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The Worst Posters in P&B History (2017 Edition)

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2 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's a sort of gang attack now.

It's tricky though.  People keep engaging with what I'm saying but what I'm saying isn't allowed to be of interest.  Have a meeting and sort out a response.

A gang attack against stupidity.  Don't Be Stupid, stupid.

God I've missed it on here.

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If the pursuit of greenies was my thing, I'd just pop in here from time to time and swear at whoever was being picked on for a bit.

Bennett greenied one of your posts, hence you have now lost the argument by default. He also greenied one of 8mile's so you're probably some sort of deviant as well.
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Indonesia has no significant footballing tradition.
Thanks for your support.

Football is hugely popular in Indonesia and Indonesia were the first and only South East Asian Country to qualify for the World Cup. In 1938!

Taking regional consideration, Indonesia, with a professional league and huge population lags behind Singapore, its tiny neighbour in the FIFA rankings (Singapore have around 258,000,000 less people). It is also behind Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand.

The Philippines (48 places above Indonesia) have had a professional football league since only this year and it is a complete minority sport in the country. Basketball and other American sports being much prefered.

What the Philippines does have is many players with dual nationality who have or have plied their trade at the lower reaches of Europepan football and a domestic commitment to make something of their league.

Before dismissing the region as a bad example, it was the first region outside the UK to hold a regional tournament in 1913, so football is very significant here, if not very good.

The size of the country is a nominal factor in a countries success as is history or global significance. I'm sure in every region the story will be the same.

Training infrastructure, development, coaching, good management on and off the field and a good plan are much more important . All the things the SFA/SPL don't do.

Intersting subject, wrong thread.

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The football tradition in Turkey is nothing like as established as Germany's.  

Are you too now seriously claiming that population is an irrelevance?


Only a few posts in and unravelling already.


How long are you planning to keep up the Supras tribute act?

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On 23/10/2017 at 08:42, jupe1407 said:

You're like a lost soul outside the BRALT


11 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Hey, you found a prominent and very well known exception to a pattern that is much more nuanced than you're implying, yet is still very dependable.

That utterly disproves the entire theory.  Time for a rethink clearly.


10 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Good God.  Are you really just going to post clips of times when smaller countries did better than bigger ones?  That task might detain you a while.

It does not however, even dent the theory that the international sides who do best over a sustained period are those who combine a very well established footballing tradition with a large population.  It's why Brazil and Argentina are powers in South America, while France, Germany, Spain and Italy are the strongest in Europe.  England is World football's greatest underachiever.

Keep insisting that success is unrelated to population if you like though.  This thread will probably offer you a splendid audience.


10 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

One off results now.

Keep 'em coming.


10 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

So footballing success for nations really is unrelated to population then?

Is that what you're saying that your wee pictures prove?


10 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

You're doing it too.  How adorable.

Do you not feel a certain pressure to say things that are at least a wee bit original?



8 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Oh, you're swearing too.

It's absolutely super.  Don't let anyone tell you it's not. They're just jealous.


8 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

It's a sort of gang attack now.

It's tricky though.  People keep engaging with what I'm saying but what I'm saying isn't allowed to be of interest.  Have a meeting and sort out a response.


8 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

I'm not attempting to show anyone how exciting a poster I am.

Footballing tradition is very important, but for consistent international success, it really needs to be allied to a relatively big population.


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19 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:


Only a few posts in and unravelling already.


How long are you planning to keep up the Supras tribute act?

No tribute act.

I just happen to agree with him, as does the likes of Simon Kuper, that population is a very big factor in determining how successful nations are at football.

That's all. 

Obviously, because it's on here, it provokes some mystefying frenzy.  That really is all though.

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15 minutes ago, Bobby Skidmarks said:

With the levels of delusion and proclaimed persecution on show, you'd think XBL was back posting again.

Yet you’re the one who thinks people are trying to hack into your account :lol: you’ve set the bar high

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5 hours ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


Football is hugely popular in Indonesia and Indonesia were the first and only South East Asian Country to qualify for the World Cup. In 1938!

Taking regional consideration, Indonesia, with a professional league and huge population lags behind Singapore, its tiny neighbour in the FIFA rankings (Singapore have around 258,000,000 less people). It is also behind Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand.

The Philippines (48 places above Indonesia) have had a professional football league since only this year and it is a complete minority sport in the country. Basketball and other American sports being much prefered.

What the Philippines does have is many players with dual nationality who have or have plied their trade at the lower reaches of Europepan football and a domestic commitment to make something of their league.

Before dismissing the region as a bad example, it was the first region outside the UK to hold a regional tournament in 1913, so football is very significant here, if not very good.

The size of the country is a nominal factor in a countries success as is history or global significance. I'm sure in every region the story will be the same.

Training infrastructure, development, coaching, good management on and off the field and a good plan are much more important . All the things the SFA/SPL don't do.

Intersting subject, wrong thread.


This is always the wrong thread, so don't worry about it.

I'd say that the infrastructure you refer to is part of this footballing tradition idea - it's not simply a question of how early games got played.  Indonesia does sound like an interesting exception though and it seems that the undeniable pattern is more evident in the regions more readily seen as football powerhouses.

As regards Scotland, leaving aside that we've not had the SPL for a while, I'm not for a moment trying to defend Scotland's dismal record this century by pointing to population.  Even by those standards, we should have done a lot better.

I'm merely challenging the bizarre premise so prevalent on here, that population size and footballing success are completely unrelated.  The problem is that balance and nuance can on no account apparently, be granted access to this thread.

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5 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Yet you’re the one who thinks people are trying to hack into your account :lol: you’ve set the bar high

If you treated that as serious, then it speaks more about you tbh. 

I'd stick to boasting about your 21 item breakfasts, you're less likely to faceplant there. 

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This is always the wrong thread, so don't worry about it.
I'd say that the infrastructure you refer to is part of this footballing tradition idea - it's not simply a question of how early games got played.  Indonesia does sound like an interesting exception though and it seems that the undeniable pattern is more evident in the regions more readily seen as football powerhouses.
As regards Scotland, leaving aside that we've not had the SPL for a while, I'm not for a moment trying to defend Scotland's dismal record this century by pointing to population.  Even by those standards, we should have done a lot better.
I'm merely challenging the bizarre premise so prevalent on here, that population size and footballing success are completely unrelated.  The problem is that balance and nuance can on no account apparently, be granted access to this thread.

So Indonesia isn't insignificant.

I only took South East Asia as an example as its where I live and know more of the football here than back home these days.

Looking at FIFA rankings (now or in the past) its clear that population is in fact not a major factor.

If an undeniable pattern is more evident from some places than others, that itself is a pattern dispelling the notion that nation size is an important contributor to success.

Indonesia is pationate about football and you don't have far to go to find people playing football and a keen interst. Yet Singapore is currently a more successful nation. The size of the nations could hardly me more different.

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2 minutes ago, Tight John McVeigh is a tit said:


So Indonesia isn't insignificant.

I only took South East Asia as an example as its where I live and know more of the football here than back home these days.

Looking at FIFA rankings (now or in the past) its clear that population is in fact not a major factor.

If an undeniable pattern is more evident from some places than others, that itself is a pattern dispelling the notion that nation size is an important contributor to success.

Indonesia is pationate about football and you don't have far to go to find people playing football and a keen interst. Yet Singapore is currently a more successful nation. The size of the nations could hardly me more different.



Population is as relevant a factor as facilities when you consider the amount of talent that comes from abject poverty in South America and Africa.

Case in point being: Scotland produced far better and more technical players when they honed their skills playing in the street and not on divot free AstroTurf pitches.

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