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c***s on the road

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On 22/06/2019 at 10:30, eez-eh said:

I’ll never be able to comprehend the people who will pull out right in front of you - causing you to hit the breaks - all the while there’s no other cars behind for several hundred yards.

Can they not just wait 5 seconds until you’ve passed then they’ll have all the time in the world to drive like an idiot?

I just think they don't bother checking their mirrors.

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50 minutes ago, JamesP_81 said:
On 22/06/2019 at 14:58, Jacksgranda said:
Turning left out of shopping centre car park, big people carrier coming down the street indicating left, so I decide to make a move (I know, you're not supposed to move until you see their wheels turning) as there was another car behind them going straight on, and of course I couldn't wait.
Fat f****** sailed straight on, fortunately I was able to stop, continuing to indicate left causing much confusion to other road users. Turned off their indicators just before they were actually turning left, turning them on just in time to turn left.

I never take indicators, lights flashing, hand signals etc as any kind of confirmation that the driver is going to turn at the junction before me for this very reason. Same as never assuming the c*nt flying up to a junction joining the road I'm on is actually going to stop at the give way sign. Far too many cockwombles that found their driving licence in a cornflake packet out there.

Its the speed they approach junctions. I always think they won't be able to stop, regardless of their intention.

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Me and my two kids nearly cleaned out by an old git who seemed to think it wasn't necessary to look left before turning right onto the A82 in Dumbarton. He was in a white Ford coming onto the A82 from Argyll Avenue. The southbound carriageway was empty so he decides to come out to turn right. Every sane person, of course, stops in the gap in the central reservation to wait for the northbound traffic to clear before moving out. Not this buffoon - just kept going and turned onto the northbound carriageway with me doing around 35-40 mph about 10 yards from the gap. I have no idea why I didn't smack into him - the brakes are obviously a lot better than I thought. I blasted the horn at him and there wasn't even an acknowledgement that he'd done anything wrong. The muppets are out there.

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On 23/06/2019 at 11:20, microdave said:

On the A82 Loch Lomond road yesterday and this morning, I ended up being stuck behind a slow driver. I don't think these people have any awareness of the queues they create. 45mph in a 60 zone and they also brake for absolutely no reason.

I don't understand why they brake when they see a car coming in the opposite direction

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15 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

I don't understand why they brake when they see a car coming in the opposite direction

See also: idiots who slow down or even stop for emergency blue lights with full clear use of their own lane coming in the opposite direction. 

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I don't understand why they brake when they see a car coming in the opposite direction
One of the cars I was behind on Saturday was doing exactly that. I was a seething, shouty, sweary mess!!
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My issue with a lot of drivers is the lack of appreciation that they’ve done wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, it happens. I’ve done it for sure and immediately apologised for misjudging something. Those who just toddle along unaware of what’s happened are the issue. I’ve never made a mistake twice in the same area for example, I’ve learnt, but no doubt they’ll carry on and just keep doing it day on day.

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2 hours ago, Widge said:

is the lack of appreciation that they’ve done wrong. 

That applies to just about anything you care to mention day to day. 

It's never anyone's fault these days. 

A lot of people find it very difficult to look at themselves and their actions and go "that was my fault".

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See also: idiots who slow down or even stop for emergency blue lights with full clear use of their own lane coming in the opposite direction. 

TBF in ‘murca it’s law to stop for an oncoming emergency vehicle unless there’s a solid “median”
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8 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

This is not America though. Thankfully. 

Correct, America has a capitalist, war mongering, racist, immigrant hating, greed is good, megalomaniac arsehole with ridiculous hair running the country , thank God that isn't likely to be the case in the UK any time soon. 

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5 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

I don't understand why they brake when they see a car coming in the opposite direction

Actually just been told this is a symptom of night blindness and they really shouldn't be on the road. If the police were following someone doing this they would pull them over and instruct them to get an eye test. 

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Actually just been told this is a symptom of night blindness and they really shouldn't be on the road. If the police were following someone doing this they would pull them over and instruct them to get an eye test. 
Even if they do it during daylight hours?
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On 23/06/2019 at 18:29, RockMusic said:

Me and my two kids nearly cleaned out by an old git who seemed to think it wasn't necessary to look left before turning right onto the A82 in Dumbarton. He was in a white Ford coming onto the A82 from Argyll Avenue. The southbound carriageway was empty so he decides to come out to turn right. Every sane person, of course, stops in the gap in the central reservation to wait for the northbound traffic to clear before moving out. Not this buffoon - just kept going and turned onto the northbound carriageway with me doing around 35-40 mph about 10 yards from the gap. I have no idea why I didn't smack into him - the brakes are obviously a lot better than I thought. I blasted the horn at him and there wasn't even an acknowledgement that he'd done anything wrong. The muppets are out there.

Had similar. Virtually side by side with an old guy in a two lane section, left lane turns left, right goes right, at the end. I could see through his back windows to give you an idea of how close we were, my car is a burgundy colour and it was midday.

Halfway down he swings left and swaps lanes. No indication, no apology, nothing, I'm still utterly convinced he had no idea I was even there. The lack of accident there was entirely down to how good the brakes were, and the fact old drivers are constantly doing this shite around me so I'm wary of them now.

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I'm beginning to think you get a big bag of cannabis when you get a works van nowadays.  The amount of guys who think it's  ok to drive into my work,  smoking joints  and reeking of dope is astonishing .

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