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The Worst Posters in P&B History (2017 Edition)

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Now I come to think of it there is no fun when it's old posters as their is no heads gone potential.

Please start again Miguel, active posters only. I had never even considered monkey tennis but his response has been a delight.

I think the rest will expect what is coming and take it in their stride unless Oaksoft does manage to place.

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Oaksoft not getting a place on this list would be the biggest travesty in internet history, not even an exaggeration. A dreadful human being, whether he's trolling or not.

Back during the glorious P&B Election (The DECE Party were robbed), one of the policies floated was a mentoring programme for Junior posters in an attempt to turn them from knuckle dragging, mouth breathing morons in to acceptable members of society (a fucking big job I admit). A similar initiative could be utilised here for the top 10 on the worst list, place them under the tutelage of some top bois deemed worthy for the task (possibly sourced through a public vote) in an attempt to make them less dreadful. It just might work.

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Enclose the worst 10 in a metaphorical giant padded cell (return of the sin bin?) for a year, allowing us all the chance to point and laugh at them, but not have the rest of the forum be infested with their awfulness. A minimum of a year quarantined with only each other would either force them to learn their lesson and improve, or turn them in to gibbering wrecks incapable of internetting any more. Either way, a win for the rest of us.

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4 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:

Enclose the worst 10 in a metaphorical giant padded cell (return of the sin bin?) for a year, allowing us all the chance to point and laugh at them, but not have the rest of the forum be infested with their awfulness. A minimum of a year quarantined with only each other would either force them to learn their lesson and improve, or turn them in to gibbering wrecks incapable of internetting any more. Either way, a win for the rest of us.



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