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I’m always deeply suspicious of people who’ve never had a sick day off in 10 years or whatever. Particularly those who present the fact as if it’s an achievement of some kind.

Should add, I’m in the public sector so get full pay for sick leave, and am usually dealing with folk who get the same. Much more understandable if people are losing wages for it.

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4 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I’m always deeply suspicious of people who’ve never had a sick day off in 10 years or whatever. Particularly those who present the fact as if it’s an achievement of some kind. 

Aye, even if it's just a day off to get the cobwebs out of your brain.

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I was hoping to get 5/6 weeks off after this job I'm on. I've just been informed that they're putting me on a job right up to my holidays. I've never been ill(other than COVID) so I feel my first 'illness' coming on. 

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2 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

I was hoping to get 5/6 weeks off after this job I'm on. I've just been informed that they're putting me on a job right up to my holidays. I've never been ill(other than COVID) so I feel my first 'illness' coming on. 

Say you've got scabies.

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I’m always deeply suspicious of people who’ve never had a sick day off in 10 years or whatever. Particularly those who present the fact as if it’s an achievement of some kind.

Should add, I’m in the public sector so get full pay for sick leave, and am usually dealing with folk who get the same. Much more understandable if people are losing wages for it.

The type of c***s that come in coughing their lungs up everywhere spreading whatever shite they've got making everybody else ill.

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9 hours ago, coprolite said:

I had a friend at work who had a mysterious shoulder problem that was aggravated by having to sit at a desk all day but alleviated by playing golf.

He was an absolute master at playing the system and at one point had a couple of months off before returning for a day or two, just in time to claim his place on an office golf team for a trip to Dubai. 

He had HR on overtime with "reasonable adjustments" and had some sort of robo chair with inflatable back supports and precision headrests, a mister thingy because the low humidity caused issues with his eyes, desk risers, anti-glare screens, split keyboards, roller ball mouse, the lot. He didn't have any special kit for his PlayStation and couch set up at home, and didn't have any difficulty playing football (other than being a fellow fatty). 

I don't think i could exist like that at work, but his sole purpose seemed to be to avoid doing any actual work, and the rules let him, so fair play i reckon. 

One of my last employers was notoriously tight. My boss once noticed that I had an arse-adjacent injury after I winced when standing up from my desk, and he asked me about it. I told him I had an arse problem and he announced that he was going to get his bosses to order a special chair for me so I didn't have to suffer.

Couple of weeks later, he arrives and has me unload a standard blue office chair from the back of his van. He'd nicked it from head office as nobody was using it. There was a very obvious brown stain on the seat where one of the secretaries had soiled herself.

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10 minutes ago, BTFD said:

One of my last employers was notoriously tight. My boss once noticed that I had an arse-adjacent injury after I winced when standing up from my desk, and he asked me about it. I told him I had an arse problem and he announced that he was going to get his bosses to order a special chair for me so I didn't have to suffer.

Couple of weeks later, he arrives and has me unload a standard blue office chair from the back of his van. He'd nicked it from head office as nobody was using it. There was a very obvious brown stain on the seat where one of the secretaries had soiled herself.

Missed a trick, there's probably a market for that sort of thing. 

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42 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Missed a trick, there's probably a market for that sort of thing. 

I think you need a picture of the woman in question to sell along with the item.

According to a mate.

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One my colleagues went home "sick" today after telling the kitchen staff that "I've had enough of today already" (at 8.20am). Sitting on my lunch break, a colleague mentions that he has said on facebook he has friends from Ireland visisting. C**t.

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4 hours ago, Empty It said:

The type of c***s that come in coughing their lungs up everywhere spreading whatever shite they've got making everybody else ill.

I got into trouble about 10 year ago for standing up in an open plan office and asking a colleague who was clearly dying with the flu about 30 yards away from me to ‘piss off home because I’m away on holiday on Friday and I’d rather not spend a week lying in bed coughing and shivering.’

I got a verbal warning and he was away home about 20 minutes later. Think he got jarred as well for coming into work when he was clearly going to infect the whole fucking office. Silly cunt. 

Edit - I’ve actually worked in places where the company website under the sickness section said explicitly to not come in to work if you’re unwell. The fact that this has to be actually stipulated is mental.


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4 hours ago, TheScarf said:

I got into trouble about 10 year ago for standing up in an open plan office and asking a colleague who was clearly dying with the flu about 30 yards away from me to ‘piss off home because I’m away on holiday on Friday and I’d rather not spend a week lying in bed coughing and shivering.’

I got a verbal warning and he was away home about 20 minutes later. Think he got jarred as well for coming into work when he was clearly going to infect the whole fucking office. Silly c**t. 

Edit - I’ve actually worked in places where the company website under the sickness section said explicitly to not come in to work if you’re unwell. The fact that this has to be actually stipulated is mental.

The problem is, employers can say all the right things in their documentation, then still act the c**t with their employees when they need time off due to illness. I'm sure we've all known people who ended up in the boss' bad books because of an inconvenient bout of norovirus or testicular cancer.

I get the impression that some managers/executives believe that people choose to be ill because they're weak and lazy, and are outraged by the audacity of it all.

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6 hours ago, superwell87 said:

One my colleagues went home "sick" today after telling the kitchen staff that "I've had enough of today already" (at 8.20am). Sitting on my lunch break, a colleague mentions that he has said on facebook he has friends from Ireland visisting. C**t.

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

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15 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

I've never had a sick day in my life, and I've been working full-time for 6 years. Don't even remember being absent from school either, genuinely must be around 15+ years. My immune system is fucking teflon. I did have tonsillitis last year, but was able to work from home for the duration of it.


22 hours ago, The Moonster said:

People like this ruin the sicky system for everyone else. 


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5 hours ago, BTFD said:

I get the impression that some managers/executives believe that people choose to be ill because they're weak and lazy, and are outraged by the audacity of it all.

Had a boss years ago who loved ripping folk a new one for absences, and at 'Return to Work' meetings positively loved moving you up a level on the disciplinary scale. 

Hypocritical cnut as his own absence rate was fucking shocking, including once when another manager let slip that he was actually on a weeks tour of some prestigious links golf courses. 

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I'm in the health of my life workwise, was temping hoping to be kept on which I was but doing something else and have been which means I'm on probation by the time that's up unless something drastic happens I'll be 18 months without a sick day 😑

Tbf I've had days where I've simply just not worked or just taken my laptop to bed but that's no the same as an actual sickie.  I do think working from home reduces the enthusiasm for just sacking it off a little though.  


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We have this work chat thing where it's meant for folk basically letting off steam or chatting about non work related stuff, generally just filled with people asking what's for dinner or moaning about their jobs, there's this one girl who's been off with anxiety for about 6 months who is chatting away on it all day, recently someone was moaning about being back to back workloads and she posted a massive spiel about how reading this stuff heightens her anxiety and if people don't stop moaning she won't be able to return to work. This chat is on a work laptop that she's choosing to look at to wind herself up. It's almost impressive. 

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29 minutes ago, RuMoore said:

We have this work chat thing where it's meant for folk basically letting off steam or chatting about non work related stuff, generally just filled with people asking what's for dinner or moaning about their jobs, there's this one girl who's been off with anxiety for about 6 months who is chatting away on it all day, recently someone was moaning about being back to back workloads and she posted a massive spiel about how reading this stuff heightens her anxiety and if people don't stop moaning she won't be able to return to work. This chat is on a work laptop that she's choosing to look at to wind herself up. It's almost impressive. 

Attention seeking at its finest

I've been off sick with depression for 6 weeks now. Apart from day 1 when my boss asked me to log in on my work laptop and put my out of office on, not once have I been tempted to open it since and I've left the team what's app chat until i return. Sod reading work stuff when you're off sick! 

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1 hour ago, itzdrk said:

I'm in the health of my life workwise, was temping hoping to be kept on which I was but doing something else and have been which means I'm on probation by the time that's up unless something drastic happens I'll be 18 months without a sick day 😑

Tbf I've had days where I've simply just not worked or just taken my laptop to bed but that's no the same as an actual sickie.  I do think working from home reduces the enthusiasm for just sacking it off a little though.  


100% the ability to WFH reduces sick days. Been at this work for just over 2 years and had only a couple of days sick. Other days where I would have been unable to attend the office (Covid, gout and knackered back to think of three), I have been able to  WFH without time loss. If I can't work I won't but the flexibility of WFH is good, and my work is good for other things like if you say I have a delivery due, can I WFH, savings having to book holidays for stupid days off for deliveries or engineers etc.

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