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Worst pub in Scotland

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3 minutes ago, scrooge1928 said:

My mistake. I was in Easter Road last week and I didn't notice it.
Edinburgh has so many pubs that if I walk into one and it looks like a shitehole then it's easy just to about turn and there will be something better a few yards away.

It's a good pub.

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Looks exactly the same as it did 20 years ago.  Might even be the same garbage piled up against the frosted glass windows.

Most of the letters of the word Anchor are away now. I'll get a photo when I'm going by.
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As a resident of the east end of Glasgow I've drunk in an alarming number of the east end boozers mentioned on this thread; O'Kanes on Westmuir Street was a real favourite for a period. Encountered some real characters but never once felt fearful. I've always felt you more likely to get caught up in something, by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the city centre than in some spit and sawdust place. 

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See also the Rising Sun just down the road.  It gentrified itself recently by scraping the mushrooms off the walls in the bogs. 

To be fair the Rising isn't too bad these days, apart from its' Ranjurs association. Not a bad place to stop off for a pint on the way to Borough Briggs on the way down the hill.
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6 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The Longstone pub you are probably thinking of is the VIllage Inn.  I live near there and go running past it a lot, it is a bit of a hovel.  There's the Longstone Inn further down which doesn't look quite as bad but still not somewhere I would go.

I don't really go out to pubs that much but when I go to the football I often end up in complete shitholes.  Before the title winning ICT-Clyde game in 2004 me and about ten other Caley fans got the train to Croy and found the nearest pub, being the Croy Tavern.  We walked in, wearing red, white and blue tops, in themiddle of an Old Firm game.  There were a few tense moments when we realised we were basically in the most Celtic pub in the world :lol:  I've never been so glad to see Celtic win.  They also had Buckfast on tap so all good.

Croy is one of those weird wee enclaves where everyone is from the one side. Maybe less so now because it's good commuter country so they have built new houses but the original mining village was basically 100% Irish Catholic. 

I've never actually been into the Chrystal Bell but I gather it's at the classier end of the Gallowgate/Trongate market. As far as the Gallowgate goes (at least on matchdays) The Drover and The Wee Mans are decent, Bar 67 is more of a hole and the Snook-A-Scene at Parkhead Cross is always mega busy. Never been into any others but judging by Bar 67 and the people you see stoating out of The Saracen Head, the Hoops Bar, the Phoenix, etc. the better pubs are the ones that don't nail their colours to the mast. 

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24 minutes ago, Southside Hibee said:

In the Piershill area of Edinburgh, there is a couple of colourful pubs.


Never a dull moment in Broadfields or Porters, although the former has a fantastic chippy next door to it. The Portobello Bar is the equivalent of god's waiting room. 

Porters Broadfields and even Scotties are all decent enough. Agreed about the chippy. Never been in the Portobello Bar. 

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Just now, The Grass Is Greener. said:

Porters Broadfields and even Scotties are all decent enough. Agreed about the chippy. Never been in the Portobello Bar. 

The Scottie is probably the most sophisticated out of the lot; a bit of an old man pub, but the atmosphere is pleasant enough & the food is decent. I have been in Broadfields a couple of times, ended up on the karaoke one Saturday night & basically gave the patrons of the pub a free Southside Hibee concert. 

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I usually drink in The Scottie or Broadfields. Been in plenty worse boozers than those two.

Scotties is a quiet pub. Occasionally get some nonsense going on in Broadfields, but it's usually just handbags.

Eta: Giovanni's is the chippy, which is one of the best in Edinburgh.

Edited by Henderson to deliver .....
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14 minutes ago, The Grass Is Greener. said:

 Never been in the Portobello Bar. 

Ive a mate who lives around the corner,ive been in a couple of times for a quick one afore we go into town,its not our best idea in all honestly

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Piershill gets a worse reputation than it deserves imo because of a couple of high profile attacks at least one of which seemed to be a coincidence that it happened in the area, nothing to do with locals.  Don't think I've ever been in any of the bars though tbh.

Edited by Boostin' Kev
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The star bar in Pollockshaws. 3 courses for £3.

Never had the famous lunch deal but the Star Bar is ok for a quick pint or two.

For Kilwinning the now closed down Abbey Bar was a dump.

The Vic isn't much better but it stays open due to the bigots.

I was going to say the Abbey wasn't that bad but then I realised I was getting it mixed up with the Tower. Don't think I was ever in the Abbey when it was a boozer.

Chequers/Maracols/Thirst Foot was generally awful when it was open.

Worst pub I've been in was a place in Dalmellington. Every one of the ten or so punters in the place glared at my mate & me and were drinking cans of Special Brew at 4pm on a Saturday.
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I was going to say the Abbey wasn't that bad but then I realised I was getting it mixed up with the Tower. Don't think I was ever in the Abbey when it was a boozer.


Chequers/Maracols/Thirst Foot was generally awful when it was open.


Worst pub I've been in was a place in Dalmellington. Every one of the ten or so punters in the place glared at my mate & me and were drinking cans of Special Brew at 4pm on a Saturday.


The Tower was also a dive.


Chequers has the dubious distinction of being closed down after a bouncer pushed a guy down the stairs around Christmas time when the ground was frozen and the guy died.

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47 minutes ago, Angusfifer said:

The Fun Pub used to be the one to avoid in Leven. Only fun if you were into getting a pool cue off the back of the nut...

Fun pubs anywhere should have alarm bells ringing. The rot set in when they put women's toilets in. Pubs are for drinking in, not fun.

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30 minutes ago, niketon said:


Did that used to be called Blazers about 15 years ago? If so best/worst pub I've ever drank in.


Aye, North Street on the corner along from what used to be the Troxy picture house...

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