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The Aberdeen Mega-Hyper New Stadium Thread

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On 20/07/2018 at 18:23, NorthernLights said:

Aberdeen FC stadium court legal challenge submitted

Will the court protect the special communities of Kingswells and Westhill, untouched by human civilization for millennium?  Or will they just allow another development like has happened for years and years around the area?

Indeed.  Bar a few older houses, Kingswells was nothing but fields when Aberdeen were parading trophies around town in 1983 (and probably a fraction of the size in 1996).

Certainly in 2010, the proposed greenbelt plan only skirted Westhill (figure below from that government report) and that was only extended slightly in 2012, the reason for which is anybody's guess.


As for the actual 2017 report, it goes into a decent amount of detail about what a green belt is and the purposes for its creation, but  listing a series of exceptions that would allow for development.  The gist that I get from it is that it isn't a simple case of "it's protected in law, you can't do anything" as NKS would have you believe, but that exceptions can indeed be made with good reason.  


Safeguarding the Green Belt helps to avoid coalescence of settlements and sprawling development on the edge of the city, maintaining Aberdeen’s landscape setting and providing access to open space.

The Green Belt directs planned growth to the most appropriate locations and supports regeneration.

Even with the area suddenly designated as green belt, the Kingsford site is the most appropriate location in the Aberdeen area, plus it's a pretty handy way of ensuring that the housing of Westhill & Kingswells don't coalesce.  It's also clearly not going to stop anybody there accessing open space when there's a country park at Brimmond next door, nor is that land around it going to be doing much with a big f***-off dual carriageway running through it.  Either NKS are blinkered or they're seriously clutching at straws here.  Probably both actually.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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On 8/7/2018 at 17:50, Hedgecutter said:

  Either NKS are blinkered or they're seriously clutching at straws here.  Probably both actually.

Apparently, and I have to say surprisingly, it is this. I was in convo with one of the Ward 13 councillors last night, who is very anti the stadium, as indeed are the other three, nevertheless this is the one whom I've got a semblance of a relationship with and is a good councillor. 

I asked what they thought the chances were of succeeding. "Nil". And they have told NKS this repeatedly. Apparently the case they are basing their appeal on as precedent is nothing like the Kingsford case, in particular the developer that time was the council itself which dramatically changes the lie of the land. 


Coming from the source it did, this is incredibly encouraging news for the Dons. 


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11 hours ago, fatshaft said:

I asked what they thought the chances were of succeeding. "Nil". And they have told NKS this repeatedly. Apparently the case they are basing their appeal on as precedent is nothing like the Kingsford case, in particular the developer that time was the council itself which dramatically changes the lie of the land. 



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As an outsider I am not up to speed............so, my question is ;

Although the NKS mob have raised objections, am I right in saying that the building process continues (I know the groundworks had started)?

Or has the judicial process halted the building work? Bit of a fucker if its the second one.

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As an outsider I am not up to speed............so, my question is ;
Although the NKS mob have raised objections, am I right in saying that the building process continues (I know the groundworks had started)?
Or has the judicial process halted the building work? Bit of a fucker if its the second one.

No one knows if the work has stopped. It’s too far out of town for anyone to see, apparently.
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  • 2 weeks later...

NKS now objecting to drive-thru restaurants.




No Kingsford Stadium, a group opposed to the new football ground, has said the charity it has set up, called West Aberdeen Environmental Protection, will formally object to the application.

“These drive-thru outlets are another gateway application, an attempt by developers to get a further foothold on greenspace in order to develop the north and south sides of the A944 from Kingswells to Westhill.

“The threat to the green belt and green space around the communities of West Aberdeen is significant and the A944 corridor is subject to multiple development proposals.”




Afterwards, KCC secretary Ian Cox said: “We will be objecting to the application.

“One of the reasons is because of the issue of access to the vets.”

In a letter to the local authority, KCC said: “The access to the vet from Kingswells will be via the AWPR roundabout.

“At peak times this will significantly increase travel times and could have significant effects on a sick pet.”


What did the vets have to say?



Two people have formally supported the application – including Ardene House Veterinary Hospital director Mark Bayliss, who said: “I welcome the addition of a local amenity.

“At present there is little variety or availability of food at lunchtime.

“This new food outlet area will be a welcome addition for all local staff and people using the new bypass.”



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10 minutes ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

Dundee’s new stadium to cost £15 - £18million, maybe another £2million if they’ve to pay for a new road. And it’s in Dundee!Not half way to Forfar.

It's almost as if different cities had different prices and availability of land?

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5 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

Dundee’s new stadium to cost £15 - £18million, maybe another £2million if they’ve to pay for a new road. And it’s in Dundee!Not half way to Forfar.

What are you going to be like if Cowdenbeath ever decide to build a new stadium?

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  • 1 month later...

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