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Relationship Advice

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The wife says to go up to the girl the morn and tell her you said no cause you were skint, or that you were nervous because you really like her.

This is the solution. Whatever you do don't say you said no because you were having a shite day. Just makes you look like a grumpy bas.

Thinking about it again she might think you're too poor for her now or a bit of a shy wierdo if you go for the above. I think you're fucked, why was your instinct not to say yes? What sort of guy says no to a burd asking him out?

I eagerly await the update tomorrow either way.
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1 minute ago, Tartantony said:


This is the solution. Whatever you do don't say you said no because you were having a shite day. Just makes you look like a grumpy bas.

Thinking about it again she might think you're too poor for her now or a bit of a shy wierdo if you go for the above. I think you're fucked, why was your instinct not to say yes? What sort of guy says no to a burd asking him out?

I eagerly await the update tomorrow either way.


A guy  with standards. 

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59 minutes ago, Knightswood Jag said:

Right, what should I do? A bird asked me out yesterday and I just said no in the heat of the moment but I’m now regretting it, I’ve missed my chance today but should I slowly put out a few hints or just go straight in tomorrow and ask her out.

Are you still a middle aged man pretending to be a child on the internet? If so, no biggie, plenty more fish in the sea.

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39 minutes ago, Knightswood Jag said:

The reason I missed my chance today was because she wasn’t in so I couldn’t do anything about it.

Probably couldn't face being rejected by a VL

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54 minutes ago, Knightswood Jag said:

If you’re just here to take the piss then GTF.

You start a thread like this then have a go at someone for taking the piss?  Get a fucking grip.

Every reply on here should be taking the piss.

I hope you ask her out and she very publicly turns you down.  I hope it drains your confidence so much that you never have the nerves to go out with another girl/woman, have a lonely miserable life and die sad and alone.






Let us know how you get on.

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1 hour ago, Knightswood Jag said:

Right, what should I do? A bird asked me out yesterday and I just said no in the heat of the moment but I’m now regretting it, I’ve missed my chance today but should I slowly put out a few hints or just go straight in tomorrow and ask her out.

Pics or GTF

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If you get a date then don't be sleazy but flattery will get you everywhere.
Woman spend LOADS of money and time in trying to look good. Take the amount of time and money that you spent getting ready and triple it.
Her hair products alone are probably worth 20 quid. She's doing that for you.

And I can't stress this enough, when you look down her top be subtle about it.

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Missed the boat.  If she wasn't good enough then, she wont be good enough now.  Imagine how you would react to that?

Then again you may be rigged and she has heard rumors, so you never know.

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1 hour ago, Knightswood Jag said:

The reason I missed my chance today was because she wasn’t in so I couldn’t do anything about it.

Maybe she was embarrassed by you blowing her out. You might need to make a bit of an effort to 'woo' her to make up for it. If she's not worth the hassle then just leave it. Or kick her in the pie.

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