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he regularly fucks off for an hour without saying a word in the morning and comes back with a haircut.
He's disliked by everyone in the office and is basically a fat, bald, lazy old cunt. 

How does he f**k aff for a hair cut if he’s a baldy c*nt!?

Is it some sort of carefully crafted comb-over!?
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On 10/11/2018 at 00:16, D.A.F.C said:

Some workplaces have some practices which when looked at from the outside look like some sort of madness. You should ask them yourself politely, maybe in a way that is curious because you feel like you should be doing it also. Which you shouldn’t, obviously.

In my workplace we have to deal with other departments mistakes and it’s shit because the other departments don’t learn from them and actually knowingly give us stuff to do just so that they don’t have to deal with their mistakes.

In a meeting of senior managers our manager was told to keep quiet and wasn’t allowed to speak. It’s made the environment pretty toxic at times and has resulted and divisions and a whole lot of other shit I don’t want to go into other than I find it stressful because I’m conscientious and find waste and political bs horrible. I fear one day that the entire shitshow will fall apart like a house of cards when we can’t bail them out anymore.

You must be so incredibly unlucky to find yourself (in what seems like every job you’ve done) surrounded by terrible management who bully staff and co-workers who are so rubbish that you have to bail them out. Then when you do bail them out, they confuse your hard work with being a brown-noser. So unlucky.


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Two jobs out of several. It was one person in the last job. This time there’s a mob mentality who have either been in with the bricks and chucked it or newer guys who are somewhat lazy. Most of them milk overtime and take everything going instead of giving it back. Myself and a few others in this role have worked hard and got attacked for it from the start pretty much. Being told to slow down and to con the supervisor. I will not apologise or accept any blame for this what so ever. I probably should have left years ago but the senior management see the job I do and have recently rewarded me for it.

Im no superstar or trying to make others look bad but i do find it stressful having to carry others and still get shit for it. I’m not the only one and know that I really should move to somewhere that people are encouraged to work hard. I don’t get the stick it to them attitude and repugnant behaviours. 

If you want to turn that into being bullied in every workplace because I’m a problem then go ahead. Not that I really give a shit tbh.

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Missus had a funeral to go to yesterday in the Netherlands but originally had two meetings at work yesterday as well. One internal and one external. Asked her boss and the CEO if they could be moved. Internal one was a piece of piss but CEO said to fully debrief her boss and he'll take her place at the external meeting with some funding body or something. So she goes over everything, makes up a wee power point presentation to show him, then e-mails him all the details and the presentation last Thursday. He's had all weekend to go over everything that's needed.

Just as she gets to the crematorium her phone buzzes and he's calling. She dingies it and txts him explaining she's at a funeral. Turns phone off.

Comes out at the end to five texts from him. First one asking her to go over all the details again quickly over the phone. Then a second one begging her to call him back. Then a third saying he can't find the e-mail she sent. Then a fourth calling her unprofessional. Then a fifth saying they're going to need to talk about this at work today.

It's 50/50 whether she quits now. If she does we move to Scotland! Yey!

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What's everybody's view on people buying gifts for their work colleagues when on holiday? My supervisor has come back from the Caribbean with a bottle opener with a dolphin on it for me and the other guy in the team. The girls got a shot glass.  I can now add this to the horrible Abu Dhabi fridge magnet I received from another wifey here. 

Who goes away on holiday and thinks ah I better buy a selection of gifts for my colleagues?  Once in a blue moon I'll buy a box of chocolates at the airport if I have time but I go on holiday to forget about work.  Obviously it's a nice gesture before anybody calls me a heartless b*****d but I can't be the only person who gets annoyed by this?

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15 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

What's everybody's view on people buying gifts for their work colleagues when on holiday? My supervisor has come back from the Caribbean with a bottle opener with a dolphin on it for me and the other guy in the team. The girls got a shot glass.  I can now add this to the horrible Abu Dhabi fridge magnet I received from another wifey here. 

Who goes away on holiday and thinks ah I better buy a selection of gifts for my colleagues?  Once in a blue moon I'll buy a box of chocolates at the airport if I have time but I go on holiday to forget about work.  Obviously it's a nice gesture before anybody calls me a heartless b*****d but I can't be the only person who gets annoyed by this?

Bring back sweets or chocolates.  Nothing else is acceptable.

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What's everybody's view on people buying gifts for their work colleagues when on holiday? My supervisor has come back from the Caribbean with a bottle opener with a dolphin on it for me and the other guy in the team. The girls got a shot glass.  I can now add this to the horrible Abu Dhabi fridge magnet I received from another wifey here. 
Who goes away on holiday and thinks ah I better buy a selection of gifts for my colleagues?  Once in a blue moon I'll buy a box of chocolates at the airport if I have time but I go on holiday to forget about work.  Obviously it's a nice gesture before anybody calls me a heartless b*****d but I can't be the only person who gets annoyed by this?
Unless you work with immediate family why would this even be a thought that would occur to you on holiday?!
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Because one idiot, who has an actual pal at work who they enjoy the company of, decides to get them something when they're on holiday but then worries that folk will be put out of they don't get everyone something. So instead of just getting one person something decent and handing it over discreetly, or outside of work, gets a bunch of shite tat for everyone. This means the next person at work feels they need to do the same thing and the cycle continues.

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The last thing I do on holiday is think about the c***s at my work.

Actually, that's not true.  On holiday I often think, "thank f**k Im sitting with my feet in the pool with a beer in my hand and not having to listen to Mike* dribbling on his incessant shite"

*Other work colleagues apply.

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1 hour ago, philpy said:

To get to the toilets at my work, you have to walk through the canteen then through another door. Despite signs being put up, everycunt leaves the door open.

So... they just sit there doing a shite with the door open and everyone in the canteen can see?

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