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It's not about someone being offended, it's about what they might do with it.
You never know what's going on with someone else and they might use the feedback from you to defend him or herself and pass the buck to you for something you are unaware of.
Alternatively, they might take offence at what you say and make a complaint about you. Regardless of how honest or true the feedback is.
There is no good reason to do this. Nothing to do with 'growing a set'.

You’re constructive then really what have you got to worry about?
If I was hearing an HR case in the scenario of someone raising a grievance due to not liking feedback that was provided constructively, then I would laugh it out the door and have the report done very quickly.
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4 minutes ago, Mitch said:

You’re constructive then really what have you got to worry about?
If I was hearing an HR case in the scenario of someone raising a grievance due to not liking feedback that was provided constructively, then I would laugh it out the door and have the report done very quickly.

The point is that what is and is not constructive and fair is entirely subjective.

If the colleague takes objection to the feedback you give them, that could become a real problem for you. It's a short jump to claims of harassment and bullying. Even if those claims are eventually thrown out (and they might not be), you would endure weeks or months of nervous waiting as the process unfolded. Perhaps even reputational damage within your office as word spreads about what's going on and the story gathers arms and legs.

Relying on HR to solve it might be fine, but it might not be. Maybe the HR people are thick. Maybe the HR people are your colleague's mate. Maybe your opinion on what is 'fair and constructive' isn't quite accurate.

And, of course, there is the possibility that the colleague is asking you for feedback directly in order to shift blame your way by absolving themselves of something.

All of these possibilities are on the table once you start giving colleagues feedback outwith the guidelines of normal procedure.

There is absolutely no good reason to do it. You gain nothing and you open the door to lots of potential problems.

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Chris's dilemma reminds me of someone I interviewed a few years ago. He clearly didn't grasp the concept of a competency-based interview and, having failed to give a relevant answer any of the questions, produced what he thought was going to be his trump card - a survey of his colleagues asking what they thought of him.
That's me fucked then
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Office secret santa. No-one forced to partake but you can if you want. I thought it sounded like fun, a chance to get a wee gift under £10 of something I wouldn't normally buy for myself but might appreciate. Got a decent book on the previous time I did this.

I drew the name of a guy who worked as a magician while a student before coming into law. He's a new father as well, just back from paternity leave, so I got a bib for the wee one saying "My dad's magic" and then, as a footnote, "at litigation". All good fun. Just got my present now, looking forward to a well thought out gift based on the interests I put down on the form: motorcycles, reggae, surfing, travelling. Thought football would be too generic. So what did they get me?

A President Trump toilet brush.

Ffs. 😂😂😂


ETA: They misspelled my name on the wrapping paper. 😂

Edited by Margaret Thatcher
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16 minutes ago, Margaret Thatcher said:

Office secret santa. No-one forced to partake but you can if you want. I thought it sounded like fun, a chance to get a wee gift under £10 of something I wouldn't normally buy for myself but might appreciate. Got a decent book on the previous time I did this.

I drew the name of a guy who worked as a magician while a student before coming into law. He's a new father as well, just back from paternity leave, so I got a bib for the wee one saying "My dad's magic" and then, as a footnote, "at litigation". All good fun. Just got my present now, looking forward to a well thought out gift based on the interests I put down on the form: motorcycles, reggae, surfing, travelling. Thought football would be too generic. So what did they get me?

A President Trump toilet brush.

Ffs. 😂😂😂


ETA: They misspelled my name on the wrapping paper. 😂

I'll give it a week and you'll go back to using paper.

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Despite almost every other teacher at the school missing days recently with a serious cold bug going around I tried to go in today, felt like shot but still set everything up then headed back to bed.
Apparently I’m in “trouble” for this?

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51 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

Despite almost every other teacher at the school missing days recently with a serious cold bug going around I tried to go in today, felt like shot but still set everything up then headed back to bed.
Apparently I’m in “trouble” for this?

You deserve to be in trouble for trying to go in whilst ill in the first place.

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So you’re going in and risking everyone else’s health? You’re a c**t.
Very much so. Being the bread winner and already on a shit wage I need as much as I can get. Believe me nobody else gives a f**k when they are ill and spread it. Working in the public you cant get away from people who have the cold / coughing etc
We use to get paid when off ill but then the union took that away ( maybe 10 year ago or so )

So yes I am a c**t
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Jesus sounds like you need to dump your union!
I did like many others have.
Just like they got rid of double time and now time n a half. Time and a quarter if you work on a Sunday however that may be stopped soon also.
So yeah if I have they flu then I'd be bed ridden and not going into work. A cold or anything else will not stop me going into work, the c**t that I am
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