greggs, do you want anything?"

Me: "No I'm fine ta, mind and pick up your bread"

Her: "I can't be arsed going into Sainsbury's, I'll pop out later"

Me: "Don't be stupid, you're literally at the shop, just run in and get what you need instead of wasting petrol going back out again".

Her: "Nah, still can't be arsed.. I'll get some stuff from Greggs and be home soon"


Later in the evening she's on face time to her family down South and the inevitable happens...


Her: "Could you pop out and get my bread?"

Me: *internally fuming* "aye ok..."


If that wasn't infuriating enough I gets into the car and the petrol light isn't just on it's flashing like f**k. Petrol is that low I can't even toggle on the dashboard to see how many miles I've got left. Petrol needle is now as far down as it can go. It'll have been like this when she was at the retail park and she's passed about 3 petrol stations to get home and didn't think to fill the car up. Queried this with her and the response....

"oh, that's your job is it not?"

Manipulate the situation so the car runs out of petrol when she's out in it, then don't answer your phone. She has to learn the hard way. The lazy cow. 

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5 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Manipulate the situation so the car runs out of petrol when she's out in it, then don't answer your phone. She has to learn the hard way. The lazy cow. 

He should throw petrol on her and set her on fire, that'd teach her!

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12 hours ago, Bairnardo said:
20 hours ago, hk blues said:
I noticed the silicon seal around our sink had given up - I rarely go in that particular room so I asked her why she hadn't told me, of course she insisted she had.  Anyway, I proceeded to fix it.  She asked when she could use it and I told her after 24 hours. Of course, she took exception to this and said the guy who installed it said a couple of hours would be enough.  I pointed out that this was why I was now having to fix it.  I saw here cutting strips of tin foil (my 1st thought was she was making a hat) - she said it was to place around the sink so she could use it sooner.  I put her right on that.  I've just caught her using it - she insists she wasn't getting the silicon wet.  I pointed out to her again that it wasn't so much that as the weight of the sink would stretch the silicon if it hadn't cured - I had already told her this previously.
She's now making a song and dance of washing the dishes in a bucket in the kitchen.  No fucks given by me.  

You are rarely in the kitchen?

We have 2 kitchens, one for cooking  and the other (so-called dirty kitchen here) where "we" do the washing and dishes.  The wife takes care of that side of things.  

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12 hours ago, RH33 said:

Should fill sink/bath then seal and leave water in it while it cures.

That would just have encouraged here to use it right away - she needed no such encouragement.

And, yes, you're right I should have but it's a small sink so I hoped to get away with not doing that.  And, I forgot about that!

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11 hours ago, red23 said:

So been going out with the new gf for 6 months now and questioning if it's all worth it. 

beautiful, good job, good ride...........but fking crazy and completely irrational at times.

Went out for a drive in her car with her to look at a new car for me, was a 30 minute drive (15 miles or so) and when at the garage the boy said btw you're tyre is completely worn on the inner edge, had a look and right enough. it's quite bad so £50 for a replacement to be done next week.

Driving back and she's not speaking so i twig something is up, so after a long period of silence she says "this is why i don't want to be driving my car long distances like this, this car isn't new and shouldn't be driven far distances as faults like this happen. It's a 2016 Peugeot 2008. 

So i explain to her a tyre wears out over 20k miles, is just part of owning a car and is £50 for a new tyre, even offered to take it out to get it done for her. But shes not having it and says that it's my fault and we should only drive the car in town as it's not made for long distances like the one we just drove.

Then comes all the chat about how ignorant i am about things and that if i drove more carefully the tyre would still be fine. So after 15 minutes of trying to comfort her  i snap after and say she needs to go do some education on the matter before saying such nonsense. She finishes off with saying i am just too argumentative for her and she needs to go away and think.

She text me asking if I'm ready to apologise yet.

Things like this are just pointless and infuriating. If we can't deal with such a minor issue then what hope do we have? There is no logic to what she's saying, no need for the argument and it really drags you down at times!


Move on, this won't change

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10 hours ago, just me 2 said:

So they say but what difference does it make if it’s empty or full, it is still moving and the bath/ sink is more likely to be empty more than it is full

Not in our house...

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7 hours ago, pandarilla said:

To be fair, I'm really bad at this. I rarely use sat nav but my special awareness must be fucking dreadful as it genuinely takes me 10 times visiting a place before i get to know it. As well as this i can easily get lost when I've just come into a new area, not knowing how to get back out.

I know folk who can learn shit like this first time so it's definitely a particular type of intelligence (one that me and your missuses don't have).

I'm not referring to her remembering her way to a specific house or shop etc. Literally mean that when driving she's unable to follow road signs e.g. Perth to Dundee, unless a sat nav (or me) is barking directions at her.

If you can't follow road signs you shouldn't be on the road IMO.

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Can’t believe what I’ve read there. The “are you ready to apologise” line would have tipped me over the edge alone, but to read that not only is she a racist, but she was also happy to drive steaming, is beyond it, and more. No ride is that good.

Have some self respect and get shot.

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