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c***s on the road

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Update from the principality. Sticking to the new 20 mph default limits on most urban roads is causing unprecedented amounts of seethe from Audi, BMW and Range Rover drivers. It’s best when they lose patience and overtake and I smirk at them when I pull up beside them at the lights. Journey times completely unaffected by this, but some people struggle with the concept of limiting factors. I’d highly recommend the Scottish government doing this in the interest of annoying arseholes. 

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Twice yesterday, I witnessed congestion at a mini roundabout where someone came onto the roundabout, despite there being nowhere for them to go, result.... Roundabout completely blocked for people coming from the other direction.

Thick as f**k. That's absolute basics.

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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Twice yesterday, I witnessed congestion at a mini roundabout where someone came onto the roundabout, despite there being nowhere for them to go, result.... Roundabout completely blocked for people coming from the other direction.

Thick as f**k. That's absolute basics.

Happens all the time here - it really gets my goat. Complete lack of awareness to what's going on.

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On 07/10/2022 at 11:45, Bairnardo said:

Twice yesterday, I witnessed congestion at a mini roundabout where someone came onto the roundabout, despite there being nowhere for them to go, result.... Roundabout completely blocked for people coming from the other direction.

Thick as f**k. That's absolute basics.

Rose bank roadworks? Absolute nightmare there always someone blocking  up the road.

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33 minutes ago, Oystercatcher said:

Drove up the A9 today stuck behind folk driving at 50mph who then sped up to 90mph on the parts that are dualled. Fannies 

These c***s are my personal pick for the biggest c***s on the road, second only to c***s who force you slam on the brakes while they overtake driving towards you.

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On 03/10/2022 at 17:08, IrishBhoy said:

My local council installed a cycle lane on what was previously a busy road with 2 lanes. They put down those small rubber bollards to separate the cycle lane from the cars, but for some reason only used about three quarters of the inside lane.

I haven’t witnessed it myself but a neighbour told me the cyclists are still using the main road, because the cycle lane is too narrow for the road sweepers to get in and clean them, and they have been getting punctures from the debris left there. 

Renfrewshire council spent about 12 weeks installing these same cycles lanes through Elderslie and in to Johnstone, only to remove them about 6 weeks later because the bollards had been so ridiculously placed at certain junctions that cars were getting damaged by them and the road layout became a mess. 


Inchinnan from.swing bridge to red smiddy by any chance?


No I read on and it isn't.

Edited by RH33
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On 14/10/2022 at 20:11, Oystercatcher said:

Drove up the A9 today stuck behind folk driving at 50mph who then sped up to 90mph on the parts that are dualled. Fannies 

Dualled fannies? Interesting concept.

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There's some daft idea in the UK to spread the cost of infrastructure projects over as much time as possible so the annual cost doesn't seem huge. A Chinese firm offered to finish HS2 by 2025 for half the cost and was told to GTF, 2040 seems like the earliest date for completion.

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13 hours ago, Rizzo said:

Those lights are the absolute bane of my life just now. Feels like they've been there forever.


9 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

It says online 97 days for completion and they started in June apparently. Absolute nightmare.

Must be the same squad that closed Foundry Loan for ~25 years.

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9 hours ago, welshbairn said:

There's some daft idea in the UK to spread the cost of infrastructure projects over as much time as possible so the annual cost doesn't seem huge. A Chinese firm offered to finish HS2 by 2025 for half the cost and was told to GTF, 2040 seems like the earliest date for completion.

"No more Monday club or half day Fridays."


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On 14/10/2022 at 20:11, Oystercatcher said:

Drove up the A9 today stuck behind folk driving at 50mph who then sped up to 90mph on the parts that are dualled. Fannies 

I think there is a misconception about the dual section being a lawless free for all and the single carriage being ruled with an iron fist. But there are often camera vans on the dual sections. 

Also, same sort of thing happened to me one time, except the car saw me approaching in the distance, put their foot down as the dual was coming to an end and then slammed on the breaks down to 59mph. Utterly bizarre behaviour considering I had done nothing to annoy this person and only just encountered him on the road. Managed to overtake him on the single carriage and was wildly flashing at me. 

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10 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

It says online 97 days for completion and they started in June apparently. Absolute nightmare.

I remember it starting in May or June because my OH became totally unable to get back to the house in his lunch break.

I remember saying to him that I'd do it up until the school holidays thinking It'd surely be completed by the end of them. Did think it'd be the end of the summer holidays rather than the Christmas ones though.

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On 14/10/2022 at 21:09, RH33 said:

Inchinnan from.swing bridge to red smiddy by any chance?


No I read on and it isn't.

No it was Elderslie Main Road, along the Beith Road towards Spateston, and they stopped somewhere near where the old Bird in the Hand pub used to be if you’re old enough to remember that. The bollards caused such chaos that they lasted about 6 weeks, and god knows the cost to Renfrewshire council for the installation and subsequent removal of these bollards. I would be guessing that it at least cost mid 6 figures all in. Complete shambles. 

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c***s turning right at traffic lights, who don't pull forward into position so that firstly, the sensors recognise the requirement to turn on the right filter, and secondly to be in a position where a gap in the oncoming traffic can be taken advantage of.

Usually leaving themselves and often me stuck in no man's lands when the lights turn back to red.

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

c***s turning right at traffic lights, who don't pull forward into position so that firstly, the sensors recognise the requirement to turn on the right filter, and secondly to be in a position where a gap in the oncoming traffic can be taken advantage of.

Usually leaving themselves and often me stuck in no man's lands when the lights turn back to red.

At the bottom of my street near East Kilbride town centre their are lights that if you don't pull up to the line won't change for you. The amount of times I've yelled out my window pull up to the line...I once did this and the person just went through a red light. c***s

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