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I've worked in loads of different places over the years, different industries, different characters.
I worked in a factory with a gambling addict years ago.  Like most addicts he was a pathological liar and was the hero in every story he told.  He was always battering burglars and saving bairns from burning buildings.  His month's wages were always gone midway into the first week and he'd be like a vulture at lunch breaks waiting to snaffle any food that was left over.  By the end of the month his skin would be terrible with malnourishment.  It was pretty tragic to observe but ultimately only he could do something about it, nobody else could do it for him.
I also used to work with a first-aid volunteer who had managed to convince himself that he was a fully qualified paramedic.  Walked about town in his spare time wearing paramedic uniform and kept a defibrillator in the boot of his car.  Total Walter Mitty character.  He was easy enough to deal with at work though; as long as you spoke to him as if he was really important he'd do pretty much anything for you.
My previous job wasn't much fun.  There was a gang of middle aged women in the office who had nothing better to do than spend all day whispering to eachother and cliping on fowk.  It was always about timekeeping.  I'd often deliberately come back from my lunch five minutes late just for the amusement of watching them huddle into a whispering conference in the corner deciding who they'd nominate to go into the boss's office that week to report me (the boss in there was really weak and pandered to folk instead of just getting them telt).  A couple of times I was hauled in and spoken to about it and, without wishing to sound like a bam, I made it clear that I'd happily have both the quantity and the quality of my work audited against any other employee in that office if the management were unhappy with me.  No action was ever taken and after 18 months working there I got a promotion to another department anyway.  They'll all still be in there doing the same jobs on the same money til they drop.
I've been really lucky with my current job though.  I've found the workplace that I always think didn't exist.  Everybody gets on, nobody is thick or weird, there's no gossip or backstabbing, and people are generally very good at what they do.  And more than half of us are aged within six years of eachother and are happy & settled in the job with no real plans or ambitions to move on so there's not the fear that "So & So is due to retire or likely to leave in a couple of years, I hope they're not replaced by a total belter".  I've basically cracked it.

I've had this in a previous job with the grassing. It's insecure workers who pander to the boss and run with stories and then the the manager doesn't attack the worker accused but hits the entire department with the same stick?
First of all why are colleagues watching and cliping on folk? Why are they not busy? Could it be they are insecure of the harder more honest workers showing them up? Poor show all round.
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Folk have been grassing on me about internet usage to someone who has in turn grassed on me to the office manager.

I actually laughed when the office manager told me. Admittedly there were some times when I was fannying about online, but it was never at the expense of any work I had/have to do. I've always told people that I'd be happy to help them if they need it, and have done so with some colleagues many times. If folk are so busy that they're getting annoyed that I spent a few minutes dicking about online then they should just ask for my help which I'd happily give them.

Such grassing is deeply pathetic behaviour. It doesn't affect them in any way what I do. Still, I shouldn't have given the snakey folks an excuse as I know that such snakes will always do this sort of thing.

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6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Folk have been grassing on me about internet usage to someone who has in turn grassed on me to the office manager.

I actually laughed when the office manager told me. Admittedly there were some times when I was fannying about online, but it was never at the expense of any work I had/have to do. I've always told people that I'd be happy to help them if they need it, and have done so with some colleagues many times. If folk are so busy that they're getting annoyed that I spent a few minutes dicking about online then they should just ask for my help which I'd happily give them.

Such grassing is deeply pathetic behaviour. It doesn't affect them in any way what I do. Still, I shouldn't have given the snakey folks an excuse as I know that such snakes will always do this sort of thing.

I'm going to use the example of the poster above. "Audit my work against any employee in the department in terms of quality and quantity". Who is the timewaster now? Funny if you are fucking about or being late you can do twice as much.


I have no idea why or how management cannot see this BS for the pathetic behaviour it is. Why do you give time and like snakey asskissing creeps when they are actually making your life harder?

Ive seen them in action messing about until the boss comes in then spring out of their seat "good weekend" "hahaha that's funny" "so and so was late again" get yourself tae f**k. If you acted like that in a pub you would get sparked out.

/end rant

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All I was told was he wasn’t doing nearly enough work “80% of the work was being done by you RN...”.
Spoke to him after work he was told it was because of RMA and service work issues, no no consistency.
Ridiculous thing was the boss’ wife cleaning his office like he had the plague and them changing the locks on the door
Good luck to the loon IMO
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I’m going discount your opinion on this on two points.
1. You drink Tennents “Lager”.
2. You’re wrong.
Good day, sir.

Very defensive, sir. I was only asking a question. You’re reply suggests you know you’re wrong on this one. I’ll be drinking Tennents in around about an hour, thanks for reminding me [emoji4]
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I have had half a dozen jobs in the past 36 yrs or so, found early doors that it's better just to get along with most work colleagues, and don't mix out of work.
I notice this thread was started by Fide, what has happened to old Confi anyway? Does he not partake any longer?

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