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The Aberdeen Mega-Hyper New Stadium Thread

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9 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

The city council should be doing everything in their power to keep Aberdeen where they are, and to provide support and guidance in developing Pittodrie. After all, the football club has done more to raise the profile of the town and area than anything else (apart from the oil industry) over the past 3-4 decades.  43,000 Aberdeen fans were at a recent Cup final; if the majority of them constantly emailed and lobbied the city council you'd surely start to see more Council support.  Look at the impact and profile of a couple of hundred dafties from westhill.

Had a work colleague who used to work forAberdeen Council and he often remarked how difficult it was to get support and planning permission for anything from the council. Probably part of the reason why I'm more pro the new stadium than others as I got the impression that Aberdeen would struggle to get anything done in the city itself if they have to rely on ACC.

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4 minutes ago, Illgresi said:

[1] I'm glad you accept that the basis of my assumption has the same level of fact to back it up as every post made by yourself and everyone else in this thread; be it for or against.

[2] "Best case" can be a range of figures

[3] John and Shirley perform work, and further the business goals of their employer. In return they receive money, a portion of which goes to the government which Theresa May uses to limit our internet freedom. A further portion of which goes to ACC, which Willie Young pockets. More still goes to landlords, energy companies, first bus etc. Some of the left over money might fund a trip to a pub or local restaurant. Some might even make its way into a savings account. Every single aspect of a salary fuels the economy, from receiving it, down to every little way in which it is distributed. That's why a country's wealth is measure in Gross Domestic Product, not Total Disposable Income.

[4] While I accept your premise that not everyone moving into these flats will be from outside the city, I don't accept you conclusion that this isn't a fair trade off. There is a quite evident and strong relationship between the construction industry and economic growth, as a two minute google shows (1).

[5] The indicators are clear from AFC because in it's current state, they believe redevelopment of Pittodrie, and the land on which it lies to be unfeasible. If the council gave them the option to redevelop and it made financial sense, of course AFC would stay where they are.

[6] I don't know, I'm not a member of the AFC board.

[7,8] It's not a matter of whether they should or they shouldn't, it's a matter of whether they felt there would be an economic benefit to AFC remaining at Pittodrie, then it would make sense to. ACC clearly don't think there would be an economic benefit to AFC staying put, and thus haven't worked with the club to find ways to remain at the current site. Hence why I suspect ACC would rather have houses on the site.

[1] I don't.
[2] When you have a range of figures where the lesser is the more desirable then the lesser is the best case.
[3] They don't have to have their house sited on Pittodrie to do all that you have listed but thanks for the completely unrelated economics lesson, complete with basic errors.
[4] Yes your two minute google shows that you you should really have spend three minutes.  The paper that you have linked to quite clearly states that in a mature economy such as the UK there is a very weak correlation between construction output and economic growth.  "The  correlation coefficient with GDP reveals a very strong relationship between construction output and GDP for both the UK and SA. The correlation coefficient with growth for the UK reveals a weak relationship. "
[5] It is surely down to the existing owners of the site to put forward proposals that would keep them there.  Or at the very least indicate that it may be an option.  AFC have categorically stated that staying at Pittodrie is not feasible, I fail to see what "option" the council has in this.
[6] Glad you clarified that.  However I am not sure that you need to be either a board member of AFC or a member of the ACC executive to give your opinion.  If AFC had any interest in re-development of Pittodrie and the council were hindering it, Yule would be in the P & J on the radio and letting everyone know.
[7] It doesn't work that way.  The council react to these issues when it is private companies that are involved, ACC are not going to compromise the planning process by stating that they have a preference and offering public money.  Planning permission has already been granted for houses on the existing site, so quite clearly ACC do not have a problem with houses being constructed there.  That is not the same as stating that they would "rather" have them.  The alternative venue for the stadium is a completely separate planning process to the one which was approved for housing.

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3 hours ago, Illgresi said:

Those who walk or are travelling on public transport will still most likely have to go into the city centre first though, hence they wont have included it. They'll continue to have their breakfast and pints beforehand, and continue to go back into town after the game to have more pints, dinner etc. The city centre will lose an hour before the game and an hour after from most people on public transport. 

Or lose them entirely after a big crowd sees them stuck on a shuttle bus for two and a half hours after the game as 18000 people need to travel in the same direction at once with only one means of doing so, leading to them never bothering again.

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17 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Or lose them entirely after a big crowd sees them stuck on a shuttle bus for two and a half hours after the game as 18000 people need to travel in the same direction at once with only one means of doing so, leading to them never bothering again.

:lol: another genius who can't point to Aberdeen on a map 

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From Kincorth it’s a 20 min bus journey to Union Street then a 35 min walk



35 minutes to walk a mile?! Not having that. Are you saying that thousands of Dons and away fans don't walk from the town centre to Pittodrie (and back again) for every game?





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35 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Or lose them entirely after a big crowd sees them stuck on a shuttle bus for two and a half hours after the game as 18000 people need to travel in the same direction at once with only one means of doing so, leading to them never bothering again.

:blink: Oh Dear :blink:

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23 minutes ago, fatshaft said:

:lol: another genius who can't point to Aberdeen on a map 

I was of course exaggerating for effect to be a dick, and it's obviously not going to be a regular occurence anyway, but in all seriousness this time; in the event of a sell-out, what proportion of that crowd is going to be either in walking distance of the stadium or not heading back towards the city on the AWPR? Is the road going to be able to avoid major congestion in comparison with Pittodrie, and are shuttle buses going to be able to meet the demand of everyone who wants to go back towards the city straight away?

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5 hours ago, strichener said:

And this assumption is based on what?  If this is the case then you should probably write to the club and let them know so that they can resubmit their transport assessment. :thumsup2

ETA: I agree with you regarding the city centre businesses.  However it would be interesting to see how much faith AFC put in their own analysis.  Do you think they would be willing to replace any lost income over the £1.78m that they claim will be the upper amount of loss due to Kingsford?  I think we both know the answer to that.  Also ACC is trying to re-generate the city centre and approving Kingsford will be detrimental to this aim.


3 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


Aww, alright. Think he had a point though, it’s Aberdeen Football Club, fans might’ve moved away or come from elsewhere but it’s the cities club at end of day.


If ACC are so keen to keep Aberdeen in the city centre, why don't they offer to help?

If they reject this, do Aberdeen suddenly turn around and say "okay, let's spend £10-15m extra on Kings Links or redeveloping Pittodrie"?

They'll look for land just as cheap, which will probably be Aberdeenshire. Portlethen would be my guess as they could then pitch the train station as part of the transport plan.

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18 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

I was of course exaggerating for effect to be a dick, and it's obviously not going to be a regular occurence anyway, but in all seriousness this time; in the event of a sell-out, what proportion of that crowd is going to be either in walking distance of the stadium or not heading back towards the city on the AWPR? Is the road going to be able to avoid major congestion in comparison with Pittodrie, and are shuttle buses going to be able to meet the demand of everyone who wants to go back towards the city straight away?

The AWPR is a bypass, it does not head towards the city, which can take you to the North or South, this road will quickly deal with fans that head in those directions. The A994 is the road that heads toward the city, which then Splits at the Kingswells roundabout, to the B9119, one towards the Langstracht, the other towards Hazlehead. Both these roads then join Anderson Drive at different points. Will there be some congestion? of course. will it be hours that the doomsayers are predicting, no. You can also head West, and some other backroads that lead into the sticks.  

As far as who is going where, how many is going where, how many stick around to drink in the club bar. who knows? It's guess work at best. 

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4 hours ago, Rodhull said:

If we're going to this level of pedantry I'm hoping you can see the irony of someone who supports a Scottish based team called Hibernian making this point.


4 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Careful now


3 hours ago, HibsFan said:

If we're going to this level of BIGOTRY I'm hoping you can see the offence that this comment has caused myself and many other proud Irishmen whose ancestors came to this country in search of a better life, not to be hounded off football forums by raging hibernophobes such as yourself.

Too late

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1 hour ago, resk said:


35 minutes to walk a mile?! Not having that. Are you saying that thousands of Dons and away fans don't walk from the town centre to Pittodrie (and back again) for every game?

He's presumably getting off the bus at the wrong end of Union street

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1 minute ago, DA Baracus said:

This proposed bar at the proposed new stadium better be some place and not an overcrowded, stuffy space that sells Carling in plastic glasses for £4/5 a pint

Judging by all those who say they're going to go for a pint there it'll need a capacity around 20,000 as well :rolleyes:

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9 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

How many shuttlebuses will be required for the envisaged transport arrangements?

3, the rest will be going by car apart from fatshaft who will be walking.

The less flippant answer is: 42 according to the bus strategy.  Even then the numbers are just plucked from the air especially if you look at numbers of trips against buses.

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2 hours ago, Dunty said:


If ACC are so keen to keep Aberdeen in the city centre, why don't they offer to help?


ACC don't need to contribute as AFC are already in the City.  The issue here is the insistence of AFC that everything needs to be co-located.  Drop that and I am guessing that Kingsford would have a greater than 75% chance of being approved as the training ground.

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