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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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3 hours ago, diegomarahenry said:

Can Morton fans confirm what stage fan infighting starts during the Hopkin era? Just wanting a temperature check to see how far along we are. 

Morton fans are to infighting what Diego Armando Maradona was to left feet.

The only thing that takes the edge off our infighting is looking around to see if there are any immediate rivals on the verge of disarray... (a former manager -- or two! -- and a clutch of former players always a bonus).

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17 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

Keep buying kit

keep buying season tickets

keep donating to the AU500

keep sponsoring players

keep paying for cup games

keep paying for friendlies

Keep your mouth shut

Or don't, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, that's your choice.

What this looks like to me though is a concerted effort by a few individuals who quite obviously have an agenda against Hopkin / Smith to make the club out to be some sort of failing basket case of an operation, when in reality, given the evidence of the Hub, the ground improvements, the appointment of Duffy and the link up with Burnley, the exact opposite would appear to be the case.

Still, we must all be seeing different things............


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44 minutes ago, Finlay21 said:

Water off  a ducks back , best I leave all information now to official site ,, I will reply to any pms relating to issues , 

You were the one that kept us in the loop and gave us a little excitement. I don’t think people should blame you as one move never came through and as someone pointed out had Dunfermline not sold McManus he would probably be standing holding an ayr scarf above his head. 

People have been losing their head quite a lot but don’t take the hate too seriously. We are all frustrated recently but that shouldn’t be taken out on you! 

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46 minutes ago, Dauntless said:

I got told that we gave Toderov an improved offer which was probably in excess of £1000 a week .

There's probably plenty of decent players kicking about that'll play at Somerset for that every week. Chin up, still time yet. Hopkin surely wasn't living in sheer hope of signing Toderov and all his problems were gone 😊

There's a plan somewhere, He's just bring quiet about it because, like Toderov, players could be pinched by other teams. 

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2 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Or don't, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, that's your choice.

What this looks like to me though is a concerted effort by a few individuals who quite obviously have an agenda against Hopkin / Smith to make the club out to be some sort of failing basket case of an operation, when in reality, given the evidence of the Hub, the ground improvements, the appointment of Duffy and the link up with Burnley, the exact opposite would appear to be the case.

Still, we must all be seeing different things............


What you actually have is a group of fans that have seen the decline of the club over the last 12-18 months, Keeping Kerr probably 6 weeks longer than we should.

Seeing shysters like Zanatta and Walsh phone in performances and players like Smith and Hare-Reid be allowed to leave at critical points of the season with no plan to replace them.

Hiring a manager that failed at a club in the league, being open minded about him as long as he doesn’t replicate his failings at that club only for him to, at first play the same awful way, leading to us going out the Cup to a team struggling in the league below who played 6 games in a week, lose 4 scud in a “must win game” Unquestionably make the team worse, in terms of results and performance and as an added bonus, horrible to watch.

Again, fans were open minded, it wasn’t his team, he needed to rebuild, as long as he doesn’t sign players that failed him before. The first 3 signings were from his failed experiment at Morton. 

the Club launch a horrible, clunky website and ask fans to pay for it. It doesn’t work, they offer a voucher if you renew your season, then you can’t renew it through the website. Half the users have to create a new password every time they use it. But that doesn’t matter because they have stopped providing content or news anyway.

then you have the owner of the club, contacting a fan because of comments they made on here. 

but aye, just a couple of disgruntled fans with an agenda. Nothing to see here. 

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The truth -- for us, as much as for Ayr -- is that two exceptional signings can completely change the way a squad looks. I have to say that, although I'd have taken Todorov, I don't think he falls into that category. And you would be settling down to watching a long, long season of McGinty knocking it long to him (that'll probably happen anyway, even if your centre-forward is 5' 6"). If Moffat is going to play, surely he's better with quick, mobile players running off him?

I think you guys are reacting to the -- admittedly sair -- fact that Dunfermline have taken him as a squad option, whereas he would have been the main man at Ayr. This is going to happen to Ayr, Morton, QoS all summer; get used to it.

The thing that would really worry me about Hopkin is -- and this is just a hunch on my part, nothing itk -- that he gives the distinct impression of not being totally committed to this football manager thing. Everything fell into place for him at Livingston, but at Bradford and us, when it got really gnarly, I saw a guy who thought 'I don't need this' (he is reputed to be fairly wealthy).

It might turn (see 'two great signings', above), but I'll be surprised if he lasts the season... Enter the Duff...


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54 minutes ago, Finlay21 said:

Water off  a ducks back , best I leave all information now to official site ,, I will reply to any pms relating to issues , 

@Finlay21you are a legend, don't forget that. Your info is one of the reasons why I come on this site so often. We rely on your info because you are in the know and have a stronger affiliation with Ayr united than most. Chin up and carry on 😊 your a Honest Man 👍

Dam Park has 102 seats 😁 I counted them myself. 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne's man said:

Think that's a tad unfair. If @Finlay21 had saw the player kicking about at Somerset, obviously you would be led to believe that they'd either be signing or had already signed.

Let's establish a few more Thursday Facts™:

  • Being employed by a club doesn't make you privy to everything that happens there
  • Most #IKT content on football transfers from any source is conjecture at best or absolute bollocks most of the time
  • Dropping tidbits for clout is perfectly deserving of scorn if said tidbits don't pan out, whether its the Voice of Reason, someone on here, or Auld Shug from the barbers
  • If people do trust your info on the club then the best way to spoil that is to get it wrong
  • Ayr United Football Club doesn't get any prize for communication or transparency because someone outside of the club's chain of command happens to post on here, and it's a source of fairly constant embarrassment that the club's own website and social media are almost always the third or fourth place that publishes any official news

Would people (self included) be throwing faeces at the cage wall if this were some random transfer murmur, as opposed to literally the only signing that's even been discussed in over two weeks? Probably not. Which unfortunately makes it pretty much the worst time to have run with it.

20 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

What this looks like to me though is a concerted effort by a few individuals who quite obviously have an agenda against Hopkin / Smith to make the club out to be some sort of failing basket case of an operation, when in reality, given the evidence of the Hub, the ground improvements, the appointment of Duffy and the link up with Burnley, the exact opposite would appear to be the case.

It's never a proper banter year without some imbecile ginning up a stab-in-the-back campaign where Dark Forces Are Conspiring Against The Club And Their Virgin Daughters. I very much hope for the sake of the club that you're not a director posting on the down-low.

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The truth -- for us, as much as for Ayr -- is that two exceptional signings can completely change the way a squad looks. I have to say that, although I'd have taken Todorov, I don't think he falls into that category. And you would be settling down to watching a long, long season of McGinty knocking it long to him (that'll probably happen anyway, even if your centre-forward is 5' 6"). If Moffat is going to play, surely he's better with quick, mobile players running off him?
I think you guys are reacting to the -- admittedly sair -- fact that Dunfermline have taken him as a squad option, whereas he would have been the main man at Ayr. This is going to happen to Ayr, Morton, QoS all summer; get used to it.
The thing that would really worry me about Hopkin is -- and this is just a hunch on my part, nothing itk -- that he gives the distinct impression of not being totally committed to this football manager thing. Everything fell into place for him at Livingston, but at Bradford and us, when it got really gnarly, I saw a guy who thought 'I don't need this' (he is reputed to be fairly wealthy).
It might turn (see 'two great signings', above), but I'll be surprised if he lasts the season... Enter the Duff...
I think you hit the nail on the head a bit there with Hopkin, I think he wants to be a manager but does not need to be one, do the players all love him as he is one of the boys and he can tell them stories of Chelsea days and playoff final winners, only time will tell but this will be his last chance to make it as a manager if he fails with us he won't get another gig.
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15 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Or don't, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, that's your choice.

What this looks like to me though is a concerted effort by a few individuals who quite obviously have an agenda against Hopkin / Smith to make the club out to be some sort of failing basket case of an operation, when in reality, given the evidence of the Hub, the ground improvements, the appointment of Duffy and the link up with Burnley, the exact opposite would appear to be the case.

Still, we must all be seeing different things............


Away from the pitch we do seem to have changed course and are headed in a good direction. When it comes to the playing squad your description of basket case isn't too far off the mark. This isn't solely on Hopkin though and Kerr must take his fair share of blame.. Look at the course of travel from McCall leaving and the erosion of quality in our squad. Perhaps we were always going to head backward but the drop in standard is very noticeable. In another job Hopkin might have got more time but he took a gig where the fans needed to see improvement. Right now that certainly isn't the case and with his previous managerial history quite close to home then he needs to step up soon   

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On 15/06/2021 at 11:18, ayrunitedfw said:

Ayr v Kilmarnock is a far bigger game than Dunfermline v Raith so not quite sure why you are comparing them. the Ayrshire derby is arguably the 3rd or 4th biggest derby in Scotland behind the Old Firm, Edinburgh Derby and possibly the Dundee Derby. 

This is probably deranged stuff. Can’t imagine there’s a sentient being outside Ayrshire that thinks Ayr vs Killie is a bigger deal than Dundee vs United.

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2 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

The truth -- for us, as much as for Ayr -- is that two exceptional signings can completely change the way a squad looks. I have to say that, although I'd have taken Todorov, I don't think he falls into that category. And you would be settling down to watching a long, long season of McGinty knocking it long to him (that'll probably happen anyway, even if your centre-forward is 5' 6"). If Moffat is going to play, surely he's better with quick, mobile players running off him?

I think you guys are reacting to the -- admittedly sair -- fact that Dunfermline have taken him as a squad option, whereas he would have been the main man at Ayr. This is going to happen to Ayr, Morton, QoS all summer; get used to it.

The thing that would really worry me about Hopkin is -- and this is just a hunch on my part, nothing itk -- that he gives the distinct impression of not being totally committed to this football manager thing. Everything fell into place for him at Livingston, but at Bradford and us, when it got really gnarly, I saw a guy who thought 'I don't need this' (he is reputed to be fairly wealthy).

It might turn (see 'two great signings', above), but I'll be surprised if he lasts the season... Enter the Duff...


The easy options in the summer were to sign players out of contract from round about us. There is probably a list of 8-10 players on this thread that were viable targets for us that would have kept us top 6 if not higher. 
Ndaba was a long shot but the fact we signed the two from Morton so early suggests he wanted them and never considered Ndaba.

We have not been quoted for any of the available players that have moved on and Todorov was the last, competent free transfer domestically. 
so now we will have to look to the unknown, either signing a part time player hoping they can step up or signing English based players and having to pay them extra to move up of having them train down there and travel up on a Thursday. 
we have made things massively difficult for ourselves when it has seemed reasonably easy for the last 5. 

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51 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

Keep buying kit

keep buying season tickets

keep donating to the AU500

keep sponsoring players

keep paying for cup games

keep paying for friendlies

Keep your mouth shut

Skip number three and you could be a Falkirk Board Member.

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7 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Would people (self included) be throwing faeces at the cage wall if this were some random transfer murmur, as opposed to literally the only signing that's even been discussed in over two weeks? Probably not. Which unfortunately makes it pretty much the worst time to have run with it.

In fairness, it did give us as fans something to get excited about during what looks like depressing times ahead. 

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32 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Or don't, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything, that's your choice.

Also, George Smith, Sandy louden, Donnie McIntyre, Bill Barr, Donald Cameron, Lachlan Cameron.


All chairmen who have came and gone in my time following Ayr and I am still here.


my money doesn’t matter……go f**k yourself 

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4 minutes ago, Thumper said:

Let's establish a few more Thursday Facts™:

  • Being employed by a club doesn't make you privy to everything that happens there
  • Most #IKT content on football transfers from any source is conjecture at best or absolute bollocks most of the time
  • Dropping tidbits for clout is perfectly deserving of scorn if said tidbits don't pan out, whether its the Voice of Reason, someone on here, or Auld Shug from the barbers
  • If people do trust your info on the club then the best way to spoil that is to get it wrong
  • Ayr United Football Club doesn't get any prize for communication or transparency because someone outside of the club's chain of command happens to post on here, and it's a source of fairly constant embarrassment that the club's own website and social media are almost always the third or fourth place that publishes any official news

Would people (self included) be throwing faeces at the cage wall if this were some random transfer murmur, as opposed to literally the only signing that's even been discussed in over two weeks? Probably not. Which unfortunately makes it pretty much the worst time to have run with it.

It's never a proper banter year without some imbecile ginning up a stab-in-the-back campaign where Dark Forces Are Conspiring Against The Club And Their Virgin Daughters. I very much hope for the sake of the club that you're not a director posting on the down-low.

Are they  actually employed by the club though? Perhaps they are just a volunteer who helps out and speaks to people in passing. On his occasion things didn't pan out  but over the last few years most of the signing information shared  has turned out to be accurate. If they are just a fan passing on info then not sure the scrutiny is deserved

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10 minutes ago, Cardle is Magic said:

This is probably deranged stuff. Can’t imagine there’s a sentient being outside Ayrshire that thinks Ayr vs Killie is a bigger deal than Dundee vs United.

Nobody from south of Fife even knows where Tayside is. Also it isn't even a real rivalry, the grounds are literally back to back with one another. You need to be able to go home and froth with resentment in your own town for a real rivalry to develop.

Or failing that, Chick Young.

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5 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

The easy options in the summer were to sign players out of contract from round about us. There is probably a list of 8-10 players on this thread that were viable targets for us that would have kept us top 6 if not higher. 
Ndaba was a long shot but the fact we signed the two from Morton so early suggests he wanted them and never considered Ndaba.

We have not been quoted for any of the available players that have moved on and Todorov was the last, competent free transfer domestically. 
so now we will have to look to the unknown, either signing a part time player hoping they can step up or signing English based players and having to pay them extra to move up of having them train down there and travel up on a Thursday. 
we have made things massively difficult for ourselves when it has seemed reasonably easy for the last 5. 

There are still a number of highly desirable players floating around if, as suggested, you're willing to push beyond a grand a week... I'm not going to name them, because that seems to be the key lesson of this section of the thread (waves to @Finlay21.

I'm hoping (!) that Morton's avowed 'quality over quantity' approach (yeah, I know) means that we're setting aside two or three wages that are above the general level we're paying (and way above what we're paying some of the younger players). That takes you into an entirely different section of the market, whether it's for a loan or a permanent signing.

As I said, two of those (plus maybe two good players from the Burnley link-up) and you're looking like a totally different proposition.

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