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Jon Venables

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Oh oaksoft...goodness.

I was having a little local trouble once with a neighbouring landowner. I hired 4 convicted criminals - which oaksoft would never do - and they came and sorted the problem out for me pronto. Their use of diplomacy, and engineering, was impressive.




Edited by scottsdad
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The sexual element, if there was one, sounds like learnt behaviour for 10 year olds. Apparently Thompson was regularly beaten and sexually abused by his father. It obviously doesn't excuse any of it but might go part of the way in explaining it. 

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4 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Could you imagine if the victim’s satisfaction was a motivating factor in sentencing you’d have 13 million voters in this country demanding the chair for littering in their neighbourhoods

Are you trying to stifle democracy?

Dog fouling should meet with the same punishment. No doubt G4S and Serco will be happy to bid.

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The sexual element, if there was one, sounds like learnt behaviour for 10 year olds. Apparently Thompson was regularly beaten and sexually abused by his father. It obviously doesn't excuse any of it but might go part of the way in explaining it. 
Pretty much a given back then with no internet and kids so young.
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4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Speeding is not a criminal offence as far as I know but you seem to know the ins and outs of the criminal justice system so I'll bow to your superior knowledge.

As for Timpsons. Do they do anything for victims of crime or is it just convicted criminals that they want to give a helping hand to?

Depends if it's delt with by a fixed penalty notice or not.

Timpsons don't always sack people who steal from them so I guess they are the victim and the rehabilitation body in theses cases.

Was it not you who claimed fairly proudly that you paid as little in tax as was legally possible, can't help but think doing so slows down criminal justice and drives up offending rates. So congratulations you've played yourself.

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Another utterly bizarre thread full of comments aggressively defending the rights of convicted criminals with barely a passing mention of victims of crime.
What a bunch you lot are.
No one is "aggressively defending" the rights of criminals that I have read. Most are merely acknowledging and pointing out to you that they have rights in the eyes of the law. Whether they have too much is a whole different argument but you seem to be denying that they have these rights even though in law they clearly do.

The law may well be an ass in the eyes of many but you can't just ignore it exists.
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23 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Another utterly bizarre thread full of comments aggressively defending the rights of convicted criminals with barely a passing mention of victims of crime.

What a bunch you lot are.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

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20 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Another utterly bizarre thread full of comments aggressively defending the rights of convicted criminals with barely a passing mention of victims of crime.

What a bunch you lot are.

Go and have a look at the work of street and arrow, the violence reduction unit etc and tell me rehabilitation by giving people a purpose and sense of self worth isnt a successful way to prevent reoffending. If these projects were properly funded we’d half our prison population. 
Most crime is a result of the environment the individual is brought up in, whats the common theme in most of these environments, poverty, neglect and being forgotten and left behind. 
The murder of James was an act of inexplicable evil, but to shift every single criminal into some kind of ‘write off’ bundle and not invest in helping them turn their lives around is like admitting you’ve failed as a society. 

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I don't think @oaksoft gives any sort of shit about facts here. The poster has outed himself as a frothing angry fantasist, building strawman after strawman to deflect any scrutiny of his own "arguments". I myself asked for evidence that a convict who hasn't reoffended is still a danger and he read that I really wanted them to move next door to me. An utter bore. 

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47 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Another utterly bizarre thread full of comments aggressively defending the rights of convicted criminals with barely a passing mention of victims of crime.

What a bunch you lot are.

You do realise that if your wish is granted you could be shipped off to Devil's Island for the rest of your days for refusing to wear a mask when buying a pint of milk?

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I don't think [mention=8416]oaksoft[/mention] gives any sort of shit about facts here. The poster has outed himself as a frothing angry fantasist, building strawman after strawman to deflect any scrutiny of his own "arguments". I myself asked for evidence that a convict who hasn't reoffended is still a danger and he read that I really wanted them to move next door to me. An utter bore. 
Doesn't believe in the death penalty because he doesn't trust the police.
So quite happy for the state to arbitrate on taking someone's life so long as the cops are good 'uns.
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31 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You do realise that if your wish is granted you could be shipped off to Devil's Island for the rest of your days for refusing to wear a mask when buying a pint of milk?

True. I don't mind folk doing a bit for comic effect but I would appreciate a bit of commitment to the character and their back story. 

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