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Just now, Mr. Alli said:

I'll never sit in the company of somebody whilst on a personal call. Always get up and walk away somewhere quiet as as a rule of thumb, folk are nosey bastirts and the less they hear about your personal life the better. 

He literally just does laps of our very small 4 desk office.  It's no bigger than your average living room.  Irritating as fuck someone just walking behind your chair 10 times in 5 minutes.

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My boss informed two of us that we had to do an information security online course yesterday that was three weeks late (the fault of the boss) and asked us to to it asap. I had logged in and completed it in twenty minutes within half an hour of being told about it. The other woman took until 1230 today before she got round to it. Cue her going to the wrong site and having to get me to forward her the link. Then she's sitting there looking through a notebook to find the right password which is what the course (and common sense) expressly tells us not to do. She was still floundering with trying to log in when I went for my lunch half an hour after starting. I was shaking my head and chuckling about how a grown woman can be so fucking useless. My poor boss was looking a bit exasparated and I'm looking forward to hearing his reaction when I next see him on Friday. I have no idea how this woman can function in life.

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17 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

I'll never sit in the company of somebody whilst on a personal call. Always get up and walk away somewhere quiet as as a rule of thumb, folk are nosey bastirts and the less they hear about your personal life the better. 

i get around the personal call thing by only having a landline, {i actual do have a 12 year old nokia, but its only my family and my bank that has that number}

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42 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

I'll never sit in the company of somebody whilst on a personal call. Always get up and walk away somewhere quiet as as a rule of thumb, folk are nosey bastirts and the less they hear about your personal life the better. 

This, when I worked in a physical office (pre-pandemic) I would always make sure to go to a quiet area to take personal calls, never wanted to deal with questions from nosy neighbours

On the subject of public sector procurement (as a fellow public sector employee, but in a different country), are "procurement" people just as annoying in Scotland as they are here?  We also have to go through tons of bureaucracy to buy anything more than a certain value and our procurement people tend to be p***ks about minor errors in the forms.  We had one of our poor admin folks have to re-do an entire contract request (which takes a while), because she made a typo on one field and the procurement person rejected it in the system, meaning all the work she did got erased

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1 hour ago, senorsoupe said:

This, when I worked in a physical office (pre-pandemic) I would always make sure to go to a quiet area to take personal calls, never wanted to deal with questions from nosy neighbours

On the subject of public sector procurement (as a fellow public sector employee, but in a different country), are "procurement" people just as annoying in Scotland as they are here?  We also have to go through tons of bureaucracy to buy anything more than a certain value and our procurement people tend to be p***ks about minor errors in the forms.  We had one of our poor admin folks have to re-do an entire contract request (which takes a while), because she made a typo on one field and the procurement person rejected it in the system, meaning all the work she did got erased

I'm fine procuring stuff up to my own approval limit. When I need something ordered thats more than my own approval limit and have to hound someone higher up to approve it... that's a ball ache. That normally also involves explaining to said higher up why we actually need the very obvious, very important thing I am trying to get ordered urgently. And usually that conversation happens a week later when you've finally managed to track them down. 

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5 hours ago, TheScarf said:

c**t at work does that thing that when someone calls him on his mobile he has to get up and start pacing around our small office. 

Walking right behind you, stopping for a couple of seconds, then moving on.  Does it to everyone.  He's not a manager or anything just a normal worker.  Why do people do this?  Feel the need to have to walk around when talking on the phone.

Maybe he thinks that because it's called a 'mobile' it won't work when he's sitting still.

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21 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

Sorry this is a bit late, but in connection to the earlier posts about colleagues who annoy f**k out of you while eating lunch -

I used to regularly get my breakfast/lunch inspected and critiqued, the usual 'oh that's no very healthy/you should eat more X', by a woman who, when pressed, admitted to downing at least 25 cups of black coffee in a typical day. <_<

tell her to fook off

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anyone know if theres any difference between furlough holiday pay accrual and normal accrual?? we're approaching the end of the calendar year and it's kind of rumbled on, im still not sure if they're going to roll over the furlough accrual or pay it out at the end of the year (there was an email a few months ago saying we should be cautious about using furlough holiday accrual for normal leave as they werent sure how it would be treated)

just curious if anyone else is having a bit of an issue with this in their work. sort of wondering whether the holiday pay will be covered as part of the scheme so it'll get paid out by the govt or not and thats maybe why its dragged on?

edit: had a wee google, the gov.uk guidance wasnt too easy for me to decipher albeit only on a quick skim through, ha! we've been assured that it will either carry forward past the end of the year or be paid out, which tbqfh would be my preference considering how much ive got still available to take. im a temp worker at the minute too.

doubles up as a wee sort of insurance policy too if they punt me, means id get a hefty chunk too to soften the blow, so thats quite nice!

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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anyone know if theres any difference between furlough holiday pay accrual and normal accrual?? we're approaching the end of the calendar year and it's kind of rumbled on, im still not sure if they're going to roll over the furlough accrual or pay it out at the end of the year (there was an email a few months ago saying we should be cautious about using furlough holiday accrual for normal leave as they werent sure how it would be treated)
just curious if anyone else is having a bit of an issue with this in their work. sort of wondering whether the holiday pay will be covered as part of the scheme so it'll get paid out by the govt or not and thats maybe why its dragged on?

edit: had a wee google, the gov.uk guidance wasnt too easy for me to decipher albeit only on a quick skim through, ha! we've been assured that it will either carry forward past the end of the year or be paid out, which tbqfh would be my preference considering how much ive got still available to take. im a temp worker at the minute too.
doubles up as a wee sort of insurance policy too if they punt me, means id get a hefty chunk too to soften the blow, so thats quite nice!
No idea, mate. I've been working throughout this shitshow. #humblehero

Any employer who does not err on the side of what's best for their workers after all that's happened deserves to have their face sanded off, mind.
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Just now, MixuFruit said:

aha. rant away then. though perhaps attacking unrestricted free market capitalism in this environment is not a good mark to have on your file.

Aye that's the shiter. I think it's like 9 months to a year from now they'll have put me through my qualification and I can leave without a payback clause so keep the old mouth shut until then and I can hopefully walk into something a bit more worthwhile. Was working in a call center 4 months ago so baby steps. 

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25 minutes ago, Le Tout P'ti FC said:

Got an email about Christmas Jumper Day today. Haven't been inside my office for 260 days. Nonsense.

We've to decorate our desks. It'll be a different conversation this year, I'll just lie and say I have. Rather than the awkward "Don't bother with mine...no really, I'd rather you didnt...please not there, it's in the way...look I've told you just leave it...

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