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1 hour ago, Marten said:

I'm originally from The Netherlands and played 4 years in senior Dutch non-league football as a left back. I'm a British citizen now and therefore eligible to play for Scotland. Should I consider coming out of retirement?

No. Brexit means Brexit.


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57 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

School classes where children are encouraged not to achieve in case it upsets the slower ones, and sports where there are no winners , only participants, encourages a mind set of ‘ that’ll do’.  Our historical risk taking, entrepreneurial spirit has been managed out of us over the past 40 years of striving for egalitarianism.


Aim for the best at all times and we may recover!

local under 9 team , managers says its just  fun, a winning mentality as to be drummed into them soon as poss, thats why the team get beat 11-1,  13-1 every other week

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Wasn't the '78 plan that we'd have a team of Diego McClumphas by now?
The Tartan Army must have been firing blanks. No way thousands of pasty overweight Scots didn't get their hole among the sultry senoritas of South America.
Is this the type you're after ?

Carlos, born 10 years before his time.

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I remember Carlos MacAllister from one of the World Cup sticker albums of yesteryear. According to Wikipedia, he's never been here, but would like to visit someday.

Boy couldnae look more Scottish if he tried, so good luck to him. Folk will think he's just showing off with all that fancy Spanish talk  :P

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Maybe if we allowed our young kids to experience winning from a young age and not just time on the park. Telling young kids that the score doesn't matter breeds a losing mentality. I'm all for getting kids involved but if they're shite they're shite, stop holding the good kids back.

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I don't really buy this "encouraged to go abroad" narrative. If foreign clubs made the same bids for Celtic players that they do for Dinamo Zagreb players then Scotland would have guys at top clubs all over Europe. Players and clubs more often than not follow the money, that's why O'Connor went to Moscow, why Miller went to Bergen and why (not Scots,I know) Flood wanted to go to Indonesia. If the bids come in, the players will go.

Scots players on the whole just aren't as good as Croats. That's why the Croatian team play for top clubs and ours don't.

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1 hour ago, pleslie99 said:

Maybe if we allowed our young kids to experience winning from a young age and not just time on the park. Telling young kids that the score doesn't matter breeds a losing mentality. I'm all for getting kids involved but if they're shite they're shite, stop holding the good kids back.

Belgium "One of the findings in the university research was that there was far too much emphasis on winning and not enough on development. "

Croatia: "Our boys do not play in real competitions until they are 12 or 13, and even then the result is not everything." 

Denmark "More youngsters will become successful football players if they are allowed to have fun rather than focusing on results. "

Iceland: "Football clubs are community-focused. They allow anyone to join, regardless of ability."


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The continent don't want them as they aren't good enough though.  Our problems obvious start at the earliest stages but f**k that. Shteevie G's here now and If Celtic get out of their Champions League group the Scottish game will be well on the way to recovery.
Also true that things go wrong early. There are a few real reasons for this and it's the same reasons we've been going on about for years:

Lack of investment in facilities is an ongoing problem. And even when we do, we price clubs and kids out of using these

Lack of top class coaching. Ultimately Scotland trails a number of other small nations in the number of Pro Licence and A Licence qualified coaches. This is where Iceland have got it bang on for example. The more high quality coaching throughout younger years, the better potential our elite players will gain.

Lack of first team opportunities between 18 and 21. Too often in Scottish football, our managers would rather sign an absolutely shite diddy from England on loan instead of playing our younger players. There are honourable exceptions to this rule with Motherwell and Accies being examples.

An often perceived poor attitude among younger players. This often manifests itself through lack of tactical awareness and accusations of poor workrate. Messers Watt and Burke

Ultimately we've been talking about these problems ad nauseam for nearing 30 years. When push comes to shove our clubs (who all make up the Scottish FA) have shown relatively little appetite to change and improve. They are now deservedly reaping their rewards of these decades of failing to tackle the real issues - both the clubs and national team are utter irrelevances on the European and International stages.

The SFA performance schools and Project Brave stuff is a start but even they don't tackle crap facilities and lack of first team opportunities.
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9 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

It certainly isn't now, where a move to their is seen primarily as an achievement rather than a stepping stone to better things.

This is a big part of it, I think. Young Scottish players are content to sit on an Old Firm bench or move down south to the Championship/League One for more money and disappear into obscurity, and never mind developing as a player.

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In Scotland we punish skill, enthusiasm, intelligence and hard work.

Good at football are you? Aye but yer missing out on bevvy wae the lads tho... Only young once get yersel away tae Shagaluf!

Social attitudes in this country fucking stink.

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4 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:

Belgium "One of the findings in the university research was that there was far too much emphasis on winning and not enough on development. "

Croatia: "Our boys do not play in real competitions until they are 12 or 13, and even then the result is not everything." 

Denmark "More youngsters will become successful football players if they are allowed to have fun rather than focusing on results. "

Iceland: "Football clubs are community-focused. They allow anyone to join, regardless of ability."


Yes I can't believe I'm still reading on here folk harping on about kids not having a winning mentality. That's an argument from 20 years ago, and it was shite then.

It was Andy Roxburgh, who was quite well ahead of his time, who came out with the soccer sevens  and fun fours games for under 12's, with emphasis on learning the game and developing technique, rather than teams filling up with the biggest kids, kicking the ball the furthest and winning 12-1. 

Come to16 and these kids can barely control a ball and have no technical ability at all, because no-one has ever encouraged them to try to take a touch in a crowded midfield, or to try to build from the back, or try a cruyff turn.. all in case they lose the ball and the opposition might score.  

For these dinosaurs who are claiming the problem with our game is that kids don't play competitively, and are not encouraged enough to win, tell me all the Scottish matches you have seen where you sat thinking "this isn't competitive enough" or "they really need to put more effort into trying to win" .

Because on the flip side, I'll give you tonnes of examples every week of professional Scottish matches where you could sit there thinking the technique was poor, players didn't try to get the ball down enough, players lacked vision or awareness etc etc.

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12 hours ago, gruppenfuhrer said:

local under 9 team , managers says its just  fun, a winning mentality as to be drummed into them soon as poss, thats why the team get beat 11-1,  13-1 every other week

For every team that gets beat 13-1 another must win 13-1 so someone's getting it right.

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Small things like taking the goalposts away from public parks during the summer when schools are out, "no ball games", they are actively discouraging kids from going outside and kicking a ball with their pals. Boys clubs charging for training etc 


We used to build our own goals made out of wood and stolen net and simply had to hammer them into the holes left in the ground at the park to get a proper kickabout during the summer.

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17 hours ago, gruppenfuhrer said:

local under 9 team , managers says its just  fun, a winning mentality as to be drummed into them soon as poss, thats why the team get beat 11-1,  13-1 every other week


12 hours ago, pleslie99 said:

Maybe if we allowed our young kids to experience winning from a young age and not just time on the park. Telling young kids that the score doesn't matter breeds a losing mentality. I'm all for getting kids involved but if they're shite they're shite, stop holding the good kids back.

Both posts are complete and uttet shite. 

Absolute dinosaur stuff. And also outright lies as well.

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18 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

School classes where children are encouraged not to achieve in case it upsets the slower ones, and sports where there are no winners , only participants, encourages a mind set of ‘ that’ll do’.  Our historical risk taking, entrepreneurial spirit has been managed out of us over the past 40 years of striving for egalitarianism.


Aim for the best at all times and we may recover!

Good Lord.

That's a tremendous amount of absolute shite to cram into one short post - most impressive.


Any evidence of these school classes where children are encouraged not to achieve?

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On ‎10‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 17:28, beefybake said:

These have been having...

Uruguay :          Population  3.397   Million
Croatia :            Population  4.171   Million
Costa Rica :     Population  4.857   Million
Denmark   :      Population   5.7    Million
Iceland   :          Population   0.3    Million
And why not...?     How Do They Do It...?

Aye, but did any of them suffer a secondary school-teachers strike in 1985?

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1 hour ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Any evidence of these school classes where children are encouraged not to achieve?

Tbf, some primary school sports days local to me are a joke nowadays - that's when they're not postponed outright for unremarkable (and inaccurate) weather forecasts.

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